Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child


How is a man who would fuck a slut, any better than the woman he has sex with? ......

You feel entitled to denounce women who have sex outside of marriage, but you consider women who kill innocent humans to be paragons of virtue? Your doctor double dipped during your lobotomy.

One of my friends is a high school teacher in the heartland, where men are men and sheep are scared. Her female students are holding on to their virginity until their honeymoons. But in the meantime, they're taking it up the ass from their boyfriends and giving blow jobs,......

Your 'interests' are beyond creepy, death-worshiper.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
Bullshit. Men can only impregnate women who are too stupid of careless to use contraception, so having all women get their tubes tied makes it impossible for men to impregnate any of them. Here you are the champion of stupid, careless women who want to kill their babies.

And yet you probably believe .....

Typical democrat 'logic.'

A hypothesis comes with reasoning, it is neither democrat or liberal or anything more than a educated guess linked by descriptive, exploratory, inferential, predictive, and causal observations.

I don't recall the post which you failed to link to your post. Give me the post number and thread if that is where you copied it, and I can fill in the blanks. I don't know or care how old you are, but your favorite genre is what I would expect from a curmudgeon. Mocking without substance is nothing more than an Idiot-Gram, variety, ad hominem.

Yoda you are not.

Putting lipstick on your straw man doesn't make him anything other than a straw man.

Thanks for proving, "Yoda you are not".
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
Bullshit. Men can only impregnate women who are too stupid of careless to use contraception, so having all women get their tubes tied makes it impossible for men to impregnate any of them. Here you are the champion of stupid, careless women who want to kill their babies.

Here you are saying that only women who are stupid get pregnant, when the bald fact is that if men behaved in a moral manner, and used birth control, women couldn't get pregnant. If a man is stupid enough to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to get pregnant and he doesn't use birth control, he's even dumber than she is.

What you're saying is that a man is never smart enough to take care of his own business. Then why is he having sex at all. This notion that men should get all they can with impunity, and no responsibility is the height of ignorance and immorality.

What a stupid tool you are.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
Bullshit. Men can only impregnate women who are too stupid of careless to use contraception, so having all women get their tubes tied makes it impossible for men to impregnate any of them. Here you are the champion of stupid, careless women who want to kill their babies.

Here you are saying that only women who are stupid get pregnant, when the bald fact is that if men behaved in a moral manner, and used birth control, women couldn't get pregnant. If a man is stupid enough to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to get pregnant and he doesn't use birth control, he's even dumber than she is.

What you're saying is that a man is never smart enough to take care of his own business. Then why is he having sex at all. This notion that men should get all they can with impunity, and no responsibility is the height of ignorance and immorality.

What a stupid tool you are.
You really don't like men, do you? Unless, of course, you've snipped their balls.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
Bullshit. Men can only impregnate women who are too stupid of careless to use contraception, so having all women get their tubes tied makes it impossible for men to impregnate any of them. Here you are the champion of stupid, careless women who want to kill their babies.

Here you are saying that only women who are stupid get pregnant, when the bald fact is that if men behaved in a moral manner, and used birth control, women couldn't get pregnant. If a man is stupid enough to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to get pregnant and he doesn't use birth control, he's even dumber than she is.

What you're saying is that a man is never smart enough to take care of his own business. Then why is he having sex at all. This notion that men should get all they can with impunity, and no responsibility is the height of ignorance and immorality.

What a stupid tool you are.
You really don't like men, do you? Unless, of course, you've snipped their balls.

I love men, I married two of them, not at the same time of course. But I expect men to show respect for their partners, daughters, sisters and mothers. And vice versa, I have little regard for men or women who screw around, and disrespect their families, bring home diseases, or otherwise behave like a scumbag.

Why anyone dates a person who is married is beyond me. Right up front you know the person is a liar and a cheat. That's so attractive. My mother used to say that when you marry a man who cheats on his wife, what you get is a husband who cheats on his wife. Or as one guy said to me when I asked why he didn't marry his girlfriend after she left her husband for him "Why would I marry her. If she cheated on him, she'll cheat on me".

There's an old expression that goes "It takes a very good husband (or wife), to be better than none at all". I would agree with that statement. Life is too short to be with someone who doesn't want to be there.
..... The equivalency is in......

Shut the fuck up. The only "equivalency" would be proposing involuntary serialization for both men and women. I don't want to kill or sterilize anyone. You immoral, illogical asshole leftists cannot say that same.
No. Just the only equivalency you chose to value.

The equivalency lies in each having equal individual rights over their bodies and reproductive choices per the constitution.

That is the moral of this story.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...

No, I'm not. You are. We charge people with crimes against other people. Not crimes against human DNA. So are you marching on fertility clinics which purge your embryos if you don't pay your freezer bill?

A man who murders his wife is someone who thinks he should control his women. How dare she fail to do what he wants. .....

A woman who murders her unborn child thinks her own convenience is more important than life itself. How dare another human life burden her?

No she thinks that her own life, and that of her family, including the unborn child she cannot care for, are all important. But she's not going to sacrifice the lives that are here for one that has not begun. Her first obligation is to her living children and to providing for their needs. That decision is hers and hers alone and none of your business.

You want rights over the woman's bodies. Well put you money where your mouth is. What part of your reproductive life will you surrender to the state, to force women to have babies. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If you get a woman pregnant, will you support that child for the next 20 years. Will you gurantee us you won't have more children than you can support, and get snipped if you miss a child support payment?
Another failed argument from you. Here in Alabama neither men nor women are forced to have surgeries. Additionally nether men, nor women are permitted abortions. That’s quite equal, and fair. You need to learn to control your own vagina...
You dummies . The bill is pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti abortion crowd . It’s fine to make laws controlling women’s bodies but not men?
Another thread showing how clueless trumpanzees are.

