AL Sec of State: If State GOP Pulls Support for Moore and He Still Wins, We'll Void The Election

(1). Much as I like the bastard, I think the number and quality of his accusers is becoming overwhelming. He is toast.

(2) The question is whether a successful write-in campaign can be mounted for Mr. Strange. Which might depend on whether the special election can be delayed for a couple weeks, or until after the first of the year.

(3). One reason why he is hated by the establishment is that he insists on correctly interpreting the U.S. Constitution, in spite of some misguided decisions already made by the USSC. Case in point: there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that requires the removal of the Ten Commandments from any public building (including the Supreme Court chambers in Washington, D.C.).

As far as #3 goes, his interpreting the US Constitution in areas that are not specified is one thing (I disagree that the 1st Amendment doesn't apply here), but he, while sitting on the Alabama Supreme Court, defied a higher court ruling. Not once but twice. That is not up for interpretation.

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