Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

You said so. You want to sit politicians down and talk about bills relating to climate change without science. That’s hilarious. Let’s talk about healthcare without medical science or the military budget without science or’s hilarious how dumb you deniers are.
Plus you said this.

“Frankly a thing can be true whether you believe it or not. Gore has been wrong about everything.”

Gore quotes science and you didn’t even know it.
And, you can’t provide one quote of his that is wrong.

I said that dumbass. Polar Bears aren't going extinct. The Ice Sheet is increasing. The storms have not gotten more intense nor have the number of storms increased You're a moronic lemming. Nothing more.
I don't think he reads your posts he just seems to knee jerk nonsense whether it applies to you or not. I think these people read talking points and can't think for themselves so they can't really communicate with people that think on their own. Just a theory but it explains how disconnected their replies are to your posts.
Only you are disconnected jumping into conversations with someone else.
You mean name one of the cultists who agrees with us?
So, all the universities are a cult ? But you can’t name one that agrees with you. Are you implying All countries and research facilities and major corporations are cults ? That’s insanity.
I said that dumbass. Polar Bears aren't going extinct. The Ice Sheet is increasing. The storms have not gotten more intense nor have the number of storms increased You're a moronic lemming. Nothing more.
That’s all stupid shit. Of course you could just google for a consensus among university research and websites to find out your statesments are ridiculous. .

You’re a confuse puppy. You don’t even know the difference between arctic and Antarctic. Fix News brats never explained that when they made up the shit ?
Only you are disconnected jumping into conversations with someone else.
You poor dupe, someone interfered with your talking points and threw you on full tilt. So sad for you, now go regroup with your superiors and let them tell you what you and I think.
If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along.
They have. That’s hilarious. Not only is the majority of the NATION on board with ALL of the climate change proposals by the left, but universal healthcare, stronger gun laws, child care, college tuition......all are supported by the “far left” as well the MAJORITY of all the voters. The senate uses the filibuster because they only represent the Christian nationalist and white supremest crowd. Their majority is the majority of whites.

You can’t compromise with a party that only represents the apartheid minority. They don’t want the same things for their minority rule. That you don’t even get this is sad.
They have. That’s hilarious. Not only is the majority of the NATION on board with ALL of the climate change proposals by the left, but universal healthcare, stronger gun laws, child care, college tuition......all are supported by the “far left” as well the MAJORITY of all the voters. The senate uses the filibuster because they only represent the Christian nationalist and white supremest crowd. Their majority is the majority of whites.

You can’t compromise with a party that only represents the apartheid minority. They don’t want the same things for their minority rule. That you don’t even get this is sad.
You're delusional.
That’s all stupid shit. Of course you could just google for a consensus among university research and websites to find out your statesments are ridiculous. .

You’re a confuse puppy. You don’t even know the difference between arctic and Antarctic. Fix News brats never explained that when they made up the shit ?
Google people who are getting checks from the government?
What makes you think I'm doing that? WTF?

You really are just like the Trumpsters. You make a false claim and then just keep repeating it, over and over again until you've convinced yourself that you're right. I always wonder if you know what you're doing, and just don't care that it's dishonest - or if you've really convinced yourself.

Post an example of my disregard for science. Go ahead. We'll wait.
So we must incorporating science into every decision is a false claim ? You’ve yet to say that both sides need to accept the consensus science agreed by all the research before any legislation can be passed. Can you say it ? You haven't yet.
So we must incorporating science into every decision is something, is a false claim ? You’ve yet to say that both sides need to accept the consensus science agreed by all the research before any legislation can be passed. Can you say it ? You haven't yet.
Consensus isn't science, dumbass.

The so-called "researchers" are all on the government payroll. Their opinions have been bought.
So we must incorporating science into every decision is a false claim ? You’ve yet to say that both sides need to accept the consensus science agreed by all the research before any legislation can be passed. Can you say it ? You haven't yet.

These days, everything has been politicized and that includes science. some scientists will say "X" is true while others will say no it isn't, or maybe it's true and maybe it isn't but nothing has actually been proved. Too often i think it comes down to politics (money); who is bankrolling your research. While there may be some who are scrupulously honest about their findings, I suspect there are too many others who are not and will tailor their conclusions to fit a certain prescribed narrative. There are some who say that on a given issue the science is "settled". Bullshit; for the most part, science is never settled and the consensus can quickly change once new information surfaces.
You're delusional.
The senate represents the minority Govt.
Pretty much.

They are all sucking on the government tit.

Consensus isn't science, dumbass.

The so-called "researchers" are all on the government payroll. Their opinions have been bought.
thats not your question idiot.
You think that researchers are paid to give the government the wrong answers. So, which ones are ? Republican or Democrat. The researchers are all funded from the treasury which is in the president’s cabinet.

Consensus isn’t science ? You idiot. That is one the core concepts that allows science To be used.
Don’t need to see a shrink because you’re wrong. That’s even more denial.
Wrong about what? So far, it doesn't sound like you have ANY comprehension of what I've been saying. None. Keep trying though.
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
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Gore is right... A majority of Americans want something done on climate change:

Poor democracy is what's stopping it... Same thing on background checks...

A majority of Americans are not getting there say on how the country is run... A minority are holding the country back..
They have. That’s hilarious. Not only is the majority of the NATION ...
It requires more than a majority to make a meaningful change. It takes real consensus. You might slam a law home with a simple majority vote, but if there isn't broad support it will simply be undermined with the next change in the political winds. We need leaders who can actually argue for a position, instead of partisan tools who are merely trying to "own" the other side.
The senate uses the filibuster because they only represent the Christian nationalist and white supremest crowd. Their majority is the majority of whites.
The filibuster is used by the minority party to represent the interests of the minority. That's the whole point.
You can’t compromise with a party that only represents the apartheid minority.
I don't recommend compromise. Let's do the things we CAN agree on, and skip those we can't. Consensus should be the goal.
They don’t want the same things for their minority rule. That you don’t even get this is sad.
Don't be sad. You're learning. Making progress. It just takes time.
So we must incorporating science into every decision is a false claim ?
What? Can you rephrase that? Perhaps as a coherent question?
You’ve yet to say that both sides need to accept the consensus science agreed by all the research before any legislation can be passed. Can you say it ? You haven't yet.
Yes, we need to the accept scientific facts. That's obvious.

I've been very clear that I'm not a climate science denier. But you got that idea stuck in your head and it's, apparently, permanently embedded. All I can really say is that your presumptions are exactly wrong, and you're a jackass about it. Who do you hope to persuade with such an asinine approach?

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