Al Gore: Impeachment Is the Only Remedy for Trump’s ‘Obscene Behavior’

Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!

Dumbass, it’s not about Trump the persona. It’s about him breaking the law and disqualifying himself from the high position he holds.

Aside from that, I’d always take an honest conservative nut over a pathological liar like Trump desecrating the institution of Presidency.

I’m not saying that Pence is honest, but Trump makes regular politicians like him look like saints.
15 years? Yet you spell behavior like a foreigner, hence I asked. There is no "u" in America. Are you from Canada or the UK originally?

Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.

Moron, what socialism?

Is there a rule somewhere requiring rightwingers to constantly make up bullshit about people out of thin air?
Says the moron that acts like he's been living under a fucking rock for the last couple of years.
Gore is spot on. Our founders left the interpretation of High Crimes and Misdemeanors up to Congress.
Not really.
But i recall Al Gore was accused of sexual misconduct on more than one occasion by massage therapists.
Yes, really. If Congress decides constant lying and misinforming the American public is a High Crime, constant lying and misinforming the American public will be a High Crime. They should have done it with LBJ.
Problem with that is you have to clearly define which lies, and prove they really are lies. But since most of Trump's "lies" are purely opinions misstatements, or based on opposition to his policies, its doubtful you could prove intentional wrongdoing like you could with Hillary or Obama's fabrications.

But in all honesty.....ask yourselves what politicians can function without lying.

Trump’s lies are not “opinions”, they’re lies. Lies about crowd size, lies about being wire-tapped, about the Mueller Investigation having no basis in fact, these are lies. Very dangerous lies at that.

Trumps lies, which are right out of the dictators’ playbook, are intended to undermine the institutions put in place to protect the citizens from criminals and corruption.

Trump is undermining the press and the justice department so that the American public neither trusts nor believes them, so that he Americans have no one to believe in but him.

Lies about crowd size are “very dangerous” lies? You sound like you are deranged.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!

Dumbass, it’s not about Trump the persona. It’s about him breaking the law and disqualifying himself from the high position he holds.

Aside from that, I’d always take an honest conservative nut over a pathological liar like Trump desecrating the institution of Presidency.

I’m not saying that Pence is honest, but Trump makes regular politicians like him look like saints.

Sure and you call me the dumbass...

When the GOP impeached Clinton it backfired on them just like it will on Democrats and yes Bill Clinton was dishonest to the point he attacked Iraq on the eve of his impeachment in the House...

Now you will scream the impeachment of the Blow Job while ignoring the fact Clinton lied under oath to Congress, so when you call Trump dishonest while it is known you voted for Bill Clinton, well what a damn hypocrite you are...
we don't like to be told the truth relative to how fucked up government is and how corrupt and incompetent the people we elect really are.

Who's 'we'? You're speaking on your own behalf here.

'We' is Me + the 327.2 million voices in my head, we're all responsible for voting these pathological liars into office again and again and again and again and again; giving rise to the theory that we prefer "leaders" that are pathological liars.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope." -- George Carlin

Thank you. One of my favorite jokes from my favorite comedian. But at the end of the day, it is still a joke. I think we should avoid the constant pessimism regarding our political system because right now it's all we got. Somewhere, the voting public forgot these fucking lying fucks work for us and their agendas to continue to further our division must not be tolerated.

I agree, the politicians have forgotten who they work for. Now, which candidate running in this election cycle believes they work for the people? So far, I see none of them as doing so and the same thing happened in 2016.

I am very pessimistic about out future, the two party system is hurting America.
we don't like to be told the truth relative to how fucked up government is and how corrupt and incompetent the people we elect really are.

Who's 'we'? You're speaking on your own behalf here.

'We' is Me + the 327.2 million voices in my head, we're all responsible for voting these pathological liars into office again and again and again and again and again; giving rise to the theory that we prefer "leaders" that are pathological liars.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope." -- George Carlin

Thank you. One of my favorite jokes from my favorite comedian. But at the end of the day, it is still a joke. I think we should avoid the constant pessimism regarding our political system because right now it's all we got. Somewhere, the voting public forgot these fucking lying fucks work for us and their agendas to continue to further our division must not be tolerated.

I agree, the politicians have forgotten who they work for. Now, which candidate running in this election cycle believes they work for the people? So far, I see none of them as doing so and the same thing happened in 2016.

I am very pessimistic about out future, the two party system is hurting America.

Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!

Dumbass, it’s not about Trump the persona. It’s about him breaking the law and disqualifying himself from the high position he holds.

Aside from that, I’d always take an honest conservative nut over a pathological liar like Trump desecrating the institution of Presidency.

I’m not saying that Pence is honest, but Trump makes regular politicians like him look like saints.

Sure and you call me the dumbass...

When the GOP impeached Clinton it backfired on them just like it will on Democrats and yes Bill Clinton was dishonest to the point he attacked Iraq on the eve of his impeachment in the House...

Now you will scream the impeachment of the Blow Job while ignoring the fact Clinton lied under oath to Congress, so when you call Trump dishonest while it is known you voted for Bill Clinton, well what a damn hypocrite you are...

Stop making up bullshit.

There were real grounds for impeachment of Clinton, but not enough in the Senate were convinced that we should remove the president for lying about sexual mis-adventures. But even so, his impeachment in the House and disbarment is still a stain on his presidency and a reminder to would-be law breakers that there will be consequences for these shanadigans.

When you take a look at all the shit Trump was up to, like pressuring the FBI director and AG Sessions to drop investigation and then firing them for not going along, it's clear that this is a whole other level of law breaking.
Hey Sherlock Holmes, here is a clue for you - it's called a typo. I spell behavior as behavior.

