Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

I strongly disagree with you about the fillibuster, because that's not how the Republican Party is using it. Republicans have been refusing to pass ANY Democratic bills whatsoever, since Obama was elected, and in lockstock to oppose ALL Democratic legislation, other than budget and finance bills.
If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along. But neither Democrats, nor Republicans, do that because it's hard, and voters refuse to punish them for failing to try.
Ahhh... headlines only, eh? Whatever.

Well, you acknowledged you didn't read my post. So you're just talking out of your ass. Which makes your breath stanky.
You’re a denier. Deniers lose all cred. After decades of the scince on the subject and the availability from the most trusted institutions in the world to just dismiss it as just politics, makes deniers non functional and irrelevant debaters. This isn’t quantum theory, this is Jr High science and math Available in every accredited HS in the world.
You’re a denier. Deniers lose all cred.
LOL. You're a fucking idiot. You don't know a thing about my views, and didn't read my post. I'm not denying anything here other than the claim that the filibuster is the source of our political dysfunction. It's not. It's the way forward.
If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along. But neither Democrats, nor Republicans, do that because it's hard, and voters refuse to punish them for failing to try.
Wrong, the support of the majority is not reflected in the senate. They are a minority controlling entity capable of stopping legislation. It has the whole hearted support of the apartheid favoring white Christian nationalists in the US,
Make a case vs people who can’t read and know nothing about science and math ? Imagine making a case vs someone who starts a sentence, “ I don’t know the science, but………..” Geesus, the science is free and on every govt, university and major related corporation and research website. Get a life.

I have an unvaxxed friend who I asked why he was not getting vaccinated, and he said "I just don't believe this is the right way to go". My friend, who dropped out of high school, and who worked picking orders in a lumber yard, has decided that the scientists don't know what they're doing. I read all of the science I could understand, having studied business, not biology, and figured these people know what they're doing and the data is all good, and went with the vaccine.

I love my friend dearly, and it's his choice, but he was also hurt that some of his older friends distanced themselves from him. I respect his decision, but his rationale is just whack.
LOL. You're a fucking idiot. You don't know a thing about my views, and didn't read my post. I'm not denying anything here other than the claim that the filibuster is the source of our political dysfunction. It's not. It's the way forward.
Tell us what your views are on climate change so I can then call you a denier. You’re already a political denier.
I have an unvaxxed friend who I asked why he was not getting vaccinated, and he said "I just don't believe this is the right way to go". My friend, who dropped out of high school, and who worked picking orders in a lumber yard, has decided that the scientists don't know what they're doing. I read all of the science I could understand, having studied business, not biology, and figured these people know what they're doing and the data is all good, and went with the vaccine.

I love my friend dearly, and it's his choice, but he was also hurt that some of his older friends distanced themselves from him. I respect his decision, but his rationale is just whack.
Exactly. Worse yet, I’ve seen the same response from. College grads ( few ) but still there.
Tell us what your views are on climate change so I can then call you a denier. You’re already a political denier.
You're not worth it dude. Partisan drones like you are the #1 problem with our system. Suck a tail pipe.
If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along. But neither Democrats, nor Republicans, do that because it's hard, and voters refuse to punish them for failing to try.

Republicans are NOT forced to "play along". As Senate majority leader, McConnell simply refused to bring any legislation to the floor of the Senate, for ANYTHING other than judges and budget bills. McConnell even let the Violence Against Women, and the CHiP Bill die and refused to renew either bill.

Last week, 200 Republicans voted AGAINST codifying the legalization of birth control, all while questioning why Democrats haven't codified Roe v Wade. The stuff that Republican are refusing to support, are all thing that DO enjoy broad public support but are opposed by the Christian Right, the white nationalists, or the NRA - all radical fringe members of the Republican base.
You're not worth it dude. Partisan drones like you are the #1 problem with our system. Suck a tail pipe.
See, you’re a fraud. You /
BS artist do little to no research, just posting opinionated non science crappolla just to get your foot in the door of doubt.
I still haven’t seen any inaccurate quotes from Al Gore or any acknowledgement that the casualty rates were the same for every infantry man and support soldier stationed in Viet Nam.
Republicans are NOT forced to "play along". As Senate majority leader, McConnell simply refused to bring any legislation to the floor of the Senate, for ANYTHING other than judges and budget bills. McConnell even let the Violence Against Women, and the CHiP Bill die and refused to renew either bill.

