Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

“No country, including the United States, has a permanent geologic repository for disposal of commercial SNF (spent nuclear fuel) and other HLW (high-level waste). Currently, commercial nuclear power plants generally store SNF on site, awaiting disposal in a permanent repository,"

Well, Harry Reid was a huge asshole.
Al Gore is smarter then you dumb fks.
Al Gore agrees with the science taught at every accredited high school, university, government agency and major related corporation in the world.

Who sides with you ignorant shit heads ?
Please, tell us, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
Go ahead, start naming them bubba.
Gore was wrong on every prediction he made. He lost an election he should have won by 20% and he couldn't even carry his own home state. He lost 3 debates to a drunk who couldn't even complete his sentences, and his pesonal carbin footprint is larger than an everage town.

As far as your list goes, anyone who raises a legitimate question inside any of those groups is fired and silenced. Science cannot work without open and free debate.
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So fucking what, you jealous little piece of shit? Gore WENT to Viet Nam, which is more than Trump did. Gore could have gotten out of it too.

Trump called guys who served in combat zones "suckers", and still you voted for him. You'd vote for him again too.

Joe Biden laughs at you.
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
View attachment 674243View attachment 674244
Uber Useful Idiot distraction.Gore needs to weight -in.
Klaus Schwab and Bill Gaters are stealing his thunder.
I mean,when John { Johnny Frauds } Kerry is silent,then you
know they { These Climate Hoaxters } are desperate.
Plus we had hotter and much longer heat waves in the Dust Bowl
30's.Goin on 100 years ago.Those Dust Bowl years devasted the Plains.
Trees were dying.No Plants and shubbery could withstand the long term
heat and drought.Ironically however Rabbits managed to multiply.
Townfolk would have to go out en masse with their guns and
kill as many as possible.Usually once a year.
The National Book Award Winner :
- The WORST HARD TIME - { 2006 }
by Timothy Egan
" This is can't -put-it-down history " -- Walter Cronkite
" Masterfully captures the story of out nation's greatest
environmental disaster. " -- Chicago Tribune
" A vivid and gritty piece of forgotten history " -- USA Today
" The Worst Hard Times documents how government and
business with the best of intentions can facilitate the
destruction of an entire region. " Houston Chronicle
" Haunts a reader from the first pages." - Cleveland Plain Dealer
Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee in a close 2000 Presidential election. He wins it, he would have been President. Instead, we get the Florida issue.
What does that say ... Historically.That Gore LOST his home state.
It says it all.Like McGovern Losing his home state of South Dakota.
McGovern only took Massachusetts and DC.For a whooping total
of 17 Electoral votes.To Nixon's 520.
McGovern only managed to carry 135 counties { 4 % of the nation }
Trump managed to carry - 2,497 counties
Biden carried 477 counties.
Who knew you were so ignorant bout climate ? Everyone who read a denier post.
Who knew you were unable to discuss anything without resorting to 2nd-grade insults.

To have a debate, it is required that both people hold a maturity level sufficient enough to accept that others have differing views.

It is a shame you lack that maturity. Have a good life, and I hope you grow up someday.
Who knew you were unable to discuss anything without resorting to 2nd-grade insults.

To have a debate, it is required that both people hold a maturity level sufficient enough to accept that others have differing views.

It is a shame you lack that maturity. Have a good life, and I hope you grow up someday.
Calling the right ignorant is factual. You’ve yet to name any major institution, country,university or corporation that agrees with you. You’re obviously ignorant.
You can’t claim to start a debate with ignorant, non factual assertions and expect to be listened to as a serious debater. That’s absurd, as is your babble.
He doesn't have any power. Just a lot of arrogant (and wrong) talkie-talkie.
He’s backed by every accredited institute of higher learning in the fking world. While you arrogant BS artist, just spout tripe.
Who knew you were unable to discuss anything without resorting to 2nd-grade insults.

To have a debate, it is required that both people hold a maturity level sufficient enough to accept that others have differing views.

It is a shame you lack that maturity. Have a good life, and I hope you grow up someday.
It’s a shame you can’t even read, do any research and just make up shit and be expected to be taken seriously. Using Tuckerisms isn’t worth shit. Using John’s Hopkins or NASA references is.
Gore was wrong on every prediction he made. He lost an election he should have won by 20% and he couldn't even carry his own home state. He lost 3 debates to a drunk who couldn't even complete his sentences, and his pesonal carbin footprint is larger than an everage town.

As far as your list goes, anyone who raises a legitimate question inside any of those groups is fired and silenced. Science cannot work without open and free debate.
Let’s see, you say he was wrong, provide no quote but use an election result as proof. What BS.
Where is the back up from NASA, university or climate research facility ? Oh, let’s talk politics instead. Hilariously ignorant retort coming from the right.
He never saw Combat, never. I never saw any either, thank God.
Not having served, you know nothing about the subject. During the Vietnam war, ALL of Vietnam was considered a combat zone. You owe all of our servicemen and women an apology.
Calling the right ignorant is factual. You’ve yet to name any major institution, country,university or corporation that agrees with you. You’re obviously ignorant.
You can’t claim to start a debate with ignorant, non factual assertions and expect to be listened to as a serious debater. That’s absurd, as is your babble.
Our Universities have been hijacked.Starting in the 60's.
There is no disputing that.From the Intellectual Dennis Prager
to an expert on the topic { David Horowitz } who grew-up
in a Communist influenced household.He himself was a 60's
radical.Then had a conversion.Spent the last 4 decades lecturing on
the harm the Leftists have managed.Basically by taking over the
Big Universities.
Calling the right ignorant is factual. You’ve yet to name any major institution, country,university or corporation that agrees with you. You’re obviously ignorant.
You can’t claim to start a debate with ignorant, non factual assertions and expect to be listened to as a serious debater. That’s absurd, as is your babble.
It’s a shame you can’t even read, do any research and just make up shit and be expected to be taken seriously. Using Tuckerisms isn’t worth shit. Using John’s Hopkins or NASA references is.
Your MMGW Cult Leaders can't make up their minds....


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