They don't even know it.
Its about sanitizing being a slut and turning it into a normal way of existence while blaming men who are by nature using their normal urges in an era that killed God off. To me its not the abortions. Its the amount of abortions. Being careless is an excuse to blame someone else on this issue.
Liberals are violent -- since you don't wanna let me kill my baby, why don't we cut your balls off??

Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child - Yellowhammer News

MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) on Thursday filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.

Democrats in the Alabama legislature last year brought up the possibility of introducing such a bill during the abortion debate on 2019’s HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” states the introduction to Hollis’ new bill, HB 238.

Wow. Talk about a house negro! Is she talking about black and Hispanic men? Seems they are the ones having the issue with getting teenagers pregnant and bailing on their responsibilities.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...

No, I'm not. You are. We charge people with crimes against other people. Not crimes against human DNA. So are you marching on fertility clinics which purge your embryos if you don't pay your freezer bill?
And that DNA handily shows them to be humans. Not zebras, not toasters; Humans. While it is standard procedure to dehumanize ones victims; doing so betrays that you know exactly what your doing. Killing people for your own selfish desires. No amount of verbal ballet is ever going to change that...
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
Then you'd see nothing wrong with requiring all women of a certain age or after having a specified number of children having their tubes tied, right?

Women should not have to be sterilized at all. Men can impregnate hundreds of women. An unlimited number. A woman can only have one baby a year.

If men only had sex with their wives, but men have been irresponsibly impregnating women with impunity. I think any man on welfare should be sterilized until he proves himself able to support a family. We don't want that seed making the rounds until he's on his feet.

Furthermore, its easier, and cheaper to reverse a vasectomy than a tubal ligation. I was off for 6 weeks when I had mine reversed, and I have a scar from navel to public bone from the surgery.

If you don't like the idea of men being held resonsible for abortions, welcome to the club. We didn't do this by ourselves. Stop trying to intrude on our personal and family decisions. Otherwise,we will start demanding you be chemically or surgically castrated too.
Bullshit. Men can only impregnate women who are too stupid of careless to use contraception, so having all women get their tubes tied makes it impossible for men to impregnate any of them. Here you are the champion of stupid, careless women who want to kill their babies.

Here you are saying that only women who are stupid get pregnant, when the bald fact is that if men behaved in a moral manner, and used birth control, women couldn't get pregnant. If a man is stupid enough to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to get pregnant and he doesn't use birth control, he's even dumber than she is.

What you're saying is that a man is never smart enough to take care of his own business. Then why is he having sex at all. This notion that men should get all they can with impunity, and no responsibility is the height of ignorance and immorality.

What a stupid tool you are.
Once again forfeiting you’re own agency... Lol What happened to all these strong, independent, responsible women. Lol! They scatter like cockroaches when accountability comes due...
You dummies . The bill is pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti abortion crowd . It’s fine to make laws controlling women’s bodies but not men?
Another thread showing how clueless trumpanzees are.

They don't even know it.
Its about sanitizing being a slut and turning it into a normal way of existence while blaming men who are by nature using their normal urges in an era that killed God off. To me its not the abortions. Its the amount of abortions. Being careless is an excuse to blame someone else on this issue.

It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...

No, I'm not. You are. We charge people with crimes against other people. Not crimes against human DNA. So are you marching on fertility clinics which purge your embryos if you don't pay your freezer bill?
And that DNA handily shows them to be humans. Not zebras, not toasters; Humans. While it is standard procedure to dehumanize ones victims; doing so betrays that you know exactly what your doing. Killing people for your own selfish desires. No amount of verbal ballet is ever going to change that...
Verbal ballet?

There's magnitudes more human DNA in my morning dump than an embryo.

Dance on, fool.
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...

No, I'm not. You are. We charge people with crimes against other people. Not crimes against human DNA. So are you marching on fertility clinics which purge your embryos if you don't pay your freezer bill?
And that DNA handily shows them to be humans. Not zebras, not toasters; Humans. While it is standard procedure to dehumanize ones victims; doing so betrays that you know exactly what your doing. Killing people for your own selfish desires. No amount of verbal ballet is ever going to change that...
Verbal ballet?

There's magnitudes more human DNA in my morning dump than an embryo.

Dance on, fool.
And none of that DNA, if not interfered with, will continue to multiply, develop, and mature. You can collect your fail at the door...
It always come down to: If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. No one is forcing women to have abortions.

You horror of government imposed forced sterilization is nothing compared to our horror of forced pregnancy. Having a baby changes your life forever. Getting snipped does not. How is forcing you to get snipped "Naziism", but forcing me to have a baby not?
If you think spousal abuse is wrong... Don’t abuse your spouse.
If you think rape is wrong; don’t rape anyone...
You’re embarrassing yourself...

No, I'm not. You are. We charge people with crimes against other people. Not crimes against human DNA. So are you marching on fertility clinics which purge your embryos if you don't pay your freezer bill?
And that DNA handily shows them to be humans. Not zebras, not toasters; Humans. While it is standard procedure to dehumanize ones victims; doing so betrays that you know exactly what your doing. Killing people for your own selfish desires. No amount of verbal ballet is ever going to change that...
Verbal ballet?

There's magnitudes more human DNA in my morning dump than an embryo.

Dance on, fool.
And none of that DNA, if not interfered with, will continue to multiply, develop, and mature. You can collect your fail at the door...

When it is interfered with, it will never be or have been a person.

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