Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

No...the middle class are being targeted for massive cuts that will affect them deeply. That's their sacrifice. That's a hell of ante from people who can least afford it. What are the wealthy willing to ante up?

Oh... that's right... nothing.

That's because they are so busy putting their money to work creating all these new jobs. Oh yea, I forgot that unemployment is over 9%. Guess that idea isn't working so well.

So if they dont spend their money the way YOU want them to spend it then you would prefer taking it away from them and spending it for them the way YOU want it spent.

Sounds good.

I wonder how you would react if that happoened to you.

When you defend the wealthiest of the wealthy for paying less in taxes than the average American when they are receiving the greatest benefits from this economy, then you most certainly must be a fool.
The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?

Maybe we should remove all the loopholes. Then we could cut the rate and collect more. Tax rates in the US are an absolute joke, because hardly anyone actually pays those rates. Most pay half at most.

I keep on hearig the term "loopholes" being tossed around.

Please offer me an example of a loophole that currently exists.

Tax Shelters were loop holes and they were eliminated decades ago.

Any corporation that pays zero in taxes is using the tax code to skirt paying taxes. A company that profits billions of dollars per year and pays no taxes is a problem. If you can't see that, someone will show you the light one of these days.
That's because they are so busy putting their money to work creating all these new jobs. Oh yea, I forgot that unemployment is over 9%. Guess that idea isn't working so well.

So if they dont spend their money the way YOU want them to spend it then you would prefer taking it away from them and spending it for them the way YOU want it spent.

Sounds good.

I wonder how you would react if that happoened to you.

But... but "jobs" is the number one talking point among the Shiite Republicans. So they got their extension on the Bush Cuts... all in the name of jobs. They got what they wanted... and ran away with it... typical bullshit. They whine and scream poverty and then when they get their way, they thumb their noses at the people.

If it were me? I wouldn't do that. If I was going to self aggrandize my self as a JOB CREATOR and ask for government to help me out... I'd create some fucking jobs.

And many are.

Problem is you are not paying attention.
Without government intervention, a recession takes anywhere from 6 months to 18 months before a recovery.

However, this time around we had serious government intervention...and it actually did the opposite. created some hjobs...afterall, it is not difficult to hire soimeone to repave a road with borrowed money.....but it does very little for economic growth for the following reasons:

1) the products used are surplus from before the recession....sruplus is always the first to go.
2) manufacturers are aware that the "demand" is short term so they do not manufacture more...they simply montor their inventory of surplus
3) newly hired emplyuees are aware tha6t their job is temporary and will end when the road is they are not spending on new goods...just needed goods.

Then you toss in threats of cap and trade, new regulations, higher health care costs to employers...and they will do nothing at all...but sit and wait and see what happens.

Well...6 months ago empolyers found out the Bush cuts were still the 6 month to 18 month to recovery can begin......and it has.
How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....



The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
Or maybe it is a CON$ervative bullshit half-truth/whole-lie to consider the corporate tax rate without the exclusions and deductions!!!! Maybe we should cut them first and see if we collect more revenue.

Even with all the exclusions and deductions, some companies find it still makes sense to open operations in a lower tax environment. You could eliminate all the exclusions and deductions and give them a better reason to move out of the country.
Or you could lower the rate and give them a reason to move into or expand in this country.
I know which I prefer, but that's because I can see more than one move ahead.
Maybe we should remove all the loopholes. Then we could cut the rate and collect more. Tax rates in the US are an absolute joke, because hardly anyone actually pays those rates. Most pay half at most.

I keep on hearig the term "loopholes" being tossed around.

Please offer me an example of a loophole that currently exists.

Tax Shelters were loop holes and they were eliminated decades ago.

Any corporation that pays zero in taxes is using the tax code to skirt paying taxes. A company that profits billions of dollars per year and pays no taxes is a problem. If you can't see that, someone will show you the light one of these days.

lol.....I see the light.

You call them loopholes.

I call them incentives that help the community.

You think they are skirting paying taxes.

They have taxes or re-invest or invest in the community...such as LIHTC, section 42, section 8, philanthropies

That is not a loophole.....

I mean really...exactly where do youy think that "non tax money" goes? IN a suitcase?
Since you believe that the only way to raise tax revenue is by reducing taxes, why don't we just stop taxing everyone completely. If we tax at a rate of 0%, that should really increase revenues a great deal. Ah shit, there is one problem with that. Basic math says that multiplying zero by anything gives you back fucking zilch, and that is about where we are at right now.

