Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

Another bail out and capitulation by the feckless deniers.
I'm actually curious how your mind works. What part of my posts convinced you that I'm a "denier"? Can you quote any of my statements along those lines? I don't mean to interrupt your circle jerk, but it's just weird the way you jump to erroneous conclusions out of the gate, and then clamp down on them like a pit bull, refusing to let go. Are you just too embarrassed to admit you made a mistake? Or is something deeper going on?
I'm actually curious how your mind works. What part of my posts convinced you that I'm a "denier"? Can you quote any of my statements along those lines? I don't mean to interrupt your circle jerk, but it's just weird the way you jump to erroneous conclusions out of the gate, and then clamp down on them like a pit bull, refusing to let go. Are you just too embarrassed to admit you made a mistake? Or is something deeper going on?
Life is simple. Every major discovery, all major events have been better understood using science. Get real, if youā€™re going to disregard what science has to say about anything so deeply embedded in science as climate change, youā€™re delusional. Iā€™m always ā€œ smarterā€ then anyone who pretend everything is ā€œpoliticsā€. Thatā€™s a cop out for being either lazy, or promoting authoritarianism. The US tends to be technologically advanced because we draw scientist and doctors and engineers from all over world with our freedoms. And you want decisions made without regard to it.

Thatā€™s lazy dude and your disregard for science makes your opinions unreliable at best. Al uses science, the right uses made up shitā€¦ā€¦simple choice.
Life is simple. Every major discovery, all major events have been better understood using science. Get real, if youā€™re going to disregard what science has to say about anything so deeply embedded in science as climate change, youā€™re delusional. Iā€™m always ā€œ smarterā€ then anyone who pretend everything is ā€œpoliticsā€. Thatā€™s a cop out for being either lazy, or promoting authoritarianism. The US tends to be technologically advanced because we draw scientist and doctors and engineers from all over world with our freedoms. And you want decisions made without regard to it.

Thatā€™s sick dude.
Science says we are coming out of an ice age. How does that happen, Simp?

Why, rising temps of course.
Life is simple. Every major discovery, all major events have been better understood using science. Get real, if youā€™re going to disregard what science has to say ...
What makes you think I'm doing that? WTF?

You really are just like the Trumpsters. You make a false claim and then just keep repeating it, over and over again until you've convinced yourself that you're right. I always wonder if you know what you're doing, and just don't care that it's dishonest - or if you've really convinced yourself.
Thatā€™s lazy dude and your disregard for science makes your opinions unreliable at best.
Post an example of my disregard for science. Go ahead. We'll wait.
Science says we are coming out of an ice age. How does that happen, Simp?

Why, rising temps of course.
Before you ask any unrelated question, look up what the rate of change of temps has been during the Industrial Age compared to any time man has been on earth. After you do that, youā€™d be less apt to ask unrelated and stoooopid questions.

You think youā€™re so smart asking dumb questions.....
At least Iā€™m fking someone on a regular basis and not jacking off to Tucker Carson..
Uh.... ok.

Listen, do you just make shit up in your head and then stick with it like glue, regardless of how much evidence there is to show you're dead wrong?

What makes you think I'm a Tucker Carlson fan? Again - is there anything real you're going from? Or just your active imagination?
What makes you think I'm doing that? WTF?

You really are just like the Trumpsters. You make a false claim and then just keep repeating it, over and over again until you've convinced yourself that you're right. I always wonder if you know what you're doing, and just don't care that it's dishonest - or if you've really convinced yourself.

Post an example of my disregard for science. Go ahead. We'll wait.
You said so. You want to sit politicians down and talk about bills relating to climate change without science. Thatā€™s hilarious. Letā€™s talk about healthcare without medical science or the military budget without science or education.....itā€™s hilarious how dumb you deniers are.
Plus you said this.
ā€œFrankly a thing can be true whether you believe it or not. Gore has been wrong about everything.ā€

Gore quotes science and you didnā€™t even know it.
And, you canā€™t provide one quote of his that is wrong.
What makes you think I'm doing that? WTF?

