Alan Keyes (Wingnuttia): Obama will start WWIII, get a 3rd term


Is Iran deal part of Obama-3rd-term scheme


What if Obama isn’t looking to his “legacy”? What if the threat of nuclear devastation he helps to arm with this agreement (an America-hating Iran with nuclear bombs) is to be brandished, along with a related threat from ongoing terrorist uprisings on U.S. soil, to create the exigent circumstances needed to justify imposing martial law throughout the United States and a plausible excuse for demanding that Obama remain in office until the emergency passes?

There it is. The unthinkable scenario predicated upon the thought that Barack Obama and those who lifted him to power are precisely what they appear to be – the enemies of America’s power, its prosperity, its constitutional liberty, its moral strength, indeed of everything about America except their own boundless ambition. Why is it at all inconceivable that people willing to collude with and arm our boldest enemies may be doing so for the sake of their own power? Why should we be unwilling to ponder the possibility that the Obama faction has agreed to help Iran achieve hegemony in the Middle East in order to help themselves to dictatorial control over the United States? What certainty do we have that, in some secret, back-channel codicil, this agreement is not already in place?

Note that this question isn’t just about Obama. It’s about the elitist faction that lifted him to power. It’s about their true objective, which is to overturn the exceptional constitutional sovereignty of the American people.


Ok, I have to say that again:

No, actually, I have to say that a third time:

Feel free to discuss. Are we gonna have WWIII? Is Obummer gonna steal a third term? Or is Alan Keyes (Obama 70% / Keyes 27%, 2004...) just batshit crazy...???


If you're going to "what if" us to death, at least make it about something not retarded and out in right wingnut "delusion" land. It makes your kind look seriously ridiculous. Don't you understand that? How can you be on a political discussion board when you apparently have no clue how our government works?
If you're going to "what if" us to death, at least make it about something not retarded and out in right wingnut "delusion" land. It makes your kind look seriously ridiculous. Don't you understand that? How can you be on a political discussion board when you apparently have no clue how our government works?
Ouch!:cuckoo: :itsok:
Nobody ever accused Stat to be a "right wingnut" being out there in delusion land.
"Delusion land"?


Just reliving the former employment as a Stasi in Statist East Germany.

Hey, if he finds it comforting......
Obama is handing the iran criminal gang nukes and moronic left wingers question the possibility of wwiii?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Alan Keyes (Wingnuttia): Obama will start WWIII, get a 3rd term

Poor Alan Keyes. He's one of the most educated, and dumbest, black men in America. He's right up there with Allen West.

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