Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Good for Simpson. He's absolutely right. Saying that taxes cannot go up under any circumstances says the GOP aren't serious about the deficit.

Toro, I absolutely agree. Especially when you look at things like capital gains taxes which are 5% below the previous historical low. In addition, if I am getting all my gains from overseas stock market gains or by currency arbitrage please tell me how raising taxes on that will hurt the US economy.

Sadly the Republican party has become so ideologically rigid that I have left it after 30 years. I wonder if Simpson will also. Would love to see him start a 3rd Party.
If that were the sum total of capital gains, you might be right.
Simpson should leave. If we need any whiny liberal tax hikers to give us bad advice, we'll just ask a Democrat.
Obama's speech is a broken record. Say you want to negoiate, put everything on the table or listen to all the ideas, then play political hardball. Got you figured Mr. President. Try not to screw the country up too much more before you leave. Thanks in advance.
No...the middle class are being targeted for massive cuts that will affect them deeply. That's their sacrifice. That's a hell of ante from people who can least afford it. What are the wealthy willing to ante up?

Oh... that's right... nothing.
perhaps you can name those cuts

Hey.... Obama put entitlements directly on the negotiating table today in his presser. In Fact, they've been on the negotiating table through Joe Biden's handling of the negotiation process. Maybe Fox Doesn't report that part... they just want to tell you that the Dems want tax hikes and nothing more.

here's a simple Bing Search... look at the dates on the articles...

Entitlement cuts on the table in the debt limit talks - Bing
so what are these middle class cuts? You claimed it, you support it.
How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....


perhaps you can name those cuts

Hey.... Obama put entitlements directly on the negotiating table today in his presser. In Fact, they've been on the negotiating table through Joe Biden's handling of the negotiation process. Maybe Fox Doesn't report that part... they just want to tell you that the Dems want tax hikes and nothing more.

here's a simple Bing Search... look at the dates on the articles...

Entitlement cuts on the table in the debt limit talks - Bing
so what are these middle class cuts? You claimed it, you support it.

So... what am I supposed to do? Drive down to Washington, morph myself into a mouse, sneak into these closed door meetings and report back to you? I'm just showing you that entitlements are on the negotiating table. It's your side that is stonewalling.

The ball is in the GOP'S court now. What will they do? The problem is... you want it all. You want to cut your fellow Americans to the core and still pander to big business. Your side is going to stonewall itself right out of office. The more extreme you assholes go, the more people you lose.
How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....



The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
"While conservatives focus on the nominal corporate tax rate of 35%, that’s almost a meaningless number compared to the effective tax rate, AKA what corporations actually pay to the government. And that tax rate is among the lowest in the industrialized world."

How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....



The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
"While conservatives focus on the nominal corporate tax rate of 35%, that’s almost a meaningless number compared to the effective tax rate, AKA what corporations actually pay to the government. And that tax rate is among the lowest in the industrialized world."


Then you should have no problem cutting the nominal rate.
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


Translation: Obama licked my balls and now I feel like playing for the other team.

A growing economy and not higher taxes is what raises revenues.

Simpson is Tea-Bagging Obama.

He's full of shit.
How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....



The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
Or maybe it is a CON$ervative bullshit half-truth/whole-lie to consider the corporate tax rate without the exclusions and deductions!!!! Maybe we should cut them first and see if we collect more revenue.
Hey.... Obama put entitlements directly on the negotiating table today in his presser. In Fact, they've been on the negotiating table through Joe Biden's handling of the negotiation process. Maybe Fox Doesn't report that part... they just want to tell you that the Dems want tax hikes and nothing more.

here's a simple Bing Search... look at the dates on the articles...

Entitlement cuts on the table in the debt limit talks - Bing
so what are these middle class cuts? You claimed it, you support it.

So... what am I supposed to do? Drive down to Washington, morph myself into a mouse, sneak into these closed door meetings and report back to you? I'm just showing you that entitlements are on the negotiating table. It's your side that is stonewalling.

The ball is in the GOP'S court now. What will they do? The problem is... you want it all. You want to cut your fellow Americans to the core and still pander to big business. Your side is going to stonewall itself right out of office. The more extreme you assholes go, the more people you lose.
bullshit, all you've got is some left wing claim that "on the table" means "willing to cut". We've seen this game before. You've got NOTHING. there are no middle class cuts "on the table" that you can even identify.

From the GOP house we have a budget
From the GOP house we have specific cuts

From the democratic Senate we have... **crickets**.

