Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

Name any major corporation that isn’t a climate alarmist. Name one. Maybe GM, Microsoft, Exxon……too stupid to come up with one ?
Trustfundie Treehuggers

Those doting Daddies in the boardroom are dominated by their brainwashed brats still in college. Besides, restricting development eliminates the main cause of class mobility. The dynasts fear of that is transferred into a faked paranoia about climate change.
A Fish Rots From the Head Down

Why do you worship those self-appointed authorities? We are in decadent times; civilization is creaking at the hinges. Only the slavish would shift the blame for that away from the powerful. The fact that there is almost unanimous agreement about their scare stories only shows how united tyranny is in our decaying age.
So, you think Johns Hopkins, Harvard and Al Gore are alarmist and there is nothing going on with AGW/ man made climate change ? So, you’re smarter then Al Gore, Harvard and Johns Hopkins……and Mich McConnell now.
Trustfundie Treehuggers

Those doting Daddies in the boardroom are dominated by their brainwashed brats still in college. Besides, restricting development eliminates the main cause of class mobility. The dynasts fear of that is transferred into a faked paranoia about climate change.
Can you name just one.
You didn’t even know that nuclear reactor emissions included radiation. HTF does your lack of readin* skills make you qualified to ask anymore questions about long term nuclear power plant pollution. You still live for the dawn of whale oil.

You didn’t even know that nuclear reactor emissions included radiation.

I said we should build more nuclear, because it emits zero CO2, and now you're trying to change the subject to radiation?

I know you twats have been whining that CO2 is going to kill millions, or billions, so tell me, how many have been killed by civilian nuclear powerplant "radiation emissions" since the 1950s?

Don't be a pussy, back up your fearmongering, for once.

You still live for the dawn of whale oil.

Organic, renewable. Do you feel it's better or worse than kerosene? Why?
So Al Gore fights to save the planet and fought for our country in Vietnam. WTF has the right dine but deny rights to women and minorities. The right makes a living picking on the poor, elderly and homeless. But they live their frauds. Everyone from the Donald to Wayne to deniers.

He never saw battle, why lie?

He arrived in January 1971 and worked in the engineer brigade in Bien Hoa and at the Army Engineer Command in Long Binh. It is important to note that Gore never witnessed combat. He either worked as a journalist or in the engineer brigades.

That’s cause radiation from nuclear power plants is also a fking pollutant illiterate.

Thousands drop dead all around our nuke plants......every day.


Or maybe it's zero?

Back up your whiny fearmongering about nuke plant radiation.

Or run away some more, ya whiny pussy.
So, you think Johns Hopkins, Harvard and Al Gore are alarmist and there is nothing going on with AGW/ man made climate change ? So, you’re smarter then than Al Gore, Harvard and Johns Hopkins……and Mich McConnell now.
Putting a Gag on Gaiaists

The Sage has spoken, silencing the Leftist dittoheads.
He never saw battle, why lie?

He arrived in January 1971 and worked in the engineer brigade in Bien Hoa and at the Army Engineer Command in Long Binh. It is important to note that Gore never witnessed combat. He either worked as a journalist or in the engineer brigades.

Your fking nit wit comment During the Vietnam war, everyone put their lives at risk stationed in Vietnam. What have you done to serve in the military ? The first casualties.
Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand become the first Americans killed in the American phase of the Vietnam War when guerrillas strike a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) compound in Bien Hoa,

What a ridiculous statement.. you half ass non servers don’t have a fking clue. Soldiers in non combat roles were killed in Vietnam with motor fire, iEDs while serving in non combat roles. Geesus, the Tet Offensive had 13,000 causalities when No Vietnam attack support personnel everywhere you nit wit.

Engineers took a big toll like they do in EVERY WAR .What an uneducated piece of work you are,
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So Al Gore fights to save the planet and fought for our country in Vietnam. WTF has the right dine but deny rights to women and minorities. The right makes a living picking on the poor, elderly and homeless. But they live their frauds. Everyone from the Donald to Wayne to deniers.
LOL. Keep on drinking the kool aid. Do you believe in democracy or not? If Trump wins in 2024 and has a Republican House and Senate and Supreme Court, all achieved through democracy, will you believe in democracy?
Meanwhile, China and India are building out hundreds of coal-fired power plants, and opening coal mines. And both countries are also building nuclear power plants as well.

Meanwhile, Germany is reopening coal-fired power plants.

In America? We are closing nuclear plants (two at Indian Point in NY) and closing coal-fired power plants (the war on American coal was initiated by Øbama), and Biden and Democrats are now making war on NG.
Meanwhile, China and India are building out hundreds of coal-fired power plants, and opening coal mines. And both countries are also building nuclear power plants as well.

Meanwhile, Germany is reopening coal-fired power plants.

In America? We are closing nuclear plants (two at Indian Point in NY) and closing coal-fired power plants (the war on American coal was initiated by Øbama), and Biden and Democrats are now making war on NG.

Never underestimate the Dem ability to make things worse.
You’re a fking nit wit comment During the Vietnam war, everyone put their lives at risk stationed in Vietnam. What have you done to serve in the military ? The first casualties.
Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand become the first Americans killed in the American phase of the Vietnam War when guerrillas strike a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) compound in Bien Hoa,

What a ridiculous statement.. you half ass non servers don’t have a fking clue. Soldiers in non combat roles were killed in Vietnam with motor fire, iEDs while serving in non combat roles. Geesus, the Tet Offensive had 13,000 causalities when No Vietnam attack support personnel everywhere you nit wit.

Engineers took a a big toll like they do in EVERY WAR .What an uneducated piece of word you are,

He never saw Combat, never. I never saw any either, thank God.

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