Al Gore Team Eyeing 2016 Run: Report

So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
What is the average age? Hillary and Bernie and AlGore are all 67, Lincoln Chaeffe is over 60 as well. It is a geriatric clown car.
So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
What is the average age? Hillary and Bernie and AlGore are all 67, Lincoln Chaeffe is over 60 as well. It is a geriatric clown car.

It's called seasoned talent.
So the "progressive" party is so cutting edge, so tomorrow, so party for the future, so ready for the milennials that the choices are Hillary, Algore, and old fart Bernie !
So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
Yeah major threat shitting bull one candidate taking on water faster than a bucket in a thunderstorm a self proclaimed socialist one who folded and apologized for saying all lives matter two who are barely a blimp on the radar and two where the jokes all but write themselves.
The democrats made a lot of hay about McCains age. And Reagan's. If she is elected, she will be the oldest person elected.

Remember when Kennedy spoke about the torch being passed to a new generation? The old generation isn't letting it go now. ^_^
So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
hillary? That our ears will bleed from her shrillness, perhaps, but she won't be doing much campaigning from her cell.
Bernie Sanders? That he will rename Alaska New Siberia and exille Republicans there? No not really.
Martin O'Mally? Only if you dread seeing another photo of him bare chested.
Lincoln Chafee? The former GOP Senator from Rhode Island? nope. not him either.
Joe Biden and Al Gore? You really want another George McGovern scale loss? Really?
You were just funny, Chief. Now you're pathetic.
The democrats made a lot of hay about McCains age. And Reagan's. If she is elected, she will be the oldest person elected.

Remember when Kennedy spoke about the torch being passed to a new generation? The old generation isn't letting it go now. ^_^

Al Gore was the legitimate heir apparent to the White House - but was unfairly fucked out of his victory by Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris and the U.S. Supreme Court.
So the current Democrats running for Presidnet are.
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
Lincoln Chafee
Jim Webb
And these two possibles.
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Now ladies and gentlemen that is a clown car.

No, sparky, that's a scary threat to NaziCons. Enjoy the ride...
hillary? That our ears will bleed from her shrillness, perhaps, but she won't be doing much campaigning from her cell.
Bernie Sanders? That he will rename Alaska New Siberia and exille Republicans there? No not really.
Martin O'Mally? Only if you dread seeing another photo of him bare chested.
Lincoln Chafee? The former GOP Senator from Rhode Island? nope. not him either.
Joe Biden and Al Gore? You really want another George McGovern scale loss? Really?
You were just funny, Chief. Now you're pathetic.

I'm sorry, Pee-wee, but I just don't feel low enough to play with you tonight.
Gore/Sanders 2016!

Not bad. Do you think a Gore/Clinton ticket would work? At least Hillary could be the first female VP.

That would be great too. They need to run on free college, investment into our infrastructure and more money for science. They need to also run on more taxes on the top 5%...Tired of these thiefs getting away with what they do.
I wish like Hell that Al Gore would run.

And John Kerry and Pocahontas from Massachusetts, too.

Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
Al Gore
Uncle Joe
The Disheveled Socialist from Vermont
The Failed Mayor of Failed Baltimore.

Apparently, this looks like the Dream Team to Loons and Pinheads.

It is at best a bunch of very foolish old white people who would make a great new cast for a remake of One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. And, at worst, over half should be in Mental Institutions or in Jail.

I'll take Ben Carson & Carly Fiorina & Marco Rubio.
Maybe Gore can have Elian Gonzalez campaign for him in Florida, hell, maybe Fidel will stump for Gore

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