Al Qaeda video shows terror conference, fiery speech

LOL so now this is a Jew vs. Muslim in the U.S

Now take a look at how many Jews hold High positions, in the government, medicine, law, media...
You know, position that have the most influence in the country.
Jews have been part of America for almost 400 years.

New Amsterdam, later renamed New York City, was a Dutch settlement and had many jews as citizens. Jews ran the early slave trade in the Americas. And there were even jews who fought in the American Revolution and the Civil War. So yes, jews and Judaism have been a part of the American experience for many generations.

Muslims and the religion of Islam is a fairly new phenomenon in America.

50 years ago the number of muslims was barely enough to count on the census sheet.

But today the muslim population in the U.S. has exploded to 7 million and is continually growing at an exponential rate. And is predicted to reach 50 million by the end of the century. Which will make the muslim people a substantial voting block. As more and more muslims seek political office and high level government positions. That will someday result in a muslim setting in the White House as President of the United States.

And the rouge state of Israel (if it still exists) will no long be able to count on America as it's friend and benefactor. ... :cool:

Hahaha thanks for the laugh Sunni Troll :lol:

Everybody is allowed to fantasize. So I'm not going to bother to tell you how stupid your projections are.

Israel a rogue state?? Funny, coming from a Muslim who supports the ME Muslim states (the actual rogue states).

I missed your entertaining post Sunni Troll. Thanks for not leaving us for good :cool:
The Future of the Global Muslim Population

The world’s Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.

Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over the next two decades – an average annual growth rate of 1.5% for Muslims, compared with 0.7% for non-Muslims. If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world’s total projected population of 8.3 billion in 2030, up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9 billion.

The Future of the Global Muslim Population | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project
As their population increases, so will mass murder, mass torture, mass imprisonment and wars.
As their population increases, so will mass murder, mass torture, mass imprisonment and wars.
Why all of the hate Toastman?? .. :cool:

I don't hate anyone. I do have a problem however with the Muslim jihadists, terrorists who spread their hate unto others.

I never have, and never will hate another religion, people, ethnicity, race.
I don't even know what it is to hate them.

I don't think I can say the same for you Sunni Man.
LOL so now this is a Jew vs. Muslim in the U.S

Now take a look at how many Jews hold High positions, in the government, medicine, law, media...
You know, position that have the most influence in the country.
Jews have been part of America for almost 400 years.

New Amsterdam, later renamed New York City, was a Dutch settlement and had many jews as citizens. Jews ran the early slave trade in the Americas. And there were even jews who fought in the American Revolution and the Civil War. So yes, jews and Judaism have been a part of the American experience for many generations.

Muslims and the religion of Islam is a fairly new phenomenon in America.

50 years ago the number of muslims was barely enough to count on the census sheet.

But today the muslim population in the U.S. has exploded to 7 million and is continually growing at an exponential rate. And is predicted to reach 50 million by the end of the century. Which will make the muslim people a substantial voting block. As more and more muslims seek political office and high level government positions. That will someday result in a muslim setting in the White House as President of the United States.

And the rouge state of Israel (if it still exists) will no long be able to count on America as it's friend and benefactor. ... :cool:

Hahaha thanks for the laugh Sunni Troll :lol:

Everybody is allowed to fantasize. So I'm not going to bother to tell you how stupid your projections are.

Israel a rogue state?? Funny, coming from a Muslim who supports the ME Muslim states (the actual rogue states).

I missed your entertaining post Sunni Troll. Thanks for not leaving us for good :cool:

72,112 people of Palestinian ancestry living in the United States
Yes, but unlike those poor souls in Muslim nations which seek to not improve their country and live a life of strife and hatred will die when they try their crap in this nation..
As their population increases, so will mass murder, mass torture, mass imprisonment and wars.
Why all of the hate Toastman?? .. :cool:
Sunni Man, we're worried when we see articles like the one below from March of this year, all the way back to others posted following 9/11 and ever since.
Number Facts: American Muslims - 1.5 million support extremism

