Al Franken Mocks Conservative Student

Who says liberals don't have a sense of humor?

Making fun of facial ticks sure is grown-up.

So do you believe the young GOPer or do you believe AL? I don’t think much of the incident. Switch party affiliations and the story could have easily been an incident between Coulter and an NDCer. As a whole, I don’t see much difference in class or character between Democrats and Republicans.
relate to the issue, this is about al frankens actions not ann coulters.

im not surprised at anything al does, if he could shoot conservatives, he would

So do you believe the young GOPer or do you believe AL? I don’t think much of the incident. Switch party affiliations and the story could have easily been an incident between Coulter and an NDCer. As a whole, I don’t see much difference in class or character between Democrats and Republicans.
relate to the issue, this is about al frankens actions not ann coulters.

im not surprised at anything al does, if he could shoot conservatives, he would

Was that comment supposed to be funny – like Coulter’s comment suggesting that the New York Times should be bombed – or was it a fact? If it was a fact, please provide proof. Otherwise, I don’t find such comments to be funny.
The terrorists should have bombed George Bush’s Texas home. Ha ha he he. Can’t you take a joke. :confused:
this thread is not about ann coulter, if you wanna make a thread about ann coulter, go ahead, and ill discuss everything you have said so far.

Was that comment supposed to be funny – like Coulter’s comment suggesting that the New York Times should be bombed – or was it a fact? If it was a fact, please provide proof. Otherwise, I don’t find such comments to be funny.

Do i look like a comedian to you?, i dont like you NOT relating to the issue, and excusing bad behavior by pointing out someone elses bad behavior
this thread is not about ann coulter, if you wanna make a thread about ann coulter, go ahead, and ill discuss everything you have said so far.

Whoopie. Okay. I’ll stick to the issue. Al Franken was rude to a GOP supporter. Big deal.

Do i look like a comedian to you?, i dont like you NOT relating to the issue, and excusing bad behavior by pointing out someone elses bad behavior

So, you claim that if Al could shoot conservatives, he would do so. How is that relevant to the article? Being rude to someone is far from shooting him. Anyway, you suggest that you were not trying to be funny when you made that comment. Therefore, I challenge you on your claim. Please provide a link from a credible source that supports such an allegation. Examples of Al being rude simply do not count. Does he ever say in a serious tone that he wants to shoot conservatives? If so, where?
oh oops, i was joking.

and sorry that im so anal retentive.

now about ann, she is a dousche bag.

Whoopie. Okay. I’ll stick to the issue. Al Franken was rude to a GOP supporter. Big deal.

So, you claim that if Al could shoot conservatives, he would do so. How is that relevant to the article? Being rude to someone is far from shooting him. Anyway, you suggest that you were not trying to be funny when you made that comment. Therefore, I challenge you on your claim. Please provide a link from a credible source that supports such an allegation. Examples of Al being rude simply do not count. Does he ever say in a serious tone that he wants to shoot conservatives? If so, where?
Yeah, their both too much with their comments for me, but I believe their both smart people, both passionate, sorry again for being so rigid.

youre cool with me mate

Okay. You had me going there for a minute. Okay. Al should not have behaved as he did. Ann goes over the top sometimes too. Fair enough.

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