Offering up budgets and cuts is not "stonewalling", offering up "nothing" is.

The GOP had the ball in thier court, they offered legislation and now it's in the democratic senates court, your mischaracterizations to the contrary are partisan posturing bullshit.
How-much-more of a "leg-up" do Republicans need, to start....



The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
Or maybe it is a CON$ervative bullshit half-truth/whole-lie to consider the corporate tax rate without the exclusions and deductions!!!! Maybe we should cut them first and see if we collect more revenue.

Exactly how do you think a family making 100K who 5 years ago bought a home based on the write off of interest on their mortagge are going to feel when all of a sudden they no longer have that write off...and their taxable income goes up by another 15K a year?
so what are these middle class cuts? You claimed it, you support it.

So... what am I supposed to do? Drive down to Washington, morph myself into a mouse, sneak into these closed door meetings and report back to you? I'm just showing you that entitlements are on the negotiating table. It's your side that is stonewalling.

The ball is in the GOP'S court now. What will they do? The problem is... you want it all. You want to cut your fellow Americans to the core and still pander to big business. Your side is going to stonewall itself right out of office. The more extreme you assholes go, the more people you lose.
bullshit, all you've got is some left wing claim that "on the table" means "willing to cut". We've seen this game before. You've got NOTHING. there are no middle class cuts "on the table" that you can even identify.

From the GOP house we have a budget
From the GOP house we have specific cuts

From the democratic Senate we have... **crickets**.

Offering up budgets and cuts is not "stonewalling", offering up "nothing" is.

The GOP had the ball in thier court, they offered legislation and now it's in the democratic senates court, your mischaracterizations to the contrary are partisan posturing bullshit.

^^ THIS!!

When the going got tough, Obama and the Dems voted "present" then blamed Boooooooosh!
so what are these middle class cuts? You claimed it, you support it.

So... what am I supposed to do? Drive down to Washington, morph myself into a mouse, sneak into these closed door meetings and report back to you? I'm just showing you that entitlements are on the negotiating table. It's your side that is stonewalling.

The ball is in the GOP'S court now. What will they do? The problem is... you want it all. You want to cut your fellow Americans to the core and still pander to big business. Your side is going to stonewall itself right out of office. The more extreme you assholes go, the more people you lose.
bullshit, all you've got is some left wing claim that "on the table" means "willing to cut". We've seen this game before. You've got NOTHING. there are no middle class cuts "on the table" that you can even identify.

From the GOP house we have a budget
From the GOP house we have specific cuts

From the democratic Senate we have... **crickets**.

Offering up budgets and cuts is not "stonewalling", offering up "nothing" is.

The GOP had the ball in thier court, they offered legislation and now it's in the democratic senates court, your mischaracterizations to the contrary are partisan posturing bullshit.

Bullshit on yourself. Offering up unreasonable budget cuts that put the entire onus onto the working and Middle Class while the wealthy go unscathed is not honest negotiation. Dictating terms and pandering to your benefactors is what your side is doing.

let me clue you in on something. MOST Americans are not rich. MOST Americans do not believe in the Shiite Republican doctrine. MOST Americans want increased sacrifice from our wealthiest citizens and our Corporations if we are going to have to sacrifice cuts that only affect us.
The wealthiest will contribute their fair share, period. Make no mistake that the American public greatly regrets its votes for the House last fall and flatly does not trust the conservative far right to govern.
We still have the Number One economy in the world, those other countries do not. Maybe if you added a few of them together, they might come close.

What the Hell should we take advise from nations that don't come anywhere near us?

Why is it about Progressives that they fail to learn from their failures?
The highest corporate tax rate in the world and that's all we manage to collect?
Maybe we should try cutting the rate in half and see if we can collect more?
Or maybe it is a CON$ervative bullshit half-truth/whole-lie to consider the corporate tax rate without the exclusions and deductions!!!! Maybe we should cut them first and see if we collect more revenue.

Exactly how do you think a family making 100K who 5 years ago bought a home based on the write off of interest on their mortagge are going to feel when all of a sudden they no longer have that write off...and their taxable income goes up by another 15K a year?
AHHHH!!! The typical CON$ervative dumb act with deflection.

Since when does the average family incorporate????????? :cuckoo:
What a moron!!! :lol:
Frank, you folks are never going to be allow to break the economy again, never to corrupt the culture again. We are not going back to the fifties.
Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”

Key word, former. If he is blasting the repubs and supporting the dimwits, just means he is a closet socialist.

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