Obama claims the American Muslim population is 7 million. But let’s just use PEWs numbers of 1.8 million and put a reality check on them:
American Muslim Facts In Population Volume According to PEW Research Statistics:

  • 360,000 of American Muslims don’t want to integrate to American life but want to be ‘distinct’ [20%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 576,000 of American Muslims support extremism [32%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 198,000 of American Muslims support suicide bombings [11%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 882,000 of American Muslims don’t consider themselves American. [49%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,134,000 of American Muslims are first generation immigrants, and come from countries where they are brought up and educated to admire, idolize, and legalize war, terrorism, intense anti-American sentiments, violence, rape, racism, misogyny, incest, homophobia, human rights violations, the obligatory duty of jihad and hatred, murder and persecution of non-Muslims. [63%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
    America imports roughly 100,000+ new first generation Muslims per year through asylum, random green card/diversity visa lotteries and residency visas applications (illegals not included in that number).

  • 810,000 of American Muslims don’t tolerate homosexuality [45%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 180,000 of American Muslims approve of al Qaeda [10%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,242,000 of American Muslims are fully dedicated to Islam. which legalize and endorse rape, assault and murder of women without fault, forced marriage, honor killings, sodomy of children, execution of gays, persecution, assault and murder of non-Muslims, and legalized killing of Jews [69%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
I would sincerely be concerned about extremism being carried out against civilians whose ancestors built America and funded the Revolutionary War to oust a very critical monarch of his nation's subjects here. Mercy was not the monarch's trait.
As their population increases, so will mass murder, mass torture, mass imprisonment and wars.
Why all of the hate Toastman?? .. :cool:
Sunni Man, we're worried when we see articles like the one below from March of this year, all the way back to others posted following 9/11 and ever since.
Number Facts: American Muslims - 1.5 million support extremism

Obama claims the American Muslim population is 7 million. But let’s just use PEWs numbers of 1.8 million and put a reality check on them:
American Muslim Facts In Population Volume According to PEW Research Statistics:

  • 360,000 of American Muslims don’t want to integrate to American life but want to be ‘distinct’ [20%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 576,000 of American Muslims support extremism [32%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 198,000 of American Muslims support suicide bombings [11%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 882,000 of American Muslims don’t consider themselves American. [49%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,134,000 of American Muslims are first generation immigrants, and come from countries where they are brought up and educated to admire, idolize, and legalize war, terrorism, intense anti-American sentiments, violence, rape, racism, misogyny, incest, homophobia, human rights violations, the obligatory duty of jihad and hatred, murder and persecution of non-Muslims. [63%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
    America imports roughly 100,000+ new first generation Muslims per year through asylum, random green card/diversity visa lotteries and residency visas applications (illegals not included in that number).

  • 810,000 of American Muslims don’t tolerate homosexuality [45%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 180,000 of American Muslims approve of al Qaeda [10%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,242,000 of American Muslims are fully dedicated to Islam. which legalize and endorse rape, assault and murder of women without fault, forced marriage, honor killings, sodomy of children, execution of gays, persecution, assault and murder of non-Muslims, and legalized killing of Jews [69%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
I would sincerely be concerned about extremism being carried out against civilians whose ancestors built America and funded the Revolutionary War to oust a very critical monarch of his nation's subjects here. Mercy was not the monarch's trait.
Freedombecki, you do realize this information was taken from an extremist rabid anti-muslim hate site?? .. :cool:
Why all of the hate Toastman?? .. :cool:
Sunni Man, we're worried when we see articles like the one below from March of this year, all the way back to others posted following 9/11 and ever since.
Number Facts: American Muslims - 1.5 million support extremism

Obama claims the American Muslim population is 7 million. But let’s just use PEWs numbers of 1.8 million and put a reality check on them:
American Muslim Facts In Population Volume According to PEW Research Statistics:

  • 360,000 of American Muslims don’t want to integrate to American life but want to be ‘distinct’ [20%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 576,000 of American Muslims support extremism [32%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 198,000 of American Muslims support suicide bombings [11%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 882,000 of American Muslims don’t consider themselves American. [49%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,134,000 of American Muslims are first generation immigrants, and come from countries where they are brought up and educated to admire, idolize, and legalize war, terrorism, intense anti-American sentiments, violence, rape, racism, misogyny, incest, homophobia, human rights violations, the obligatory duty of jihad and hatred, murder and persecution of non-Muslims. [63%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
    America imports roughly 100,000+ new first generation Muslims per year through asylum, random green card/diversity visa lotteries and residency visas applications (illegals not included in that number).