You really are just like the Trumpsters. You make a false claim and then just keep repeating it, over and over again until you've convinced yourself that you're right. I always wonder if you know what you're doing, and just don't care that it's dishonest - or if you've really convinced yourself.

Post an example of my disregard for science. Go ahead. We'll wait.
I don't think he reads your posts he just seems to knee jerk nonsense whether it applies to you or not. I think these people read talking points and can't think for themselves so they can't really communicate with people that think on their own. Just a theory but it explains how disconnected their replies are to your posts.
I don't think he reads your posts he just seems to knee jerk nonsense whether it applies to you or not. I think these people read talking points and can't think for themselves so they can't really communicate with people that think on their own. Just a theory but it explains how disconnected their replies are to your posts.
Why donā€™t you guys just go into a corner and hug each other. Youā€™re fools. You canā€™t post one institute of higher learning that accepts your stupid ideas. One country, or even one major corporation....none, nada
I don't think he reads your posts he just seems to knee jerk nonsense whether it applies to you or not. I think these people read talking points and can't think for themselves so they can't really communicate with people that think on their own. Just a theory but it explains how disconnected their replies are to your posts.
It's gotta be something along those lines. They just kind of turn into drones. Read a few keywords that suggest a given argument is taking place and then start reciting the talking points, impervious to any real thought or consideration.
Why donā€™t you guys just go into a corner and hug each other. Youā€™re fools. You canā€™t post one institute of higher learning that accepts your stupid ideas.
And what are those ideas? Do you have any clue?

Listen, are you even mentally competent? Like, have a job, take care of yourself, that sort of thing? I'm not sure how.
Why is Al Gore even on "Meet The Press"?, who here watched it? It was an infomercial of fearmongering. Which American democracy does he believe there is issues with?

Why donā€™t you guys just go into a corner and hug each other. Youā€™re fools. You canā€™t post one institute of higher learning that accepts your stupid ideas. One country, or even one major corporation....none, nada
What are my ideas? You keep calling my ideas stupid, but you have no idea what my ideas re, that makes you the stupid one, which is not surprising since all you have are spoon fed talking points.
WTF? Pull you head out of your two-party ass and pay attention. I wasn't addressing the science in ANY way. Climate change is a very serious problem, maybe the worst we face as a species, and ignorant ***** like you are EXACTLY why we're failing to address it.
.ā€WTF? Pull you head out of your two-party ass and pay attention. I wasn't addressing the science in ANY way. Climate change is a very serious problem, maybe the worst we face as a species, and ignorant ***** like you are EXACTLY why we're failing to address it.ā€

Laughable. You admit you werenā€™t addressing science in offing legislation parties can agree upon.
And, you call me ignorant because I refuse to what ? NOT CONSIDER SCIENCE.
Youā€™re a lunatic. You canā€™t pass any legislation till you can agree on the science. The right canā€™t agree. Youā€™re crazy if you think there is any solution without SCIENCE as the number one building principle.
You're just like the mindless Trumpster demagogues. You read a keyword, decide that someone disagrees with you, and start pounding your pud with your partisan drivel. It's like you literally can't think outside that box.

Maybe you're just a bot. Hadn't really considered that. Hmmm...
.ā€WTF? Pull you head out of your two-party ass and pay attention. I wasn't addressing the science in ANY way. Climate change is a very serious problem, maybe the worst we face as a species, and ignorant ***** like you are EXACTLY why we're failing to address it.ā€

Laughable. You admit you werenā€™t addressing science in offing legislation parties can agree upon.
And, you call me ignorant because I refuse to what ? NOT CONSIDER SCIENCE.
Youā€™re a lunatic. You canā€™t pass any legislation till you can agree on the science. The right canā€™t agree. Youā€™re crazy if you think there is any solution without SCIENCE as the number one building principle.
Wow... you need to see a shrink.

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