Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child

..... The equivalency is in......

Shut the fuck up. The only "equivalency" would be proposing involuntary serialization for both men and women. I don't want to kill or sterilize anyone. You immoral, illogical asshole leftists cannot say that same.

It’s the flip side of the same coin. ......

It's nothing of the sort. How fucking stupid are you? The only equivalent action would be the forced sterilization of both men and women. Forced sterilization vs NOT killing the innocent are in no way equivalent. How do you function on a daily basis with such an utter lack of basic logic?

Not according to the Catholic Church. ......

Are you Catholic?
...... Shouldn't parents be willing and able to welcome that child, and given it the best possible start, instead of being born into dire poverty with no prospects of opportunities in future. .....

Here the democrats, with their constant desire for class warfare, show that when accidentally honest they don't think that poor people deserve to live. Fucking ghouls.
...... Shouldn't parents be willing and able to welcome that child, and given it the best possible start, instead of being born into dire poverty with no prospects of opportunities in future. .....

Here the democrats, with their constant desire for class warfare, show that when accidentally honest they don't think that poor people deserve to live. Fucking ghouls.
Yup. She is precisely saying poor children are better off dead...

That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.

And so the circle is now complete with the NAZIs and the Democrats, state sponsored forced sterilization programs. I just knew they'd get there.
LOL. 7 out of 10 women would not scream bloody murder if their male partner was responsible, in a relationship pregnancy is a topic that both must agree on. One night stands is not something a single or married women would do intentionally to become pregnant.

In fact in all cases when intercourse is on the bed, responsible men always ask if the women is protected, and if not has ready a condom.
One night stands didnt start happening in multitudes until that FREE sex, drugs and rock and roll happened in the 1960's. Then when hollyweird started showing sex on tv all the time, you wonder why kids these days are fucking at 10....Thanks Oblummer(the brown turd).

Clearly you are a racist, and likely don't have a clue about one night stands. It had nothing to do with rock and roll, drugs or Hollywood X and R rated films. On May 4th, 1960 the FDA approved the Pill which liberated females to engage in sexual activity without the fear of becoming pregnant.
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...As long as the girl takes the pill....but what if she doesnt? Is it the males fault or the baby's? No it is the woman's fault yet she either kills the baby or makes the man pay for her mistake...You are one dumb mother fucker..
No, it's the male's fault for not wearing a condom. Sperm is necessary to create an unwanted pregnancy and males can create FAR MORE unwanted pregnancies than women can.

Males must be made to control their sperm one way or the other. Snip snip motherfucker.
Did you ever hear about the aspirin birth control system?


But since Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinsten, Jeffie Epstein, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, and other liberal elites want their women easy, here is the way girls are taught today.


I call them sluts or savages.....But my favorite is still the SERF.....

In modern times, no amount of hand-wringing, teeth-gnashing, nail-biting, belly-wailing or slut-shaming will ever convince a woman to live her life the way YOU think she should. And that's the real problem isn't it Grandpa? Or are you an Incel?

That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.

No, I'm not in favour of the forced sterlization of anybody. I'm also not in favour of forcing women to have a baby she isn't able to carry or raise.

You want to be able to force women to "take responsibility" for their pregnancy, and I'm telling you that having an abortion is "taking responsibility" for the pregnancy. I've never been pregnant when I couldn't be a parent so I've never really had to make that choice. Some of my friends have and it broke their hearts to go to the clinic. None have said they should have done it differently.

Scuba divers are breathing from an air tank on their backs.

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers/
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.

And so the circle is now complete with the NAZIs and the Democrats, state sponsored forced sterilization programs. I just knew they'd get there.

If women can be forced to have a baby, men should be forced to prevent unwanted pregnancies. You don't like it, stop telling us not to have abortions. Women don't get pregnant by themselves. It always takes sperm. Prevent the sperm, prevent abortions.

That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.

No, I'm not in favour of the forced sterlization of anybody. I'm also not in favour of forcing women to have a baby she isn't able to carry or raise.

You want to be able to force women to "take responsibility" for their pregnancy, and I'm telling you that having an abortion is "taking responsibility" for the pregnancy. I've never been pregnant when I couldn't be a parent so I've never really had to make that choice. Some of my friends have and it broke their hearts to go to the clinic. None have said they should have done it differently.

