Al Qaeda video shows terror conference, fiery speech

Why would a nation hit harshly on 9/11 from homicidal and suicidal muslim men feel rabid, Sunni Man? But even so, FYI, I was looking at the statistics, not at the remarks that follow them, so I accept an appropriate amount of criticism for not finding the exact source of the statistics, to be fair to your feelings in favor of your faith. The appropriate thing would have been to backtrack to the source, and I failed to do that, and I apologize to you and Muslims who are sincerely disenchanted with taking religion to the bloodletting level as Al Qaeda did on 9/11.
Thank You, Freedombecki .. :eusa_angel:

The events of 9/11 has been a huge problem for American muslims.

The people accused of doing 9/11 were not U.S. citizens but foreigners; yet all American muslim are seen by many people to be somehow responsible for their actions that day.

Believe me American muslims gained zero benefit from 9/11 ... :cool:
I do understand that, Sunni Man. America gained zero benefit from 9/11 also, so we should be united in loss. Instead, people shoot from the hip out of angst and the feeling of betrayal since all 19 of the participants were received in Mosques prior to the attack, some enthusiastically.

Unfortunately, the event confirmed chilling studies on the discomfort Western countries have with extremists who feel the Jihad must be fought:

It's too bad so few still believe in the brotherhood of man in the Pennsylvania state nickname's way. We could all improve others in that spirit, if it would take killing as a means of getting what groups want off the table.

Just an opinion, nothing more.
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Why would a nation hit harshly on 9/11 from homicidal and suicidal muslim men feel rabid, Sunni Man? But even so, FYI, I was looking at the statistics, not at the remarks that follow them, so I accept an appropriate amount of criticism for not finding the exact source of the statistics, to be fair to your feelings in favor of your faith. The appropriate thing would have been to backtrack to the source, and I failed to do that, and I apologize to you and Muslims who are sincerely disenchanted with taking religion to the bloodletting level as Al Qaeda did on 9/11.
Thank You, Freedombecki .. :eusa_angel:

The events of 9/11 has been a huge problem for American muslims.

The people accused of doing 9/11 were not U.S. citizens but foreigners; yet all American muslim are seen by many people to be somehow responsible for their actions that day.

Believe me American muslims gained zero benefit from 9/11 ... :cool:
I do understand that, Sunni Man. America gained zero benefit from 9/11 also, so we should be united in loss. Instead, people shoot from the hip out of angst and the feeling of betrayal since all 19 of the participants were received in Mosques prior to the attack, some enthusiastically.

Unfortunately, the event confirmed chilling studies on the discomfort Western countries have with extremists who feel the Jihad must be fought:

It's too bad so few still believe in the brotherhood of man in the Pennsylvania state nickname's way. We could all improve others in that spirit, if it would take killing as a means of getting what groups want off the table.

Just an opinion, nothing more.
An extremely worthwhile opinion, and a consummation devoutly to be wished...

Trouble is, the Other Side has been locked into contrary behaviors for the past 1300 years and more, with no sign of Reform, or Denouncing of the Concept of Jihad, anywhere on the horizen...

Under such circumstances, those who stand to become victims of such a Mindset must harden their own hearts and deal firmly with such threats...

It's not the way most folks in The West want it, but it's what they've been forced into manifesting, in recent decades...
But make no mistake... the United States is not going to allow Muslims to become a dominant force in American politics.
The same thing has been said about many racial, religious, and ethnic groups......blacks, jews, Irish, Italians, Jewish, Catholics, etc.

Someday the Muslims will have their turn steering the ship of state. .. :cool:
But make no mistake... the United States is not going to allow Muslims to become a dominant force in American politics.
The same thing has been said about many racial, religious, and ethnic groups......blacks, jews, Irish, Italians, Jewish, Catholics, etc.

Someday the Muslims will have their turn steering the ship of state. .. :cool:
The difference being, that all of those other groups were Westerners, by ethnicity or religion...

Or, at the very least, not part of a foreign Warrior Religion...

Islam is a Foreign Object attempting to attach itself to the body (The West)...

The Body will ultimately reject the Foreign Object...