  • 810,000 of American Muslims don’t tolerate homosexuality [45%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 180,000 of American Muslims approve of al Qaeda [10%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,242,000 of American Muslims are fully dedicated to Islam. which legalize and endorse rape, assault and murder of women without fault, forced marriage, honor killings, sodomy of children, execution of gays, persecution, assault and murder of non-Muslims, and legalized killing of Jews [69%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
I would sincerely be concerned about extremism being carried out against civilians whose ancestors built America and funded the Revolutionary War to oust a very critical monarch of his nation's subjects here. Mercy was not the monarch's trait.
Freedombecki, you do realize this information was taken from an extremist rabid anti-muslim hate site?? .. :cool:
PEW Research a hate site? Ha ha ha.

Stop whining.
It's a fake Pew article.

Pew doesn't end each of their research findings with, "That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?" .. :lol:
Why all of the hate Toastman?? .. :cool:
Sunni Man, we're worried when we see articles like the one below from March of this year, all the way back to others posted following 9/11 and ever since.
Number Facts: American Muslims - 1.5 million support extremism

Obama claims the American Muslim population is 7 million. But let’s just use PEWs numbers of 1.8 million and put a reality check on them:
American Muslim Facts In Population Volume According to PEW Research Statistics:

  • 360,000 of American Muslims don’t want to integrate to American life but want to be ‘distinct’ [20%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 576,000 of American Muslims support extremism [32%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 198,000 of American Muslims support suicide bombings [11%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 882,000 of American Muslims don’t consider themselves American. [49%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,134,000 of American Muslims are first generation immigrants, and come from countries where they are brought up and educated to admire, idolize, and legalize war, terrorism, intense anti-American sentiments, violence, rape, racism, misogyny, incest, homophobia, human rights violations, the obligatory duty of jihad and hatred, murder and persecution of non-Muslims. [63%. 2011 PEW]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
    America imports roughly 100,000+ new first generation Muslims per year through asylum, random green card/diversity visa lotteries and residency visas applications (illegals not included in that number).

  • 810,000 of American Muslims don’t tolerate homosexuality [45%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 180,000 of American Muslims approve of al Qaeda [10%. 2011 PEW study]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?

  • 1,242,000 of American Muslims are fully dedicated to Islam. which legalize and endorse rape, assault and murder of women without fault, forced marriage, honor killings, sodomy of children, execution of gays, persecution, assault and murder of non-Muslims, and legalized killing of Jews [69%. 2011 Pew]. That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?
I would sincerely be concerned about extremism being carried out against civilians whose ancestors built America and funded the Revolutionary War to oust a very critical monarch of his nation's subjects here. Mercy was not the monarch's trait.
Freedombecki, you do realize this information was taken from an extremist rabid anti-muslim hate site?? .. :cool:
Why would a nation hit harshly on 9/11 from homicidal and suicidal muslim men feel rabid, Sunni Man? But even so, FYI, I was looking at the statistics, not at the remarks that follow them, so I accept an appropriate amount of criticism for not finding the exact source of the statistics, to be fair to your feelings in favor of your faith. The appropriate thing would have been to backtrack to the source, and I failed to do that, and I apologize to you and Muslims who are sincerely disenchanted with taking religion to the bloodletting level as Al Qaeda did on 9/11.

