Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child


That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.

No, I'm not in favour of the forced sterlization of anybody. I'm also not in favour of forcing women to have a baby she isn't able to carry or raise.

You want to be able to force women to "take responsibility" for their pregnancy, and I'm telling you that having an abortion is "taking responsibility" for the pregnancy. I've never been pregnant when I couldn't be a parent so I've never really had to make that choice. Some of my friends have and it broke their hearts to go to the clinic. None have said they should have done it differently.

Scuba divers are breathing from an air tank on their backs.

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers/
That is tantamount to saying a man who murders his wife is taking responsibility for a failed marriage...

Women should not be allowed the same right he claims for himself: .
In which state can a man absolve himself from the result of an unwanted birth?
Do tell us...
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.
Armed with all this information, and being “equal” surely you should be more than equipped for making decisions you can stand behind come what may... Without making others pay for your failures... You know..? Like... Equals...
One night stands didnt start happening in multitudes until that FREE sex, drugs and rock and roll happened in the 1960's. Then when hollyweird started showing sex on tv all the time, you wonder why kids these days are fucking at 10....Thanks Oblummer(the brown turd).

Clearly you are a racist, and likely don't have a clue about one night stands. It had nothing to do with rock and roll, drugs or Hollywood X and R rated films. On May 4th, 1960 the FDA approved the Pill which liberated females to engage in sexual activity without the fear of becoming pregnant.
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...As long as the girl takes the pill....but what if she doesnt? Is it the males fault or the baby's? No it is the woman's fault yet she either kills the baby or makes the man pay for her mistake...You are one dumb mother fucker..
No, it's the male's fault for not wearing a condom. Sperm is necessary to create an unwanted pregnancy and males can create FAR MORE unwanted pregnancies than women can.

Males must be made to control their sperm one way or the other. Snip snip motherfucker.
Did you ever hear about the aspirin birth control system?


But since Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinsten, Jeffie Epstein, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, and other liberal elites want their women easy, here is the way girls are taught today.


I call them sluts or savages.....But my favorite is still the SERF.....

In modern times, no amount of hand-wringing, teeth-gnashing, nail-biting, belly-wailing or slut-shaming will ever convince a woman to live her life the way YOU think she should. And that's the real problem isn't it Grandpa? Or are you an Incel?
Well, most real women arent in big cities anymore their are out in the fly over country you liberal hate so much. They still today, wait for the guy who will ask their hands in marriage while carrying their virginity to their honeymoon. Yes, sluts get laid, they get fucked but then when men leave them for better, then it is the man's fault....Liberal insanity, ruins everyone's lives.....
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity.
Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, even liberal Arnold Schwartssss...he married a Kennedy, acted just like a Kennedy... Liberals if all of them would just die, the world would be a better place....

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. .....

A woman who murders her unborn child thinks her own convenience is more important than life itself. How dare another human life burden her?
....... The right to live his own best life.

What about the right to live a life at all, you heartless, soulless fucking ghoul?
Keep spooling out rope... They can’t help themselves...
These things that call themselves liberals, have no clue what Classical Liberalism is really about.

What Is Classical Liberalism? | Ralph Raico
"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade. Up until around 1900, this ideology was generally known simply as liberalism.
The liberals of today are more like this .

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
Gay, Lesbian and now men with tits and women with beards are treated as normal.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Why they dont give a shit about diseased illegal aliens coming across our border raping our women and children, killing born and unborn babies, they just dont care, they want Demoncraps to be in power.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
You give the liberals the truth, they will first rant and rail against you, then call you names, then they will run away like a petulant little girl.
#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.
Which is why this fucking OP was created because liberals dont love they fuck anything that moves and expect the rest of US to pay for the killing of the baby...
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
I have yet to hear any worthless(because the're not worthy) liberals ever apologize for being wrong, I guess that would mean they would always be apologizing.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Fetus, Fetus, Fetus, Fetus, Fetus....they say it over and over hoping the rest of the "moral" people will believe them. The citizens of the US hate liberals for how EVIL they are...
....... The right to live his own best life.

What about the right to live a life at all, you heartless, soulless fucking ghoul?
Keep spooling out rope... They can’t help themselves...
These things that call themselves liberals, have no clue what Classical Liberalism is really about.

What Is Classical Liberalism? | Ralph Raico
"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade. Up until around 1900, this ideology was generally known simply as liberalism.
The liberals of today are more like this .

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
Gay, Lesbian and now men with tits and women with beards are treated as normal.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Why they dont give a shit about diseased illegal aliens coming across our border raping our women and children, killing born and unborn babies, they just dont care, they want Demoncraps to be in power.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
You give the liberals the truth, they will first rant and rail against you, then call you names, then they will run away like a petulant little girl.
#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.
Which is why this fucking OP was created because liberals dont love they fuck anything that moves and expect the rest of US to pay for the killing of the baby...
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
I have yet to hear any worthless(because the're not worthy) liberals ever apologize for being wrong, I guess that would mean they would always be apologizing.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Fetus, Fetus, Fetus, Fetus, Fetus....they say it over and over hoping the rest of the "moral" people will believe them. The citizens of the US hate liberals for how EVIL they are...
You do realize that the person you are describing in your sociopath list is Donald J. Trump, especially #3, I did nothing wrong. It was a perfect call. I did it - so what. #5. Nobody talking about "winning" like Trump and his cult. As for #10, Trumpy Bear literally tells people that the Mueller Report says "No collusion, no obstruction", which is a flat out lie, and you're trying to make it the truth.
You dummies . The bill is pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti abortion crowd . It’s fine to make laws controlling women’s bodies but not men?
Another thread showing how clueless trumpanzees are.
Clearly you are a racist, and likely don't have a clue about one night stands. It had nothing to do with rock and roll, drugs or Hollywood X and R rated films. On May 4th, 1960 the FDA approved the Pill which liberated females to engage in sexual activity without the fear of becoming pregnant.
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...As long as the girl takes the pill....but what if she doesnt? Is it the males fault or the baby's? No it is the woman's fault yet she either kills the baby or makes the man pay for her mistake...You are one dumb mother fucker..
No, it's the male's fault for not wearing a condom. Sperm is necessary to create an unwanted pregnancy and males can create FAR MORE unwanted pregnancies than women can.