Mustering whatever antibodies are required, in order to accomplish the necessary...
But make no mistake... the United States is not going to allow Muslims to become a dominant force in American politics.
The same thing has been said about many racial, religious, and ethnic groups......blacks, jews, Irish, Italians, Jewish, Catholics, etc.

Someday the Muslims will have their turn steering the ship of state. .. :cool:
The difference being, that all of those other groups were Westerners, by ethnicity or religion...

Or, at the very least, not part of a foreign Warrior Religion...

Islam is a Foreign Object attempting to attach itself to the body (The West)...

The Body will ultimately reject the Foreign Object...

Mustering whatever antibodies are required, in order to accomplish the necessary...
Incorrect......blacks were from Africa with no connection to the west.....and yet we have a black President. ... :cool:
The same thing has been said about many racial, religious, and ethnic groups......blacks, jews, Irish, Italians, Jewish, Catholics, etc.

Someday the Muslims will have their turn steering the ship of state. .. :cool:
The difference being, that all of those other groups were Westerners, by ethnicity or religion...

Or, at the very least, not part of a foreign Warrior Religion...

Islam is a Foreign Object attempting to attach itself to the body (The West)...

The Body will ultimately reject the Foreign Object...

Mustering whatever antibodies are required, in order to accomplish the necessary...
Incorrect......blacks were from Africa with no connection to the west.....and yet we have a black President. ... :cool:
Brought to America and coming from a combination of Animist and Shamanist and Muslim religious backgrounds...

Immediately saturated with Christianity and with pressure applied in connection with same for several generations...

Until, within the past 200 years, the vast majority of Black Folk on the North American continent were Christian, and had been Christian, for as long as anybody could remember...

400+ years after the first Black Folk were transported here as slaves, we had our first Black President - himself a cross between a wisely-ignored Muslim heritage and a vigorously encouraged Christian heritage...

Had Barack Obama truly been a Muslim, he would have been un-electable...

50 or 100 years from now, a Muslim will still be un-electable...

In the long run, we (the United States) don't get along well with Muslims, and don't bother trying very hard, mostly because of the General Dislike that we extend to them as a foreign, worldly, mysogynistic belief-system...

Islam hasn't changed its spots in 1300 years...

There is no reason to expect that it will manifest differently 50 or 100 years from now...

Which adds-up to the kiss-of-death, for Muslim political control of this country...

We know what you're up to...

We've seen it in Europe...

But, unlike the weakling Euro-trash on the other side of The Pond, we won't put up with that take-over shit, here...

A way will be found to foil your long-range multi-generational plans and to frustrate and kill your political ambitions...
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Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:
In fact, it's that same perennial hate speech which is why so many loathe and detest the sunnithing.

The sunnithing's constant lies and spewage are an affront to Islam - at least one hopes so. If he wants to present a caricature of Islam as his representation of it, he's only setting up innocent Muslim Americans..... I can't imagine why.

One of the greatest strengths of the US has been that 'immigrant' communities leave their old feuds back in the Old Country. If Muslims don't do that - they will make themselves unpopular with EVERY other group in the US, all by themselves.
Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:

It is widely and commonly understood in The West at large, and in the New World, that this is what you (metaphorically, Islam) are hoping for...

It is good for Doubters, who might otherwise extend the Benefit of Doubt to Islam, to see for themselves what your long-range plans and hopes are...

Rather like watching a flock of buzzards circling overhead...

A huge and glaringly obvious Red Flag for any non-Muslim Westerner with enough brains to facilitate basic motor control...

Beyond the realm of those who are in Denial out of a sense of fair play, or who self-destructively profer their backsides to anyone whom they think is stronger than them, or who hide their heads in the sand like ostriches...

Islam's Warrior Arrogance is its most significant weakness...

Forever mistaking Commitment to Tolerance, for Exploitable Mortal Weakness...
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Islam is what Islam is.....and we muslims make no bones about it.

The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God.

We muslims won't sell out our religion to become a milquetoast caricature religion like theirs has become.

But will remain loyal to the core teachings of Islam regardless of the surrounding bankrupt culture. ... :cool:
Thank You, Freedombecki .. :eusa_angel:

The events of 9/11 has been a huge problem for American muslims.

The people accused of doing 9/11 were not U.S. citizens but foreigners; yet all American muslim are seen by many people to be somehow responsible for their actions that day.