I still think that extremism is a difficult malady in today's world.
Why would a nation hit harshly on 9/11 from homicidal and suicidal muslim men feel rabid, Sunni Man? But even so, FYI, I was looking at the statistics, not at the remarks that follow them, so I accept an appropriate amount of criticism for not finding the exact source of the statistics, to be fair to your feelings in favor of your faith. The appropriate thing would have been to backtrack to the source, and I failed to do that, and I apologize to you and Muslims who are sincerely disenchanted with taking religion to the bloodletting level as Al Qaeda did on 9/11.
Thank You, Freedombecki .. :eusa_angel:

The events of 9/11 has been a huge problem for American muslims.

The people accused of doing 9/11 were not U.S. citizens but foreigners; yet all American muslim are seen by many people to be somehow responsible for their actions that day.

Believe me American muslims gained zero benefit from 9/11 ... :cool:
Why do so many brain dead American citizens think that loyalty to Israel is somehow patriotic?

Is not our 51 state and is not mentioned in the US Constitution as a nation we must defend. .. :cool:
Generally speaking, we like Jews MUCH more than we like Muslims...
It's a fake Pew article.

Pew doesn't end each of their research findings with, "That’s their #Jihad, what’s yours?" .. :lol:

Sunni Man, I cannot prove nor disprove their stated "research findings." as I posted them. I found what I believe to be the report, but with 16 pages of detailed information not necessarily in the order of the above, it would take me a week of study to see what was and what was not cherry picked from the January 27, 2011 Report, which at 3 years old is no less dated, and the best you can say when summarizing it into 8 specific points for debate is that not all was revealed at all. This may or may not be helpful, since it may not show up as it did on the page:

  1. I read Mr. Kohut's separate treatise on the report in which he claimed only statistical summaries were made, not opinionary ones.

    It would take true scholarship and no pony in the show to interpret the data, unless one of the pages contain direct quotes sans the remarks someone posted after each of the 8 interpretations of data.

    This is not a good time for me to tackle this gargantuan task for reasons not relevant to this discussion. I hope someone else will read through and find out how (if this is the right report) information was gleaned.

    It may take several months for me to recuperate enough to deal with complex issues like this. I'm sorry our nation had to go through 9/11, and I'm sorry for people in a hustle to disband American law and replace it with anything else.

    I would like there to be peace, but it can't get past the wish stage when the stories about how the Homeland Security thwarted this or that planned terrorist attack successfully abound. I'm wondering why there is a push to disband the America I grew up in.

    Young people will have to deal with the decisions for centuries to come, because peace is not an option to dedicated jihadists, and their discouragement is not publicly discussed in front of the public, although it needs to be if any exists.
BTW, remember your earlier comment that the Muslim Population in the U.S is growing?
Islam makes up less than 1% of the population
50 years ago the American muslim population was barely on the chart.

Today it is around 7 million.

Which makes the American muslim population equal with the American juden which is also around 7 million.

Due to the high muslim birthrates and converts coming to Islam.

That figure could double every other decade.

And reach 50 million American muslims by the end of this century.

Whereas, juden birth rates are basically flat with no growth in numbers.

Plus many jews inter-marry with goyim, become secular, and leave the religion. ... :cool:

Too many Muslims...

Time to cull the herd back a bit...

Mebbe we can copy the Old English and try an Edict of Expulsion or sumfin'...

We'd have to declare 'em a Political System Disguised as a Religion, rather than a Religion, in order to remain strictly compliant with the Constitution, though...

Or a Hostile and Dangerous Alien Population or Terror Breeding Ground...

Or a plague...

Whatever the hell it takes...

No sense in letting 'em use our own laws against us...
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Sounds like a plan.......let me know when your gonna start........ I'll give you my address. .. :cool:
Sounds like a plan.......let me know when your gonna start........ I'll give you my address. .. :cool:
Being one of the Good Guys, I doubt you would be subject to Expulsion anyway...

But make no mistake... the United States is not going to allow Muslims to become a dominant force in American politics.

And if that means we have to kick-out a few million of your newly-arrived co-religionists... we'll probably do it... if a show-down arises between Western Culture and Islam, within the United States.
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So, did we waste some of those al-Qaeda Neanderthals in Yemen or not?

The more of those greasy phukkers we kill, the better..

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