Scuba divers are breathing from an air tank on their backs.

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers/
That is tantamount to saying a man who murders his wife is taking responsibility for a failed marriage...
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.

And so the circle is now complete with the NAZIs and the Democrats, state sponsored forced sterilization programs. I just knew they'd get there.

If women can be forced to have a baby, men should be forced to prevent unwanted pregnancies. You don't like it, stop telling us not to have abortions. Women don't get pregnant by themselves. It always takes sperm. Prevent the sperm, prevent abortions.
Negative. You... You are either cogent enough, and have the ability to control your vagina... Or you don’t. You don’t have control of your exposure to sperm? Lol! Decide. You either have agency, or you don’t. You’re flip flopping on the deck like a fish out of water sucking for air.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
One is a choice. The other isn’t...
Seriously you’re embarrassing yourself. Quit posting drunk...
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.

No, I'm not in favour of the forced sterlization of anybody. I'm also not in favour of forcing women to have a baby she isn't able to carry or raise.

You want to be able to force women to "take responsibility" for their pregnancy, and I'm telling you that having an abortion is "taking responsibility" for the pregnancy. I've never been pregnant when I couldn't be a parent so I've never really had to make that choice. Some of my friends have and it broke their hearts to go to the clinic. None have said they should have done it differently.

Scuba divers are breathing from an air tank on their backs.

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers/
That is tantamount to saying a man who murders his wife is taking responsibility for a failed marriage...

No, taking responsibility for your failed marriage is sitting down with your spouse, and making an agreement to separate. Settling up the financial matters in an equitable fashion, and co-parenting your children with mutual respect.

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. Just like someone who thinks a woman he doesn't know should be forced to give birth to a baby that is not his. Women should not be allowed the same right he claims for himself: The right to live his own best life.
We don't need a higher birthrate that's for sure.

I do believe that it was in response to the Republican Senate passing a bill to ban abortions in Alabama, kinda like a 'quid pro quo'.
You took it out of context, as that Democrat thinks that his proposal would resolve the abortion issue. Sorta like an equal rights thing.
Catch my drift?

The website that published the article ( is the guilty party. That's who took the bill out of context and tried to pretend that Democrats actually want to mandate vasectomies. That website was started by Trump's "special assistant" Cliff Sims. This is deliberately misleading, fake news - propaganda.

Typical Trump shenanigans and lies that his uninformed followers buy into.

But the lies spread beyond his uninformed followers. The truth of these stories is irrelevant. They're aren't trying to persuade discerning observers. The dreck is aimed squarely at the barroom chatter of the "average joe". "Did you hear what the Democrats are proposing now? They want to force all men to have vasectomies." "Jeez.... fucking Democrats. They're all nuts!"

That's what the propaganda is designed to produce.

That horror you're feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of being forced to have a simple medical procedure that you can reverse with no damage later, PALES in comparison to the horror women feel at the thought of the state having the right to force them to have a baby they're not in a position to raise. Two years and irreversible damage to their bodies, and financial situation, versus a few minutes in the doctors office, and a sore groin for a couple of day.

What's holding you back?

You are in favor of the forced sterilization of women? That would fit the democrat attitude.

No, I'm not in favour of the forced sterlization of anybody. I'm also not in favour of forcing women to have a baby she isn't able to carry or raise.

You want to be able to force women to "take responsibility" for their pregnancy, and I'm telling you that having an abortion is "taking responsibility" for the pregnancy. I've never been pregnant when I couldn't be a parent so I've never really had to make that choice. Some of my friends have and it broke their hearts to go to the clinic. None have said they should have done it differently.

Scuba divers are breathing from an air tank on their backs.

You are dumber than two sacks of hammers/
That is tantamount to saying a man who murders his wife is taking responsibility for a failed marriage...

No, taking responsibility for your failed marriage is sitting down with your spouse, and making an agreement to separate. Settling up the financial matters in an equitable fashion, and co-parenting your children with mutual respect.

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. Just like someone who thinks a woman he doesn't know should be forced to give birth to a baby that is not his. Women should not be allowed the same right he claims for himself: The right to live his own best life.
Like you sit down with the soon to be executed..? Lol!

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