Believe me American muslims gained zero benefit from 9/11 ... :cool:
I do understand that, Sunni Man. America gained zero benefit from 9/11 also, so we should be united in loss. Instead, people shoot from the hip out of angst and the feeling of betrayal since all 19 of the participants were received in Mosques prior to the attack, some enthusiastically.

Unfortunately, the event confirmed chilling studies on the discomfort Western countries have with extremists who feel the Jihad must be fought:

It's too bad so few still believe in the brotherhood of man in the Pennsylvania state nickname's way. We could all improve others in that spirit, if it would take killing as a means of getting what groups want off the table.

Just an opinion, nothing more.
An extremely worthwhile opinion, and a consummation devoutly to be wished...

Trouble is, the Other Side has been locked into contrary behaviors for the past 1300 years and more, with no sign of Reform, or Denouncing of the Concept of Jihad, anywhere on the horizen...

Under such circumstances, those who stand to become victims of such a Mindset must harden their own hearts and deal firmly with such threats...

It's not the way most folks in The West want it, but it's what they've been forced into manifesting, in recent decades...

yes, we must steel ourselves for the task at hand, since our hand has been forced..
Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:

Yes, we see how Islam is picking up the pieces as they are busy murdering each other along with people of other religions in the Muslim world. Maybe to Muslims killing people because of their sect or their religion is a moral thing. Hmm, since Sunni Man can't stand the Shia being the proud Sunni convert that he is and wants to put them in a separate enclave, I wonder if he has plans for the Shia here in America when the Sunnis supposedly take over.
Islam is what Islam is.....and we muslims make no bones about it.

The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God.

We muslims won't sell out our religion to become a milquetoast caricature religion like theirs has become.

But will remain loyal to the core teachings of Islam regardless of the surrounding bankrupt culture. ... :cool:

People can be true to the core teachings of their religion here in American, but Americans are very grateful that there is freedom of religion here (which means that the Muslims have freedom here unlike those who are non Muslims living in Muslim countries.) We can just imagine the lack of freedom of religion if a religion such as Islam took over here. We would be just like those backward Muslims countries.

No doubt there are many people living now in the U.S., Canada, and Europe who were born into the Muslim faith and do not believe in Islam anymore. However, so many of these people are afraid to admit that because they are afraid that they will be ostracized by their family and friends and even killed for it. A person can be very, very moral regardless if he has any beliefs or not. As long as he does not want to do harm to his fellow man, why should anyone care what his religious beliefs are. Does anyone see Atheists or Agnostics running around killing people before of their religious beliefs these days? We do, however, see a lot of this going on in Muslim countries.
In fact, it's that same perennial hate speech which is why so many loathe and detest the sunnithing.

The sunnithing's constant lies and spewage are an affront to Islam - at least one hopes so. If he wants to present a caricature of Islam as his representation of it, he's only setting up innocent Muslim Americans..... I can't imagine why.

One of the greatest strengths of the U.S. has been that 'immigrant' communities leave their old feuds back in the Old Country. If Muslims don't do that - they will make themselves unpopular with EVERY other group in the U.S, all by themselves.

What has made America great is that we are a nation of people whose ancestors come from many different parts of the world, and Americans as a people no matter where they came from assimilated into the American culture. Maybe the older folks found it harder, but their children certainly were glad to do so. There are millions of people from around the world who would love to be able to come to this country for the opportunities and the religious freedom it has to offer and which their own countries don't. However, it appears that there are those who don't believe in this such as that C.A.I.R. official who said that Islam is not here in America to follow the Constitution, but Sharia Law.
Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.
Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

Regardless of your negative attitude; muslims will become a formidable voting block and political entity within a few short decades.

Western/American culture and its religious underpinnings is quickly self destructing before your very eyes.

Thankfully, for our nation, Islam will be there to pick up the pieces and fill the moral and religious vacuum.

And the U.S. will change fundamentally for the better and be a beacon for all humanity. ... :cool:

Just like the other Muslim states are beacons for all humanity, right?

This is the most entertaining thread!
Sunni the Jews have nothing to be afraid of. There are more Latinos and Blacks than Muslims. Unless of course, you are confirming that Muslims are generally savage barbaric traitorous people that no nation would want large populations of. :clap2:

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