Al Franken endorses Liz Cheney, jokes it will 'carry weight' with Wyoming Republicans

Cheney and her family hate conservatives now. They took the low road. Al Franken lied his butt off calling conservatives "lying liars," when he never told the truth to beat up on his competition. Cheney earned nothing but the high-five of Class A-1 deceivers using blood money to kill off conservatives. I know what's ahead if the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Pelosi cartel continues on their drunken path to total control freak "socialism" for America. Their mistake is thinking we won't fight back. Oh, but we will. God is on the side of the progeny of the founders both physical and spiritual. I wouldn't be the elite swamp of this nation for the world, because God is on the side of President Trump and his followers who the elite plan on doing away with fiscally and materially. They're working for the antiChrist, and they aren't going to win in the end. Schumer is going to be very surprised when he's the one who won't know what hit him, not one of ours who was used as his chew toy. The angels of God are already in place around his chosen as he blesses Americans who are his beloved in these days of chastisement. Cheney has gone a bridge too far in her engagement to the left. If she accepted only one of Pelosi's gold pens, I'm sorry, but it will burn a hole in her heart along with the fakirs in Congress who rejoiced when they falsely accused President Trump of impeachable offenses. :cranky: There will be consequences because the spirit of the founders are loved by Almighty God. And I'm sorry, but those who side with the Devil have Hell to pay, and Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Maxine Waters are his handmaidens.
mindless idiocy. She just isn't a liar duh...
Franken was caught on tape sexually harassment the woman. Photographic evidence.
It was a photo, a funny photo, and he didn't DO anything. When I think of the awful @MeToo stuff some of these horrible men have done, and compare the innocent joking of Al Franken, it's just so sad they made him resign. It was wrong.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so enamored with the Liz bitch.

Yes, she has the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome the same as the stupid Moon Bats because Trump refused to kiss the ass of her RINO father.

However, she mostly voted as a Conservative against crazy and destructive Democrat crap. Democrats shouldn't like that.

It is evident TDS is a debilitation illness that cause severe mental cognitive problems.
How so?
Franken left politics.
Cheney just got voted out.
You having problems with denial today, I see.
She will run against Trump lol. He was good hosting Jimmy Kimmel last night. Smart are total losers....along with the orange clown and crazy Giuliani...
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are so enamored with the Liz bitch.

Yes, she has the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome the same as the stupid Moon Bats because Trump refused to kiss the ass of her RINO father.

However, she mostly voted as a Conservative against crazy and destructive Democrat crap. Democrats shouldn't like that.

It is evident TDS is a debilitation illness that cause severe mental cognitive problems.
Lying dictator wannabe con men scum get what they deserve thank god...try reality....
Running against your criminal clown...not a lying POS, dupe.
So you think Cheney has a chance at Prez after getting her ass kicked in her home state?!

laughing hilariously.jpg

Let me guess, you're a member of that new TDS-suffering Anti-Trump group Cheney said after her loss that she started up.

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She will run against Trump lol. He was good hosting Jimmy Kimmel last night. Smart are total losers....along with the orange clown and crazy Giuliani...
The batshit craya loon just got beat 2:1 in her home state.

The only running she will do is to the fridge for more ice cream.
She will run against Trump lol. He was good hosting Jimmy Kimmel last night. Smart are total losers....along with the orange clown and crazy Giuliani...

I'm really enjoying watching you suck off the daughter of a right-wing war criminal.

Dick thanks you.

That describes this President Potatohead that stole an election from the American people very well.

Thank you.
So every court in the country and everyone in the world is a corrupt conspiracy lol. You are technically insane. 60% of the GOP is 25% of the country, going down daily. Try reality some day...
I'm really enjoying watching you suck off the daughter of a right-wing war criminal.

Dick thanks you.

I would never vote for the GOP savage capitalist liar (liar I suppose). But not a semi-traitor like you poor duped schnooks dissing elections vaxxes courts fbi Biden god knows what without evidence....Poor America...Change the channel.
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mindless idiocy. She just isn't a liar duh...
She bought the DNC gotcha farm. You can't fool the people of the Equality State too many times. I'm certain some of them mentioned to her she was mistaken about the Steel Dossier's lies. They were untrue in every way.
BTW, Cheney actually lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and really should be running for office there.

Of course she won't as the libs in Fairfax would tell her to go fuck herself.

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