I'm originally from Russia.
I suspected that. Probably a Cassock too.

Nope. He is a traitor.
And retarded.......any Russian who wants Socialism has to be a retarded Cossack.

Moron, what socialism?

Is there a rule somewhere requiring rightwingers to constantly make up bullshit about people out of thin air?
Says the moron that acts like he's been living under a fucking rock for the last couple of years.

I'm laughing at your crazy nonsense.

Looking at this statement 70 years later it should be obvious with anyone without a tin-foil hat on that Norman Thomas was OBVIOUSLY wrong. DUH

Never mind America, even among liberals private ownership and other general capitalistic aspects of economy are still strongly valued. Socialist platform adaptation is obviously not going so well, even if the word "socialism" itself lost some stigma it got from association with Red China and USSR.
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Al Gore is the moron who couldn't even beat George Bush after 8 years as Clinton's VP. His opinions are meaningless.
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!

Dumbass, it’s not about Trump the persona. It’s about him breaking the law and disqualifying himself from the high position he holds.

Aside from that, I’d always take an honest conservative nut over a pathological liar like Trump desecrating the institution of Presidency.

I’m not saying that Pence is honest, but Trump makes regular politicians like him look like saints.

Sure and you call me the dumbass...

When the GOP impeached Clinton it backfired on them just like it will on Democrats and yes Bill Clinton was dishonest to the point he attacked Iraq on the eve of his impeachment in the House...

Now you will scream the impeachment of the Blow Job while ignoring the fact Clinton lied under oath to Congress, so when you call Trump dishonest while it is known you voted for Bill Clinton, well what a damn hypocrite you are...

Stop making up bullshit.

There were real grounds for impeachment of Clinton, but not enough in the Senate were convinced that we should remove the president for lying about sexual mis-adventures. But even so, his impeachment in the House and disbarment is still a stain on his presidency and a reminder to would-be law breakers that there will be consequences for these shanadigans.

When you take a look at all the shit Trump was up to, like pressuring the FBI director and AG Sessions to drop investigation and then firing them for not going along, it's clear that this is a whole other level of law breaking.

Aww, Hillary would be upset with you forgetting Lynch willingness to forget her crimes...

Funny how Trump is bad and yet the Clinton's can be forgiven quickly...

Also what did I write that was made up in my response?

You love liars and crooks as long as they are Democrat..
Hey Al.....we all know of high crimes and misdemeanors, but where does it say OBSCENE BEHAVIOR in the Constitution, and who assigned you the arbitrator of what OBSCENE BEHAVIOR is?

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” former Vice President Al Gore said while he understands the political concerns, he believes the only “remedy” for President Donald Trump’s “obscene behavior” is impeachment.

Gore said, “I deeply respect Speaker Pelosi and her calculation of the risks and benefits and the way she’s been handling it. And I think Chairman Nadler is doing a superb job. Where I come down on this is I get the political calculus, but it can’t end there because of the risks that we end up normalizing the most obscene behavior I’ve ever seen from a president of the United States. And if we did not challenge this behavior, then I think we’d be making a mistake.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Impeach Trump and you get Pence...

I have asked this many times but again how stupid can the left be?

Do they think even one day of Pence is better than Trump and if so please past that bong they are hitting because whatever they are smoking has to be the primo shit!

Dumbass, it’s not about Trump the persona. It’s about him breaking the law and disqualifying himself from the high position he holds.

Aside from that, I’d always take an honest conservative nut over a pathological liar like Trump desecrating the institution of Presidency.

I’m not saying that Pence is honest, but Trump makes regular politicians like him look like saints.

Sure and you call me the dumbass...

When the GOP impeached Clinton it backfired on them just like it will on Democrats and yes Bill Clinton was dishonest to the point he attacked Iraq on the eve of his impeachment in the House...

Now you will scream the impeachment of the Blow Job while ignoring the fact Clinton lied under oath to Congress, so when you call Trump dishonest while it is known you voted for Bill Clinton, well what a damn hypocrite you are...

Stop making up bullshit.

There were real grounds for impeachment of Clinton, but not enough in the Senate were convinced that we should remove the president for lying about sexual mis-adventures. But even so, his impeachment in the House and disbarment is still a stain on his presidency and a reminder to would-be law breakers that there will be consequences for these shanadigans.

When you take a look at all the shit Trump was up to, like pressuring the FBI director and AG Sessions to drop investigation and then firing them for not going along, it's clear that this is a whole other level of law breaking.

Aww, Hillary would be upset with you forgetting Lynch willingness to forget her crimes...

Funny how Trump is bad and yet the Clinton's can be forgiven quickly...

Also what did I write that was made up in my response?

You love liars and crooks as long as they are Democrat..

Made up was your characterization of my position.

Clinton was no saint but he was way better president and his lying to authorities about blowjobs is not anywhere near Trump's law breaking.

But you love Trump and his disreguard for laws, so please spare me the special pleads about hypocracy.
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My vote counts on local, state and federal level
All elections are state elections; only the members of the electoral college vote at the federal level, as representatives appointed by their respective states.
Clinton was no saint but he was way better president and his lying to authorities about blowjobs is not anywhere near Trump's law breaking.
Clinton committed perjury and obstruction of justice - federal felonies.
Trump has not.
My vote counts on local, state and federal level
All elections are state elections; only the members of the electoral college vote at the federal level, as representatives appointed by their respective states.

I will repeat myself for the silly:

My vote counts on local, state and federal level.

My vote counted when Max Rose unseated the last Republican in NYC Congressional delegation in 2016.
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What about Al Gore's obscene behavior by scamming people with selling "Carbon Credits", and getting rich from a Hoax and a Scam?

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