Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

The Republicans are the ones who "stacked the court" with unqualified radical fringe justices who are now legislating from the bench. Clarence Thomas just told you he wants to make gay marriage and birth control illegal, and overturn the bans on the sodomy laws. Thomas, and all three of Trump's appointments came from the Federalist Society, promoted by $17 million donations for each of them to push the nomination.

200 Republican House members refused to codify birth control to go hand in hand with their refusal to codify Roe. 70% of the American people, including a majority of Republicans, did not want Roe overturned. The same number favour gay marriage, 80% of Americans want birth control to be legal. But your bought and paid for conservative court is prepared to overturn ALL of these things.

The fillibuster is the dumbest idea ever and is holding Congress hostage to the Republican minority. The Senators who confirmed ACB to the SC represented 1,500,000 fewer voters than the Senators who voted against her.
Say what you typed is true. This is the Progs fault. Progs have been getting the whole loaf in their agendas since the 1960's. At times Repubs have been in power and only slowed it down for that reason. They didn't stand up to it. Yours is not the only way to live. And frankly, the more traditional way of living has been severely compromised as it is more of a struggle than ever for many people. No nation can survive the destruction of the middle-class traditional family unit.
He never saw battle, why lie?

He arrived in January 1971 and worked in the engineer brigade in Bien Hoa and at the Army Engineer Command in Long Binh. It is important to note that Gore never witnessed combat. He either worked as a journalist or in the engineer brigades.

So it's not enough that he served and his life was endangered, he never "saw battle".

As the son of a sitting US Senator he was ALWAYS going to be coddled by the military. Those who served with him, has said anything other than Gore never asked for special treatment, and did his job well. He's a Harvard Graduate with a high IQ. He would have gotten a non-combat role, or any other job he wanted, just on the basis of his qualifications alone, without a famous Father.

Your hero, Captain Bonespurs not only avoided the draft with a dodgy medical "problem", even as Commander in Chief, he refused to visit the troops in war zones for two years because he was too scared of getting shot.
Shut up twit he never saw combat. Deal with it.

So fucking what, you jealous little piece of shit? Gore WENT to Viet Nam, which is more than Trump did. Gore could have gotten out of it too.

Trump called guys who served in combat zones "suckers", and still you voted for him. You'd vote for him again too.
Name one….
BTW, you’re ignorant if you think nuke plants are emissions free. Wtf ever gave you that stoooopid idea ?
Other than a few hundred pounds of radioactive spent fuel rods every fifty years or so they don't. We've found uses for spent fuel rods and I'm sure we will find more as we go along.
So it's not enough that he served and his life was endangered, he never "saw battle".

As the son of a sitting US Senator he was ALWAYS going to be coddled by the military. Those who served with him, has said anything other than Gore never asked for special treatment, and did his job well. He's a Harvard Graduate with a high IQ. He would have gotten a non-combat role, or any other job he wanted, just on the basis of his qualifications alone, without a famous Father.

Your hero, Captain Bonespurs not only avoided the draft with a dodgy medical "problem", even as Commander in Chief, he refused to visit the troops in war zones for two years because he was too scared of getting shot.
Bone spurs are not a "dodgy problem" they are easily diagnosed by a simple X-Ray and are an automatic disqualification from the Army. I developed them while on active duty and had to jump through hoops to avoid a forced medical discharge.
So you admit. Nuclear reactors give off radiation emissions. Dah. They aren’t free. Not only does the nuke waste have to be guarded and stored for thousands of years, but it can be used to make weapons grade nuclear bombs. The plants are also highly likely to contaminate huge areas if damaged by conventional bombs idiot. Check the war in Ukraine. Idiot Putin is now storing regular weapons in one of Europe’s largest reactors and holding all of Europe hostage from the war time potential contamination.
NUCLEAR ENERGY plays into the hands of terrorism. Conservatives are ignorant, sick feckless clowns.
You're an idiot, I can't begin to list all the things you got wrong in that post.
The wastes from a reactor can kill hundreds slow agonizing deaths. You fools who really don’t know think it’s cheap ?
That’s why so few are commissioned. No one has come up with a suitable way to deal with the wastes… the long run, it’s one of the most expensive. .

But you’d know all this shit, if you could read.
So few are built because morons like you make them prohibitively expensive by endless litigation.
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
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What does Al Gore have to say about China and India’s contribution to Climate Change besides a signature on the bullshit Paris Accords??
That’s cause radiation from nuclear power plants is also a fking pollutant illiterate.
The only problem with your idea is that in the history of nuclear power, I can only think of two reactor that leaked radiation. Fukushima, as the result of tidal wave damage and Chernoybl which was a typical bad Russian design that lacked a containment dome.
The only problem with your idea is that in the history of nuclear power, I can only think of two reactor that leaked radiation. Fukushima, as the result of tidal wave damage and Chernoybl which was a typical bad Russian design that lacked a containment dome.
And both have made large swaths of land uninhabitable. That’s great. Read my lips. None has long term plan a way of securing the waste products. The ones we have, store and guard them on site. We have 97. What’s your proposal ? Pretend that anything the left suggests is wrong and just nuke it ? That’s ridiculous. you guys already concede you can’t find any major corporation, country or university on earth that agrees with you on climate change. Why the fk should we listen to you ?
You guys are hilariously simple minded.
The only problem with your idea is that in the history of nuclear power, I can only think of two reactor that leaked radiation. Fukushima, as the result of tidal wave damage and Chernoybl which was a typical bad Russian design that lacked a containment dome.
We went through these environmental and safety concerns for decades and everytime, from the ozone layer to cigarette smoking conservatives have proven to be wrong.
And both have made large swaths of land uninhabitable. That’s great. Read my lips. None has long term plan a way of securing the waste products. The ones we have, store and guard them on site. We have 97. What’s your proposal ? Pretend that anything the left suggests is wrong and just nuke it ? That’s ridiculous. you guys already concede you can’t find any major corporation, country or university on earth that agrees with you on climate change. Why the fk should we listen to you ?
You guys are hilariously simple minded.

None has long term plan a way of securing the waste products.


The ones we have, store and guard them on site. We have 97.

Yup. And how many people does that waste kill every year?
None has long term plan a way of securing the waste products.


The ones we have, store and guard them on site. We have 97.

Yup. And how many people does that waste kill every year?
“No country, including the United States, has a permanent geologic repository for disposal of commercial SNF (spent nuclear fuel) and other HLW (high-level waste). Currently, commercial nuclear power plants generally store SNF on site, awaiting disposal in a permanent repository,"
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.
So Gore wants to fix democracy by somehow forcing us to agree to global warming privations that he wants, huh?
So Gore wants to fix democracy by somehow forcing us to agree to global warming privations that he wants, huh?
Al gore has all this power and he Couldn’t get elected. Get your story straight.

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