Last week, 200 Republicans voted AGAINST codifying the legalization of birth control, all while questioning why Democrats haven't codified Roe v Wade. The stuff that Republican are refusing to support, are all thing that DO enjoy broad public support but are opposed by the Christian Right, the white nationalists, or the NRA - all radical fringe members of the Republican base.
Yup. Sphincter mouth Mitch says all sorts of agreeable things relative to Trump, climate change and “cooperation”. But the rest of his caucus loves him cause he never makes republicans put their careers on the line with votes for absolute stupidity.
See, you’re a fraud.
Sure, yeah. If someone doesn't agree with a partisan, they're a "fraud". That's how politics works today, right?
BS artist do little to no research, just posting opinionated non science crappolla just to ...
WTF? Pull you head out of your two-party ass and pay attention. I wasn't addressing the science in ANY way. Climate change is a very serious problem, maybe the worst we face as a species, and ignorant ***** like you are EXACTLY why we're failing to address it.
I strongly disagree with you about the fillibuster, because that's not how the Republican Party is using it. Republicans have been refusing to pass ANY Democratic bills whatsoever, since Obama was elected, and in lockstock to oppose ALL Democratic legislation, other than budget and finance bills.

Democrats have formed bipartisan committees, and incorporated Republican demands into their legislation, only to have all Republicans vote against it on the floor of the Senate, in lockstep. Republicans are refusing to negotiate in good faith, and are using the Fillibuster to block much needed Voting Rights Reform, Police Reform, or other much needed legislation. That's not how the fillibuster is supposed to work at all.

The minority is now holding the programs and legislation the American people voted for hostage to the Republican minority. Again, that is NOT how the fillibuster is supposed to work because it's being abused. The Republican Party is prepared to voted against the best interests of the American people in order to block anything Democrats are trying to pass.

The Senators who voted to confirm ACB represented 1,500,000 fewer voters than the Senators who voted to confirm her. The purpose of the Fillibuster is not to thwart the other party's agenda, but to make sure that everyone's interests are being considered. Time to end this farce and return majority rule to your government.
You are a moron and a lying sack of shit. Worry about fixing your shithole country of KKKanada, Fuckwit.

Democrats used filibuster 327 times, compared to only once by GOP in 2020: Report​

President Joe Biden has been increasingly critical of the Senate filibuster, calling it a Jim Crow relic and saying it has been widely abused despite Democrats using it over 300 times in 2020, compared to once by Republicans.

“After @POTUS @JoeBiden denounced the rampant abuse of the filibuster last year, we did some digging,” Fox News anchor John Roberts tweeted Friday. “Republicans used it once. Democrats used it 327 times.”

Sure, yeah. If someone doesn't agree with a partisan, they're a "fraud". That's how politics works today, right?

WTF? Pull you head out of your two-party ass and pay attention. I wasn't addressing the science in ANY way. Climate change is a very serious problem, maybe the worst we face as a species, and ignorant ***** like you are EXACTLY why we're failing to address it.
“I wasn’t addressing science…..”

Of course you weren’t addressing science. THAT’s What makes you a fraud. Talking about climate change in anyway shape or form without addressing science FIRST is a non starter. Name ONE political vote that’s doesn’t include SCIENCE. All serious problems demand agreed upon science knowledge FIRST. If one side doesn’t accept the science, they lose their qualification to even govern.

You have NO place at the table if you don’t use the applicable science.
“I wasn’t addressing science…..”

Of course you weren’t addressing science. THAT’s What makes you a fraud. Talking about climate change in anyway shape or form ...
Try to pull your head out of your partisan ass. I was talking about the ways that democracy is broken, not the particulars of climate science. If that sentence confuses you, let me know. Maybe I can rephrase it in simpler terms.
Try to pull your head out of your partisan ass. I was talking about the ways that democracy is broken, not the particulars of climate science. If that sentence confuses you, let me know. Maybe I can rephrase it in simpler terms.
The sentence was pretty straight forward. There is no compromise without agreed upon science. It’s called “ political science” for a reason. Politics doesn’t exists without starting with agreed upon truths and evidence. That does not exist with you it seems. I’m an independent. I go with the party that makes decisions that uses science as a starting point for discussion. THE RIGHT HAS NOT.
Another bail out and capitulation by the feckless deniers.
You're just like the mindless Trumpster demagogues. You read a keyword, decide that someone disagrees with you, and start pounding your pud with your partisan drivel. It's like you literally can't think outside that box.

Maybe you're just a bot. Hadn't really considered that. Hmmm...

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