Males must be made to control their sperm one way or the other. Snip snip motherfucker.
Did you ever hear about the aspirin birth control system?


But since Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinsten, Jeffie Epstein, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, and other liberal elites want their women easy, here is the way girls are taught today.


I call them sluts or savages.....But my favorite is still the SERF.....

In modern times, no amount of hand-wringing, teeth-gnashing, nail-biting, belly-wailing or slut-shaming will ever convince a woman to live her life the way YOU think she should. And that's the real problem isn't it Grandpa? Or are you an Incel?
Well, most real women arent in big cities anymore their are out in the fly over country you liberal hate so much. They still today, wait for the guy who will ask their hands in marriage while carrying their virginity to their honeymoon. Yes, sluts get laid, they get fucked but then when men leave them for better, then it is the man's fault....Liberal insanity, ruins everyone's lives.....
OK Boomer

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. .....

A woman who murders her unborn child thinks her own convenience is more important than life itself. How dare another human life burden her?

No she thinks that her own life, and that of her family, including the unborn child she cannot care for, are all important. But she's not going to sacrifice the lives that are here for one that has not begun. Her first obligation is to her living children and to providing for their needs. That decision is hers and hers alone and none of your business.

You want rights over the woman's bodies. Well put you money where your mouth is. What part of your reproductive life will you surrender to the state, to force women to have babies. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If you get a woman pregnant, will you support that child for the next 20 years. Will you gurantee us you won't have more children than you can support, and get snipped if you miss a child support payment?
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.

That should have been law in Alabama a half century ago.

The best part of you probably soaked the sheets. Your sperm donor should have pulled out. The world would be grateful.
Fascinating. Truly fascinating.

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. .....

A woman who murders her unborn child thinks her own convenience is more important than life itself. How dare another human life burden her?

No she thinks that her own life, and that of her family, including the unborn child she cannot care for, are all important. But she's not going to sacrifice the lives that are here for one that has not begun. Her first obligation is to her living children and to providing for their needs. ........

Oh no! If a woman doesn't have an abortion the rest of her family will die!!! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have any shame at all, you soulless shithead?
Clearly you are a racist, and likely don't have a clue about one night stands. It had nothing to do with rock and roll, drugs or Hollywood X and R rated films. On May 4th, 1960 the FDA approved the Pill which liberated females to engage in sexual activity without the fear of becoming pregnant.
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...As long as the girl takes the pill....but what if she doesnt? Is it the males fault or the baby's? No it is the woman's fault yet she either kills the baby or makes the man pay for her mistake...You are one dumb mother fucker..
No, it's the male's fault for not wearing a condom. Sperm is necessary to create an unwanted pregnancy and males can create FAR MORE unwanted pregnancies than women can.

Males must be made to control their sperm one way or the other. Snip snip motherfucker.
Did you ever hear about the aspirin birth control system?


But since Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinsten, Jeffie Epstein, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, and other liberal elites want their women easy, here is the way girls are taught today.


I call them sluts or savages.....But my favorite is still the SERF.....

In modern times, no amount of hand-wringing, teeth-gnashing, nail-biting, belly-wailing or slut-shaming will ever convince a woman to live her life the way YOU think she should. And that's the real problem isn't it Grandpa? Or are you an Incel?
Well, most real women arent in big cities anymore their are out in the fly over country you liberal hate so much. They still today, wait for the guy who will ask their hands in marriage while carrying their virginity to their honeymoon. Yes, sluts get laid, they get fucked but then when men leave them for better, then it is the man's fault....Liberal insanity, ruins everyone's lives.....

How is a man who would fuck a slut, any better than the woman he has sex with? Girls today who go from girl to girl, are called "fuck boys", regardless of age. Women slut shame THEM for their promiscuity, and lack of morals or ethics. Nobody wants a fuck boy. If you have ever had sex with a "loose" woman, you're no better than she is. I know you old timers like to pretend there's a double standard, but not today. If you're the kind of man who messes with drug addled, drunk or diseased women, stay away. If you treat women as disposable, you're a fuck boy.

One of my friends is a high school teacher in the heartland, where men are men and sheep are scared. Her female students are holding on to their virginity until their honeymoons. But in the meantime, they're taking it up the ass from their boyfriends and giving blow jobs, but they will not have vaginal sex because then they won't be virgins. Gotta keep that precious hymen intact, boys. These are girls in a "Christian" school My teacher friend says her girls students have told her things that would curl your hair.

Under the laws of unintended consequences, by demanding "viriginity pledges" and "Chastity vows from their daughters, evangelicals have created nation full of Godly young women who are willing to do things that would make a Church Street hooker blush. No boy would have ever dared to suggest to a "nice" when I was a teenager. I was nearly 30 before anyone told me that straight people had annal sex. I was shocked. I thought only gays did that.
Did it specifiy if impregnating your cousin or sister counted? This is Alabama we're talking about. You gotta make things clear.

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