Al JihadZeera - another "palestinian" butcher "journalist": Mohamed Washa


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Now al.jazeera will claim they didn't know..

Just like the UN doesn't know about its Gaza terror massive links.

Kind of reminds me of our corrupted institutions in the U.S., like the FBI, IRS, CIA, Media etc. where they’re actually acting arms of the Democratic Party now, but pretending to be something else.
Kind of reminds me of our corrupted institutions in the U.S., like the FBI, IRS, CIA, Media etc. where they’re actually acting arms of the Democratic Party now, but pretending to be something else.
Roudy speak'um truth! I say we need our Maker before we exterminate ourselves.
Notice, this genocidal Hamas-thug - title in his "reporting" with the G slur.
افيخاي ادرعي on X:
#عاجل #خاص في الصباح صحفي في قناة #الجزيرة وفي المساء مخرب في حماس!

⭕️خلال نشاط لقواتنا قبل عدة أسابيع داخل احدى معسكرات حماس في شمال قطاع غزة تم ضبط كمبيوتر متحرك يعود إلى المدعو محمد سمير محمد وشاح من مواليد 1986 من البريج حيث يتضح من المستندات ان محمد وشاح هو قائد بارز في منظومة الصواريخ المضادة للدروع في الجناح العسكري لحماس. في نهاية عام 2022 انتقل للعمل في مجال البحث والتطوير في القوة الجوية لحماس.

⭕️التحقيق الاستخباري الذي أجري للحاسوب يكشف صورًا تربط المدعو محمد وشاح بنشاطات داخل حماس.

‼️ومن يدري كم من التفاصيل سنكشفها عن وجود إرهابيين آخرين بزي صحفي في المستقبل القريب

#Urgent #Special In the morning, a journalist on #Al Jazeera, and in the evening, a terrorist in Hamas! @AJArabic

During an activity by our forces several weeks ago inside one of the Hamas camps in the northern Gaza Strip, a mobile computer belonging to someone named Muhammad Samir Mohamed Washah, born in 1986 from Bureij, was seized. It is clear from the documents that Mohamed Washah is a prominent commander in the anti-armor missile system in the military wing of Hamas. At the end of 2022, he moved to work in the field of research and development in the Hamas Air Force.

The intelligence investigation conducted on the computer revealed images linking the named Mohamed Washah to activities within Hamas.

Who knows how many details we will reveal about the presence of other terrorists in journalistic garb in the near future.
The job of the Israeli government is not to try to civilize and educate Palestinians, but to protect Israeli civilians from these terrorists.
If terrorists want to fight terrorists, all the while creating more terrorists, I pray that future generations are able to rescue the U.S. from continuing to support murderous bastards
If terrorists want to fight terrorists, all the while creating more terrorists, I pray that future generations are able to rescue the U.S. from continuing to support murderous bastards
You should pray for yourself because clearly you need a lot of help before you can begin to understand what is happening in the ME.
You should pray for yourself because clearly you need a lot of help before you can begin to understand what is happening in the ME.
Praying doesn't actually do anything. I should leave that to the religious nutjobs claiming ownership of land because of magic books.
Lol a supporter of mass murder calling someone evil? Piss off :rolleyes-41:
You see? It is the evil in your nature that forces you to see what is going on in Gaza as mass murder rather than an attempt to bring an end to the decades of Palestinian efforts to destroy Israel that has brought so much grief to both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

How can you not see how evil it is of you to wish for decades more of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians based on nonsensical fantasies of destroying Israel rather than peace between them based on the existing realities on the ground?
You see? It is the evil in your nature that forces you to see what is going on in Gaza as mass murder rather than an attempt to bring an end to the decades of Palestinian efforts to destroy Israel that has brought so much grief to both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

How can you not see how evil it is of you to wish for decades more of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians based on nonsensical fantasies of destroying Israel rather than peace between them based on the existing realities on the ground?
More decades of conflict are inevitable. Israel wants to continue ethnically cleansing their vicinity, and it constantly inspires new generations of terrorism and resistance. And that endangers and kills Americans. Gen Z polling gives me hope that the U.S.'s unconditional support for Israel will eventually come to an end, forcing them to settle for peace.
More on racist-Arab bogoted-Islamic genocidal drive on Jews in the holyland since 1920:

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