Al Qaeda wants us to stay in Iraq...for as long as possible...


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
1) Al Qaeda wants us to stay in Iraq. It’s in their interest. it’s the biggest recruiting poster and tool Bin Laden could ever have imagined. Bin Laden is laughing his ass off, that we invaded and occupied an Arab country ruled by a ruthless, yet secular, dictator.

2) Al Qaeda isn’t strong in Iraq. Outside of mounting some spectacular bombings, there aren't many of them, and the Iraqis mostly don't like them. There are few foreign fighters in Iraq, and they’ve alienated the shia, and many of the sunni with their indiscriminate bombing of civilians. When we leave, the sunni and shia militias will focus there attention on hunting down and killing foreign arab fighters.

3) We're largely fighting indigenous sunni and shia militias - who have varying degrees of nationalistic, religious, or sectarian goals within the nation of Iraq, proper. Virtually none of them are thinking about how to bomb a Walmart in Kansas City.

the Zawahiri letter

Al Qaedas’ Number two man frets that a rapid U.S. pullout could cause al-Qaeda's operation in Iraq to collapse

Bin Laden's top deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri in another intercepted letter from July 7, 2005: In that letter, Zawahiri fretted that a rapid U.S. pullout could cause al-Qaeda's operation in Iraq to collapse because foreign jihadists, who flocked to Iraq to fight Americans, would give up the fight and go home.

"The mujahaddin must not have their mission end with the expulsion of the Americans from Iraq, and then lay down their weapons, and silence the fighting zeal," wrote Zawahiri, according to a text released by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence.

"The Mythic Caliphate": Zawahiri was so concerned about the possibility of mass desertions after a U.S. withdrawal that he suggested that al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq talk up the “idea” of a “caliphate” along the eastern Mediterranean to avert a disintegration of the force. To Zawahiri, the rhetoric about a “caliphate” was a case of making empty promises to gullible followers….

“Prolonging the war is in our interest” -- Bin Ladin aid “Atiyah”

In December 2005 letter, another top aide to Osama bin Laden, known as “Atiyah,”
a letter that has been translated and released by the US military indicates that Al Qaeda itself sees the continued American presence in Iraq as a boon for the terror network, which has recently shown signs of expanding into the Palestinian territories and North Africa.

"The most important thing is that the jihad continues with steadfastness ... indeed, prolonging the war is in our interest," says the writer, who goes by the name Atiyah. The letter, released last week, was recovered in the rubble of the Iraqi house where Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, former leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, was killed by a US bomb in June

But, but, but….Won’t Al Qaeda “take over” Iraq if we leave?

There are few foreign fighters in Iraq, most are Saudi - our “good” ally

Although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out at Syria and Iran, accusing it of helping insurgents and militias here, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from a third neighbor, Saudi Arabia, according to a senior U.S. military officer and Iraqi lawmakers.

About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures made available to The Times by the senior officer. Nearly half of the 135 foreigners in U.S. detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis, he said.,0,3818698,full.story?coll=la-home-world

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