Al Gore: Impeachment Is the Only Remedy for Trump’s ‘Obscene Behavior’

How else do you explain the fact that 90% of incumbents win re-election?

Ignorance. But that can be addressed and improved.

How else do you explain the fact that when a politician publicly fucks up half the people blame the opposition party instead of blaming the politician that fucked up?

A combination of out of control political polarization and an overall apathy towards holding people accountable for their actions. Admittedly, these are society driven issues. We elect the shit bags we deserve. That won't change.

The two major political crime families have perfected the science of controlling the citizenry to a T, the "divide and conquer" stratagem they've come up with is brilliant.

Until it topples and breaks, crushing the dead weight, which is the outcome I'm all for. This kind of governance doesn't seem sustainable in the long run without some sort of reform. Stagnation will require it. Our government might need an enema, but I don't believe we need to declare the patient terminal just yet.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Meh, he is just still butt hurt over the spanking he got on '08.
Trump’s war on women is at an all-time high, but we must remember what we’re capable of when we join together against hate. We’ve won before and this time is no different.

WOMEN WILL DIE AND TRUMP DOESN'T CARE! Doesn't he care about women dying? he doesn't! for that alone he must be IMPEAAAAAAAAAACHED!


You are such a drama queen. There is no war, it is all manufactured in the minds of the left wing nuts. Go ahead and impeach and I will guarantee you the first shot the right has to impeach, they will do so and it won't have to be over anything legit, that is why Pelosi is putting the brakes on this stuff. It is really going down a road that won't serve the nation well.
How else do you explain the fact that 90% of incumbents win re-election?

Ignorance. But that can be addressed and improved.
Take a look around you, it's getting worse not better, the average citizen today doesn't have any clue relative to how our system of government works, its history or what the hell their elected representatives are actually supposed to be doing.

That's why our politics is so fucked up, it's a reflection of US.

How else do you explain the fact that when a politician publicly fucks up half the people blame the opposition party instead of blaming the politician that fucked up?

A combination of out of control political polarization and an overall apathy towards holding people accountable for their actions. Admittedly, these are society driven issues. We elect the shit bags we deserve. That won't change.

The two major political crime families have perfected the science of controlling the citizenry to a T, the "divide and conquer" stratagem they've come up with is brilliant.

Until it topples and breaks, crushing the dead weight, which is the outcome I'm all for. This kind of governance doesn't seem sustainable in the long run without some sort of reform. Stagnation will require it. Our government might need an enema, but I don't believe we need to declare the patient terminal just yet.

Bottom line is, IMHO if you want to see our likely future look at the history of previous Great Empires, I'd recommend paying particular attention to the Romans and how the state and the individual citizenry operated in the late Empire period.

The nation-state model has never proven to be scale-able and I'm afraid the United States has just about reached our limits, that along with the decadence and apathy of the citizenry will ultimately do us in.:dunno:

We had a good run though.

"History is only the pattern of silken slippers descending the stairs to the thunder of hobnailed boots climbing upward from below." -- François-Marie Arouet: Voltaire
Trump’s war on women is at an all-time high, but we must remember what we’re capable of when we join together against hate. We’ve won before and this time is no different.

WOMEN WILL DIE AND TRUMP DOESN'T CARE! Doesn't he care about women dying? he doesn't! for that alone he must be IMPEAAAAAAAAAACHED!

what the fk is this supposed to be? another ranting leftist? my god you all have issues. you have no real world emotions. none, I have animals that have much more awareness of the world.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.
yes they did. what are they for trump?
Really? What are they? Is there a list?
sure, tell me what is his high crime and misdemeanors.
I already did. In fact, you have it quoted in your post. High crime or misdemeanor according to the Constitution is whatever Congress decides at their own discretion. You claim something else, so, provide your list.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.
yes they did. what are they for trump?
Really? What are they? Is there a list?
sure, tell me what is his high crime and misdemeanors.
I already did. In fact, you have it quoted in your post. High crime or misdemeanor according to the Constitution is whatever Congress decides at their own discretion. You claim something else, so, provide your list.
so if he wipes his ass with the wrong hand? picks his boogers with the wrong finger? Got it, so really what it is is telling 63 million people to fk off
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR...

WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
And you have proof of this?
Or are you simply buying into the lies from house Democrats?


It's what is in the Mueller's report, and it's what Lewandowski testified to as being true yesterday.

Here is the report, all of this is on Page 91-93 of Volume II:

You guys are totally clueless.
If it's in the God Damned report what's the motherfucking Congressional investigation for? Dumbass.
Mueller had the power to issue GD indictments, but did not.
Any crimes he claimed took place was pure speculation and the failure to issue indictments was a clear indication of this.
You’re a foreigner so why do you care about American politics?

I'm a vote casting American, living in the US of A.

If you have no real reply, then just fuck off - your thread's premise is nonsense.

I was just asking. Why so bitter? So you're an American citizen?

Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cossack too.
I'm a vote casting American, living in the US of A.

If you have no real reply, then just fuck off - your thread's premise is nonsense.

I was just asking. Why so bitter? So you're an American citizen?

Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
I was just asking. Why so bitter? So you're an American citizen?

Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.
Trump is a buffoon and an embarrassment, but those aren't impeachable offenses.

They're more of a symptom of a culture in decay. That's more worrisome than anything else.
Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.

Or just retarded lol
Since when is "You are a foreigner" a question??

Your comment was completely rediculous. Instead of actually disagreeing with what I said, you started spreading falsehoods about me.

I've been an American citizen for 15+ years now.

15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.

Moron, what socialism?

Is there a rule somewhere requiring rightwingers to constantly make up bullshit about people out of thin air?
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WTF? Why can't obscene baviour also be high crime and misdemeanors.

It's an obscene behavior for Trump to abuse his office powers to subvert the justice process, it's also a high crime called Obstruction of Justice.
Subvert the Justice process?????
WTF does that mean......give specific details

There are many instances with many details, here is one example, that was the subject of yesterday's Congressional hearing.

Trump orderered Lewandawski to deliver a message to AG Sessions that he is to unrecuse and force limits on the Special Council's investigation to make it only about future elections (which would effectively end investigation into Trump and his campaign) and that if Sessions would not do it Trump will fire him.

That is a clear intent and action taken to abuse his official powers to interfere with an ongoing investigation.
And you have proof of this?
Or are you simply buying into the lies from house Democrats?


It's what is in the Mueller's report, and it's what Lewandowski testified to as being true yesterday.

Here is the report, all of this is on Page 91-93 of Volume II:

You guys are totally clueless.
If it's in the God Damned report what's the motherfucking Congressional investigation for? Dumbass.
Mueller had the power to issue GD indictments, but did not.
Any crimes he claimed took place was pure speculation and the failure to issue indictments was a clear indication of this.

Congressional investigation is to educate clueless fools like you what is in the report. To hear directly from the characters involved tell the American people what happened.

Pure speculation? You are out on the fucking moon - it’s blatant Obstruction dupe.

Mueller believed he could not indict a sitting president as per guidelines he was operating under, that job is up to Congress and that power is called impeachment.
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15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.

Moron, what socialism?

Is there a rule somewhere requiring rightwingers to constantly make up bullshit about people out of thin air?

Quiet traitor. Go and worship at the temple of Omar.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!
After being wrong on every prediction he made about Global Warming, why would anyone listen to a thing this loser has to say?

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