Al Gore Team Eyeing 2016 Run: Report

If democrats are seriously considering this blast from the past, you know they are out of ideas and out of hope. Gore is pure desperation.
If Gore hadn't been cheated by Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris - the Iraq clusterfuck would not have happened. Florida was a rigged election.
Gore was beaten by Nader and a BJ. He should have won, but I think he should stay out of the game at this point in his career.
Is the Democratic Party that devoid of talent that all they have to run are these old retreads like Hillary, Biden, Kerry and Gore?
So, how many of you know about the media blackout of Bernie Sanders?

His rallies on the West Coast last weekend were announced only ten days in advance -- but in just ten days, the outpouring of support through mostly social media resulted in crowds of 15,000 in Seattle, 28,000 in Portland Oregon, and 27,500 in LA. The Oregon crowd was so enthusiastic that the campaign had to switch from a stadium that holds 12,000 to the larger Moda Center -- but we still packed it and overflowed it by 8,000 or more.

I think it's pretty funny that the DNC is talking to Al Gore. Apparently they need a candidate who can be bought or coerced. HA HA ha hahahahahaha!

-- Paravani

Cool. He got robbed in 2000 so it would be nice to see him run again. No clue what his policies are like but man what a difference 8 years of him instead of that flaming retard Bush would have made! No war,no ISIS,No Obama,wow...hell the rich might have had to pay a fair share of taxes and the economy might not have tanked...ahh the possibilities of what could have happened had the election not been stolen.
Is the Democratic Party that devoid of talent that all they have to run are these old retreads like Hillary, Biden, Kerry and Gore?
Yes, they are the party filled with nothing but old fogies. they refuse to step down even after 30 years in Congress. they are greedy and power hungry. nothing more.
BREAKING NEWS: Florida Finishes Counting Votes, Al Gore Wins

MIAMI, FLORIDA (The Global Edition) — Confidential Sources told the Global Edition that, a box retained by Former Florida Secretary of State, Kathryn Harris, was found containing 800 uncounted votes for Vice President Al Gore, from the 2000 election. These 800 votes would have meant that Al Gore would have won Florida’s electoral votes in 2000 by 263 votes.

More: BREAKING NEWS: Florida Finishes Counting Votes, Al Gore Wins - The Global Edition

Then, to add insult to injury - the NaziCon Supreme Court declared Bush president.
Well, William Jennings Bryan ran 12 years after his first run and 8 years after his second run..... so I guess it's possible....
that is not someone you want people to think of when they think of democrat presidential contenders

So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

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