Alabama Councilman Wants to Ban Short Skirts Because God Wouldn't Like It

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Another case of the religious right trying to implement Christian Sharia. It's not the job of government officials to be the moral police.

He also brought God into it. “We have people walking down the street with their hand in front of them holding up their pants,”

“Then they have the nerve to walk into a place of business and ask for a job. If you come to my house you are going to pull them up before you get on my property, much less in my door.

"I prayed about this. I know that God would not go around with pants down.”

Council to ban short shorts and miniskirts because they are 'disrespectful'
I disagree with the councilman but is that any worse than forcing a pastor to marry a gay couple? Point is, there are extremists on both sides but I believe most of the extremists are anti-Christian.
Another case of the religious right trying to implement Christian Sharia. It's not the job of government officials to be the moral police.

He also brought God into it. “We have people walking down the street with their hand in front of them holding up their pants,”

“Then they have the nerve to walk into a place of business and ask for a job. If you come to my house you are going to pull them up before you get on my property, much less in my door.

"I prayed about this. I know that God would not go around with pants down.”

Council to ban short shorts and miniskirts because they are 'disrespectful'

In any case, If Gawd wanted skirts, why are they not part of the normal human anatomy?

Just wonderin'.

Alabama Official: God Told Me to Ban Saggy Pants

What is the purpose for wearing pants , ready to fall off. Look at the guy in the black ones, how can he walk, let alone work in those.:lmao::lmao:
Yeah, well, there's such a thing as indecent exposure, and I've seen a lot of street wear that definitely constitutes it. I don't know why a group of people should have to tolerate it.

Requiring dresses not show a woman's crotch really isn't all that much to ask. It's a shame they have to pass it into law, but nobody wants to be the sleeze capital of the world.
There apparently needs to be laws that require women to cover up their ass cracks too. If I never see another female ass crack again when I'm doing something like sitting in the doctor's office, it will still be too soon.
And please somebody make a law requiring women to not show their dingy, woefully inadequate bra straps. Hello, if you need a bra to wear a string t, you probably shouldn't be wearing a fucking string t shirt. Nobody wants to see that shit. They don't even straighten them out.

I'm okay with multiple layers of string straps that are decorative, like a little swim suit thing or another t shirt under the first one. But seriously, fucking bra straps, that is not a style and it never will be a style and you just look like a moron.
The Fashion Police, literally. If this nonsense passes, it will get challenged, likely tossed out, and cost the taxpayers money. With an 8% unemployment rate you would think they would attend to more pressing matters.
They could always demand they wear burkas :rolleyes:

There's a few nutjobs in both parties. so this guy isn't a lone ranger. that's why we need to CUT these governments down to size. or start making them pass a test that proves they are sane. :dunno:

Alabama Official: God Told Me to Ban Saggy Pants

What is the purpose for wearing pants , ready to fall off. Look at the guy in the black ones, how can he walk, let alone work in those.:lmao::lmao:

People have the freedom in America to look as stupid as they wish. People also have the freedom to refuse to hire stupid looking people. Thus, balance is maintained throughout the Universe.

It seems odd to me that the God who created and maintains that entire Universe would be particularly concerned if one wishes to look stupid.
Maybe "God" would not like it. Personally, I do not believe in the supernatural. But what if there is a god and this guy is really in touch with him (oh, and it's a him)? God talks to this prick and says stuff like, "you know, bud, I don't really dig it when chicks wear short skirts. I know that makes me sound like a total fag, but I am just old fashioned that way. Can you help me out on this, bra?"

Hell, who knows? Maybe God really is uptight when it comes to leg. Stranger things have happened - like Obama being elected president.
There apparently needs to be laws that require women to cover up their ass cracks too. If I never see another female ass crack again when I'm doing something like sitting in the doctor's office, it will still be too soon.
Should be a law now to put you religious nuts into mental institutions , and that day is coming

We make it easy in Oregon. Nudity is legal everywhere, as long as there's no sexual intent.

So the way to tell who are the prostitutes in Oregon is... they're the ones wearing clothes!


-- Paravani
I disagree with the councilman but is that any worse than forcing a pastor to marry a gay couple? .

Has someone forced a pastor to marry a gay couple?
Stay tuned, you know it's coming. If they can jail someone for refusing to issue a license, why wouldn't they jail somebody for refusing to perform the ceremony?
You're lucky they don't jail people for being damn fucking stupid

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