Alan Colmes Blames Summer Weather For Obama's Dismal Polls.And FOX Pays This Man ???

Feb 13, 2011

Anyone who takes part of our message board discussion could do a better job than Alan Colmes. Did any of you see him talk to Martha today? She asked him about how he polled so poorly against Ron Paul,and his overall embarrassing polling performance in general. He had no answer,it's like whenever Colmes finds a poll showing Obama in a good position to win in 2012,HE'S ALL OVER IT!!! But as soon as he is questioned about a latest poll showing Obama polling in the 30's, it's always some lame excuse,like,,well,,,,it's just a snapshot for the day,these polls 15 months before the election are meaningless. And today the "Summer Weather" was the excuse for Obama's crappy polling numbers. And FOX Pays This Twirp for his lame,childlike answers? You may as well had a 12 year old girl talk to Martha today on America Live with Megan Kelly.
and remember when Bill O'Reilly asked for his opinion a few weeks back about Rick Perry? all Alan could say was, well he wanted to sucsede from the nation,and he's just another Texan, America doesn't want to put another Texan in office thanks to Bush. Despite that O'Reilly fills Alan in on all the economic prosperity in Texas. that about 35% of all new jobs have been created there. Alan just refuses to accept the truth about anything positive about Conservative Candidates. What next? will having migranes disqualify you from being president?
and remember when Bill O'Reilly asked for his opinion a few weeks back about Rick Perry? all Alan could say was, well he wanted to sucsede from the nation,and he's just another Texan, America doesn't want to put another Texan in office thanks to Bush. Despite that O'Reilly fills Alan in on all the economic prosperity in Texas. that about 35% of all new jobs have been created there. Alan just refuses to accept the truth about anything positive about Conservative Candidates. What next? will having migranes disqualify you from being president?

colmes is you typical run of the mill moron parrrot... bawk bwakkkk bwakkkk bwak...
And how come Alan Colmes shows no sentiment for the 47 Million Americans on welfare,the 15 Million Unemlpoyed, god knows how many small businesses that have shut down since Obama took office? NOTHING.....all he can talk about is how weak the Republican field is. Wow,,,he's such a useful POLITICAL ANYLIST!
I got an idea, Fox should trade Alan Colmes for Contessa Brewer, at least when she acts like a dumb brunette, it's entertaining. Like when we have Bob Beckel making his comments,even though we disagree with him, at least we can laugh with him, he is the only liberal we enjoy watching. He's great on "The Five" especially when he sparrs off with Greg Gutfeld.
Think Fox keeps him around as eye candy for the ladies as he's so dashingly handsome.
have you guys ever seen Contessa on you-tube? she's a losing pathetic cause for MSNBC. On occasion I will plug in Contessa Brewer Bloopers, and the list goes on for a few pages. If she wasn't an attractive brunette,she would of been gone years ago. Have you noticed how many male anchors have gotten the boot over the last year or two? But not Princess Contessa, it's ok to accuse a Black Man of being a white dude toting guns,and it's just fine to believe that all black reverends look alike. She's got that,,,MR DOODY TREATMENT.
Yeah, I go along with the others here Colmes is a moron...he just makes a fool of himself stumbling all the place beyond reason defending Obama. He's lost perspective. The dem's are probably embarrassed by him too as he isn't exactly the most objective representative of their party, and that's probably why FOX keeps him around.
Unfortunatley, there are no attractive Liberal commentors out there, and if there are any,they are all as gay as a three dollar bill with Obama's pic in the middle.

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