We seemed to do well with an income tax rate of 0% between 1784 and 1913.
Republicans need to stand firm on not raising any taxes, if they raise taxes Obama will use that against them in 2012, he will tell the masses "Look, I didn't raise your taxes but the Republicans did!". They are gaining support right now by holding strong, they need to keep it up. Do not reach across the isle on a shitty deal, hold strong to conservative principles.
I agree with Mark Levin, let the debt ceiling crash on August 2nd and then restructure from there. You either go into default now, or you go into default later, I would rather default now instead of adding even more debt and default later.
Hard choices have to be made right now for the future of our countries sake and the future of our liberty as a free people, and they will be painful choices but they are the right ones to make, people need to learn that it will be hard, and they will just have to rely on themselves more and not the government like they should have been doing all along.

There simply is no reason to go into default. The solutions are fairly simple and involve cutting some spending and raising taxes a bit, whether that is today or in the next five years. Let us default, and the potential effects could devastate the economy. If that happens, I would hate to be a Republican, because the net result will lead to a truly socialist state. If we destroy this economy completely, the only place to get revenue will be from the super wealthy, and then the government will take it all.

Sounds good, cut spending now and raise taxes a bit in 5 years.
That's because they are so busy putting their money to work creating all these new jobs. Oh yea, I forgot that unemployment is over 9%. Guess that idea isn't working so well.

So if they dont spend their money the way YOU want them to spend it then you would prefer taking it away from them and spending it for them the way YOU want it spent.

Sounds good.

I wonder how you would react if that happoened to you.

When you defend the wealthiest of the wealthy for paying less in taxes than the average American when they are receiving the greatest benefits from this economy, then you most certainly must be a fool.

The wealthiest don't pay less in taxes than the average American.
The top 10% pay 70% of all Federal income tax collected.
Who was the teacher who failed you in math class?
Any corporation that pays zero in taxes is using the tax code to skirt paying taxes.

You mean like Obama cronies Goldman Sachs, Chase, General Electric and such?

I wonder how that all happens?

A company that profits billions of dollars per year and pays no taxes is a problem.

So when can I expect you fascists to be going after General Electric? Dear Leader will call them on the carpet, no doubt - so that he can "kick their ass!"

Should I hold my breath?
Any corporation that pays zero in taxes is using the tax code to skirt paying taxes.

You mean like Obama cronies Goldman Sachs, Chase, General Electric and such?

I wonder how that all happens?

A company that profits billions of dollars per year and pays no taxes is a problem.

So when can I expect you fascists to be going after General Electric? Dear Leader will call them on the carpet, no doubt - so that he can "kick their ass!"

Should I hold my breath?

General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Chase have had years where they didn't pay taxes and that seems to have the right's attention. Then we have News Corp, Exxon, Chevron amongst others who have escaped taxes.
It's time to close the loopholes and to even things out drop the corporate rate. Getting some tax revenue from those companies is better than nothing.
The wealthiest will contribute their fair share, period. Make no mistake that the American public greatly regrets its votes for the House last fall and flatly does not trust the conservative far right to govern.


Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going to pay big time - and bubba ain't going to cum in your mouth......

You have already swallowed it, and you will lose. America is not going to allow the far right to govern again.
Can't say it enough:

1. The Federal Government is NOT the US economy

2. A growing US economy and NOT tax increases is what raises revenues to the Federal Government.

Make a 3X5 of those 2 statements. Learn them!

Between 2000 and 2010, the economy grew from $9.8 trillion to $14.6 trillion. In that same period, tax revenue grew from $2 trillion to $2.1 trillion. So with a 49% growth rate, we achieved a 5% growth rate in tax revenue. And your answer is to cut taxes more? So we can collect even less?

Did you not understand that the US economy and federal government are two different things?
General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Chase have had years where they didn't pay taxes and that seems to have the right's attention.

You mean years like 2009 and 2010 - while paying multi-million dollar bonuses for profitability based on bailout money shoveled into their pockets by Obama?

Then we have News Corp, Exxon, Chevron amongst others who have escaped taxes.

Cite confirming News Corp escaped taxes?

Sorry, you're bullshitting.
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


What programs have been cut? You can't keep raising the spending limit, because sooner or later you're going to run out of money and ways of collecting it. So when are the give me programs going to be cut?

OH and fuck simpson he's one of those old GOP'ers you know the one white and racist. Or at least thats what liberal's call them.
The wealthiest will contribute their fair share, period. Make no mistake that the American public greatly regrets its votes for the House last fall and flatly does not trust the conservative far right to govern.


Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going to pay big time - and bubba ain't going to cum in your mouth......

You have already swallowed it, and you will lose. America is not going to allow the far right to govern again.

Jake, you know I'm Frank, right? It must be hard for you to keep up your "I'm a real Republican" disguise, but there's just no excuse for confusing me with anyone else.
You are the corporatist fascists,

Really? So it is me supporting the merger of GM and the US Government? It is me supporting the merger of the US government with Kaiser, Blue Cross and Sigma?

Oh wait, that's your fucking Messiah® Obama, with his fascist care.

You're not real bright, Shirley.

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