Liz Cheney Calls Wyoming Voters 'Sick' For Not Voting Her Back Into Office

For HER loss, Cheney blamed Wyoming voters - her constituents, Republicans, and Donald Trump...just about everyone except HERSELF.

Poor Liz! After losing by almost 40 points, she didn't even get a Participation Trophy.


She is 200% right. The republican Party has become the American Nazi Party. Wyoming is nothing but Trump trash.
Liz Cheney has turned out to be a self-centered bitter shrew.
Turned out?

She has never been anything but her daddy's girl, never wanted for anything in her life, and is just a extension of W's (her dad's really) establishment administration policy wise. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Why do you think The Turtle was grooming her for a Senate seat? That's the exact type he wants in the gop. Those that he can control or someone he could have turned things over to when his time is done to perpetuate that control.

I remember thinking when they transplanted her ass to WY it would end badly......Nobody really likes a Cheney after they have had a belly full of them.....Or a McCain for that matter.

Liz Cheney Calls Wyoming Voters 'Sick' For Not Voting Her Back Into Office​

Now THERE'S a smart way to boost your political career! Spoken like a true Democrat. Now whenever you hear people griping that they don't see enough difference in choosing between the parties, you'll know exactly what they are talking about!
Turned out?

She has never been anything but her daddy's girl, never wanted for anything in her life, and is just a extension of W's (her dad's really) establishment administration policy wise. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Why do you think The Turtle was grooming her for a Senate seat? That's the exact type he wants in the gop. Those that he can control or someone he could have turned things over to when his time is done to perpetuate that control.

I remember thinking when they transplanted her ass to WY it would end badly......Nobody really likes a Cheney after they have had a belly full of them.....Or a McCain for that matter.
it is people like that that help make Trump rise

people are fed up

and the ones who are not are not paying attn...

too busy with (what O'Reilly always called) the machines...
She called the slavish devotion of the leadership sick.

The same people who condemned Trump after Jan 6 and them kissed the ring
Now THERE'S a smart way to boost your political career! Spoken like a true Democrat. Now whenever you hear people griping that they don't see enough difference in choosing between the parties, you'll know exactly what they are talking about!
i would bet my IQ is at least 20 points above hers

for one thing, you can TELL she isn't too bright.. Even if a politician thought tht, he'd be a fool to say it..
For HER loss, Cheney blamed Wyoming voters - her constituents, Republicans, and Donald Trump...just about everyone except HERSELF.

Poor Liz! After losing by almost 40 points, she didn't even get a Participation Trophy.


When you jump into bed with the left, it just never ends well. Ask the disgraced McCain. Never missed a chance to trash his party. Took on Trump and lost. Now remembered as a petty embarrassing failure.
here's my definition of "sick"

twists people's words to try to get them in trouble (Trump's words)
selectively refers to the Constitution--only when it serves self (exactly like the dimrats)
expects everyone to hate whom she hates, even though she never was clear what was so bad about Trump except maybe he didn't like the election being stolen from him

THAT is sick

so yeh, the word Projection comes to mind...
I just saw her giving a speech (ugh) comparing herself to Abraham Lincoln, I kid you not!!
I disagree. The only issue period that motivated people in Wyoming to vote against Liz Cheney was "her personal vendetta against Trump." They were far more concerned with that than anything having to do with Wyoming.
Are you serious? You really can't put this together? If you have a personal vendetta against Trump, then you are not spending your time on issues that affect Wyoming. Does that help?
Well, so much for her political career then. Talk about being out of touch with her constituents, how could she not know how unpopular her agenda was. She's made such an ass of herself that I doubt she could get elected in WY or anyplace else.
The only place that would elect her dog catcher is Jackson... Daddy owns the Town.
The Dems should finance a write-in campaign for her. Not a third party, she should claim to represent the "not sick" wing of the GOP. They can tryout some of their anti-Trump ads and see what the focus groups like.

Shotgun Dick could do more commercials for her. Comedy gold!

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