Al Qaeda video shows terror conference, fiery speech

Islam is what Islam is.....and we muslims make no bones about it.

The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God.

We muslims won't sell out our religion to become a milquetoast caricature religion like theirs has become.

But will remain loyal to the core teachings of Islam regardless of the surrounding bankrupt culture. ... :cool:
One might argue after observing Muslim nations and the way Muslims like you speak, that Islam is the bankrupt culture of hatred, intolerance, corruption, oppression, barbarism and violence.

True story. :cool:
But make no mistake... the United States is not going to allow Muslims to become a dominant force in American politics.
The same thing has been said about many racial, religious, and ethnic groups......blacks, jews, Irish, Italians, Jewish, Catholics, etc.

Someday the Muslims will have their turn steering the ship of state. .. :cool:
But but but isn't HUSSEIN Obama a Muslim son of a practicing Muslim who prayed in front of his son, and even gave his son the Muslim name "Barack Hussein"? Sounds like you guys got your turn and America has major buyer's remorse.
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Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:
Sunni Girl, you really need to stop jerking off to this Muslim takeover of America thing. It's embarrassing. I guess this mental masturbation is what Muslims have to look forward to. Muslims will take over America, Muslims will destroy Israel, Shariah law will rule over America and the world, blah blah blah...::lmao:
Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:
Sunni Girl, you really need to stop jerking off to this Muslim takeover of America thing. It's embarrassing. I guess this mental masturbation is what Muslims have to look forward to. Muslims will take over America, Muslims will destroy Israel, Shariah law will rule over America and the world, blah blah blah...::lmao:

He must be aiming for the funny bone. No one can be that stupid, right? :D
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Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:
Sunni Girl, you really need to stop jerking off to this Muslim takeover of America thing. It's embarrassing. I guess this mental masturbation is what Muslims have to look forward to. Muslims will take over America, Muslims will destroy Israel, Shariah law will rule over America and the world, blah blah blah...::lmao:

He must be aiming for the funny bone. No one can be that stupid, right? :D
This mental masturbation is an art form with them, and all they really got. So one might presume that they're really good at. Which is why people like Sunni Girl seem to live in a different world, far from reality, where they get to make believe that Muslims are "peaceful" and "Islam is winning and taking over".

I guess the poor guy is just repeating the Islamic hatred and nonsense that his Mosque Imam says every Friday. Or maybe, just no maybe, He IS the mosque Imam. Who knows. He sure sounds like it. LOL
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Sunni Girl, you really need to stop jerking off to this Muslim takeover of America thing. It's embarrassing. I guess this mental masturbation is what Muslims have to look forward to. Muslims will take over America, Muslims will destroy Israel, Shariah law will rule over America and the world, blah blah blah...::lmao:

He must be aiming for the funny bone. No one can be that stupid, right? :D
This mental masturbation is an art form with them, and all they really got. So one might presume that they're really good at. Which is why people like Sunni Girl seem to live in a different world, far from reality, where they get to make believe that Muslims are "peaceful" and "Islam is winning and taking over".

I guess the poor guy is just repeating the Islamic hatred and nonsense that his Mosque Imam says every Friday. Or maybe, just no maybe, He IS the mosque Imam. Who knows. He sure sounds like it. LOL

Judging by Sunni's posts, delusion and denial are 2 of the 5 Pillars of his brand of Islam.
I don't know if he's just really stupid or just trolling really hard.
I think its the latter .
I mean, there's no way someone could post such drivel projections about America and the. Actually believe it.

But then again, we're talking about a guy who , on more than one occassion , has said: IMO, 9/11 was an Israeli false flag attack and no Muslims at all were involved'

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Funny how the Juden claim that I am talking nonsense.

Yet they all rush here to try and silence me with vicious attacks.

They greatly fear hearing the truth......... :cool:

Delusions of both grandeur and self-importance. You get as you give, Princess, and you give ugly. Yeah, you're clearly of the raghead variety.
Funny how the Juden claim that I am talking nonsense.

Yet they all rush here to try and silence me with vicious attacks.

They greatly fear hearing the truth......... :cool:

Funny how when people respond to Sunni Trolls idiotic and delirious posts about future America, he starts with the 'Juden this' and 'Juden that'

It's usually a sign that his feelings are hurt.

Just to show you what a troll this deadbeat is, go to the ME main page and look how he trolled like ten threads that Sally started.
What a fuckin loser :lol:
Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:

It is widely and commonly understood in The West at large, and in the New World, that this is what you (metaphorically, Islam) are hoping for...

It is good for Doubters, who might otherwise extend the Benefit of Doubt to Islam, to see for themselves what your long-range plans and hopes are...

Rather like watching a flock of buzzards circling overhead...

A huge and glaringly obvious Red Flag for any non-Muslim Westerner with enough brains to facilitate basic motor control...

Beyond the realm of those who are in Denial out of a sense of fair play, or who self-destructively profer their backsides to anyone whom they think is stronger than them, or who hide their heads in the sand like ostriches...

Islam's Warrior Arrogance is its most significant weakness...

Forever mistaking Commitment to Tolerance, for Exploitable Mortal Weakness...

Islamic occupation of a country, imposing it's beliefs and laws on the rest of the non-islamic population, denying their rights to freedoms of speech and religion, and treating them as less than equals?

It mocks the Islamic teaching of peace and tolerance, especially toward other people of the book. You go to country and you abide by their laws. You don't force your beliefs on them, and it would be criminal to do so by threat.
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
Funny how the Juden claim that I am talking nonsense.
Yet they all rush here to try and silence me with vicious attacks.
They greatly fear hearing the truth.........

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
Delusions of both grandeur and self-importance. You get as you give, Princess, and you give ugly. Yeah, you're clearly of the raghead variety.

......................................^^ Poor lil emasculated Tinkerbell rushes here to defend the Juden from the Sunni Man.......

:lol: No sooner does one point out his delusions of both grandeur and self-importance than the Sunni Fool rushes here to display those tendencies once again. If I didn't know he takes himself waaay too seriously, I would think he does so just for a laugh. :D
Responding to threads isn't trolling.

True story........ :cool:

The intention of your response is......
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."
The intention of your response is......
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."

Well it's no surprise that Sunni Man hates black people as well. That's what they teach at the mosque.
And when you call him out on his bigotry and hatred, he responds with his usual 'Juden' drivel :lol:
What a pathetic excuse for a human being.

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