Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

What? Can you rephrase that? Perhaps as a coherent question?

Yes, we need to the accept scientific facts. That's obvious.

I've been very clear that I'm not a climate science denier. But you got that idea stuck in your head and it's, apparently, permanently embedded. All I can really say is that your presumptions are exactly wrong, and you're a jackass about it. Who do you hope to persuade with such an asinine approach?
Yup, you are a denier if you don’t include it in legislation process. How many times do you need your quotes repeated.
Yup, you are a denier if you don’t include it in legislation process. How many times do you need your quotes repeated.
What in holy hell are you talking about? I'm not in Congress. Seriously - you seem out of touch with reality. Are you drinking?
What? Can you rephrase that? Perhaps as a coherent question?

Yes, we need to the accept scientific facts. That's obvious.

I've been very clear that I'm not a climate science denier. But you got that idea stuck in your head and it's, apparently, permanently embedded. All I can really say is that your presumptions are exactly wrong, and you're a jackass about it. Who do you hope to persuade with such an asinine approach?
“If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along.”

Your words. Laughable. I guess broad support means, ONLY A MAJORITY OF THE REPUBLICANS. let’s see….
85% of republicans say climate change is not important.
so guess what, your approach means nothing.
85% of republicans are obviously……ignorant as you must agree cause you believe Al.
So the idea of doing away with the filibuster to save the planet and not convincing them otherwise, is not waste of time. Ergo, if you believe Big Al is right on climate change, then he’s right on the filibuster. The idiots will not change especially if the legislation is “solid ” whatever vague non science term that means. Don’t have a clue….so really, it was all babble.
What in holy hell are you talking about? I'm not in Congress. Seriously - you seem out of touch with reality. Are you drinking?
You’re the one who keeps telling us how to pass legislation, without science.
You’re the one who keeps telling us how to pass legislation, without science.
No, I never said without science. At all. You're lying. So, you know, go fuck yourself. Violently. With a rusty farm implement.
“If Democrats, or anyone really, put forward solid legislation that had broad support in the nation - Republicans would be forced to play along.”

Your words. Laughable. I guess broad support means, ONLY A MAJORITY OF THE REPUBLICANS.
No, it means bi-partisan support. It means that at least some reps from the minority can vote for the legislation. It means you have to make a good case and persuade people. You can't just be a partisan and **** and get your way.
let’s see….
85% of republicans say climate change is not important.
I'm not a Republican. I know you have that stick buried deeply in your ass, and probably won't be able to dislodge it, but you're operating on completely false pretext. And, you persist. Did I tell you to fuck off yet? I can't remember.
So the idea of doing away with the filibuster to save the planet and not convincing them otherwise, is not waste of time.
It's way worse than a waste of time. It's a fundamental mistake and will lead to ever worse government. Thrashing back and forth between partisan administrations who will make it impossible to mount a sustained effort to resolve climate change.
Ergo, if you believe Big Al is right on climate change, then he’s right on the filibuster.
No. He's right about climate change and wrong on the filibuster.
The idiots will not change especially if the legislation is “solid ” whatever vague non science term that means. Don’t have a clue….so really, it was all babble.
Babble seems to be your specialty.
No, I never said without science. At all. You're lying. So, you know, go fuck yourself. Violently. With a rusty farm implement.
obviously you did, I replayed it several times. Really, if 85% of republicans don’t believe global warming is important, THEY don’t believe the science.

You say you believe Al Gore and the science. You couldn’t convince a repug what “ solid “ legislation they should pass on climate change.

Now, obviously, if you believe Al on climate change then even AOC and the green new deal MUST be on your radar. You know how repugnants feel about AOC. It’s a lost cause. im an independent because democrats have not played hardball. They could have kicked RBG off the court when they had the chance and they should have dropped the filibuster when they had the chance under Obama.
What in holy hell are you talking about? I'm not in Congress. Seriously - you seem out of touch with reality. Are you drinking?
You’re the one who needs to drink more. You’re reality doesn't exist.
No, it means bi-partisan support. It means that at least some reps from the minority can vote for the legislation. It means you have to make a good case and persuade people. You can't just be a partisan and **** and get your way.
Really ? You’re not in your right mind.nearly 3/4:eek:f all Americans believe we need to and are willing to sacrifice to deal with climate change….only 15% of repugnants are. That means the non repos must be nearly 90% plus.

You think repugs will vote for anything with only 15% support. Remember, repugs are now white Christian nationalists. They don’t care about the non whites in the dem party. There is no cross over.
Before you ask any unrelated question, look up what the rate of change of temps has been during the Industrial Age compared to any time man has been on earth. After you do that, you’d be less apt to ask unrelated and stoooopid questions.

You think you’re so smart asking dumb questions.....
You look it up, Simp.
Typical response from the ignorant-“
lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.
"they were ignorant of astronomy"
Or in this case, AGW.

What does Harry Reid's assholery have to do with AGW?

Are you huffing radioactive emissions again?

You never did explain which ones you were talking about.

I wonder why that is? Maybe your ignorance?
obviously you did, I replayed it several times.
You're free to cite any posts of mine where I said we should disregard the science. But you won't. Because you can't. Because you're lying. Why?

Really, if 85% of republicans don’t believe global warming is important, THEY don’t believe the science.
Yeah. We need to persuade them. That's the way politics works. If we don't persuade them, and slam home legislation despite their disagreement, the law won't be well supported and Republicans will undermine it at every opportunity. That's no way to govern a nation.
You say you believe Al Gore and the science.
Now, obviously, if you believe Al on climate change then even AOC and the green new deal MUST be on your radar.
It's on my radar as really bad legislation. Something we'll never get consensus on. The Democrats need to understand that "more socialism" isn't the answer to every single problem we face. It's certainly not an answer that will win broad support.
Nope. He’s right about both because there is no solid legislation that will convince a party populated by 85% idiots.
The entire country is populated by 85% idiots. That's the problem with democracy. But it's what we have, and if 85% of the people are opposed to a law, or even 45%, it won't be successful. If a law doesn't reflect the will of the people it won't be honored and won't have the desired effect.
The entire country is populated by 85% idiots. That's the problem with democracy. But it's what we have, and if 85% of the people are opposed to a law, or even 45%, it won't be successful. If a law doesn't reflect the will of the people it won't be honored and won't have the desired effect.
I disagree. 25 years ago, 54% identified as republicans and 39% as democrats. It has done a complete reversal with over 60% to 30%. Todays Republican Party has put a premium on the uneducated.…..for obvious reasons.

oh, the recent SC on abortion will have the desired effect. It will affect the poor and middle class more then anyone .
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
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After Democrats crush the Republicans, that will meet their climate objectives and we can go back to normal
I disagree.
Ok, why?
25 years ago, 54% identified as republicans and 39% as democrats. It has done a complete reversal with over 60% to 30%. Todays Republican Party has put a premium on the uneducated.…..for obvious reasons.
So what?
oh, the recent SC on abortion will have the desired effect. It will affect the poor and middle class more then anyone .
mkay. Again, so what?

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