Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Frank, you folks are never going to be allow to break the economy again, never to corrupt the culture again. We are not going back to the fifties.

Thats right that's why the democrats had an ass kicking in 2010 they fucked the economy up and if you think Bush was a conservative why is obama doing the same thing bush did?
The wealthiest will contribute their fair share, period. Make no mistake that the American public greatly regrets its votes for the House last fall and flatly does not trust the conservative far right to govern.


Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going to pay big time - and bubba ain't going to cum in your mouth......

You have already swallowed it, and you will lose. America is not going to allow the far right to govern again.
I certainly hope not.

Will there really be a 'white supremacist stampede' in 2012? - The Week
Jake, you know I'm Frank, right? It must be hard for you to keep up your "I'm a real Republican" disguise, but there's just no excuse for confusing me with anyone else.

I didn't realize that it was you he was calling me. I just figured that if he called me "Frank," I'd call him "Shirley." No offense intended.

Shirley claims to be a Republican?

General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Chase have had years where they didn't pay taxes and that seems to have the right's attention.

You mean years like 2009 and 2010 - while paying multi-million dollar bonuses for profitability based on bailout money shoveled into their pockets by Obama?

Then we have News Corp, Exxon, Chevron amongst others who have escaped taxes.

Cite confirming News Corp escaped taxes?

Sorry, you're bullshitting.

Mr. Murdoch has an army of outside lobbyists, who have reported being paid more than $11 million since 1998 to address issues as diverse as trade relations, programming decency and Internet regulation.

One firm focuses almost exclusively on parts of the tax code that affect the News Corporation. By taking advantage of a provision in the law that allows expanding companies like Mr. Murdoch’s to defer taxes to future years, the News Corporation paid no federal taxes in two of the last four years, and in the other two it paid only a fraction of what it otherwise would have owed. During that time, Securities and Exchange Commission records show, the News Corporation’s domestic pretax profits topped $9.4 billion.

Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More - New York Times
Mr. Murdoch has an army of outside lobbyists, who have reported being paid more than $11 million since 1998 to address issues as diverse as trade relations, programming decency and Internet regulation.

One firm focuses almost exclusively on parts of the tax code that affect the News Corporation. By taking advantage of a provision in the law that allows expanding companies like Mr. Murdoch’s to defer taxes to future years, the News Corporation paid no federal taxes in two of the last four years, and in the other two it paid only a fraction of what it otherwise would have owed. During that time, Securities and Exchange Commission records show, the News Corporation’s domestic pretax profits topped $9.4 billion.

Murdoch, Ruler of a Vast Empire, Reaches Out for Even More - New York Times

I'd take your word for it, except you cited a hit piece from the NY Times - a rag with no credibility at all.

According to Newcorp financials, filed with the SEC, they paid $3.5 billion in taxes in 2010 and $3.3 billion in 2009.
Allen Simpson always was a reasonable politician and one with brains, willing to do what was best for the Country. Today we only have politicians who want to stick it to the other party and get re-elected. That goes mostly for both parties.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

The Dems have cut over a Trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid, and the like. You know, programs that actually help the needy. I mean, someone needs to pay for the tax breaks that the wealthy are getting. The GOP will be blamed because they are dogmatic on tax loopholes. THEY were the ones that walked out of the debt talks.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

The Dems have cut over a Trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid, and the like. You know, programs that actually help the needy. I mean, someone needs to pay for the tax breaks that the wealthy are getting. The GOP will be blamed because they are dogmatic on tax loopholes. THEY were the ones that walked out of the debt talks.

Medicare is not for the needy. Goovernment is too big and expensive. Obama has increased his advisors salaries you know. Seems like you would be morally outraged at that. The Democrats own this by failing to offer substantial changes and playing politics with the negoiatation process and nothing brought to the table.
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I wondered how long you two would take to catch on.

No, neither of you are classical and traditional Republicans. You are cranks far, far to the right of responsible Republicans. We finally expelled your influence in our towns and counties of the Congressional district, and the individual holding that seat knows that we have a very reasonable and likeable choice for the primary voters next time around.
Bottom line, Democrats have to be willing to shrink government and cut programs. Just raising taxes will not solve any of our problems. I will blame the Democrats if we default on our debt.

The Dems have cut over a Trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid, and the like. You know, programs that actually help the needy. I mean, someone needs to pay for the tax breaks that the wealthy are getting. The GOP will be blamed because they are dogmatic on tax loopholes. THEY were the ones that walked out of the debt talks.

Medicare is not for the needy. Goovernment is too big and expensive. Obama has increased hos advisors salaries you know. Seems like you would be morally outraged at that. The Democrats own this by failing to offer substantial changes and playing politics with the negoiatation process and nothing brought to the table.

Do you work for FOX news. "Medicare" will become a thing of the past if the GOP captured the WH and Congress in 2012. The WH says they have the votes in the House and Senate to get tax loopholes removed in the debt ceiling negotiations. If they don't Obama should hold his ground and let the GOP run us into default. Let's see who the public blames. The Dems that have given up over a Trillion in cuts or the GOP who walked away from the table.

Voters don't like to see congressman who won't sit down and negotiate.
If the GOP walks away from the table and the government defaults will not be returning to Congress in 2013.
Why should we let the Democrats negoiate us into further wreck and ruin? This is an excellent strategy.
If the GOP walks away from the table and the government defaults will not be returning to Congress in 2013.

Your missing something between defaults and will I think. Any bets on how many pork barrel attachments we get on this?
We should start with the budget from the Failed Leader that was voted down in the Senate 97-0.
Allen Simpson always was a reasonable politician and one with brains, willing to do what was best for the Country. Today we only have politicians who want to stick it to the other party and get re-elected. That goes mostly for both parties.

Alan Simpson is a stooge. He has sold his constituents down the river, not done what is best for the country.

Obama and Nancy Pelosi are going to pay big time - and bubba ain't going to cum in your mouth......

You have already swallowed it, and you will lose. America is not going to allow the far right to govern again.
I certainly hope not.

Will there really be a 'white supremacist stampede' in 2012? - The Week
Sorry, that link doesn't work. Try this one.

David Duke on a Presidential Bid: 'Yes, I Am Considering It' - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic
The NYT and Washington Post are the newspapers of record in the USA. The inmates are trying to take over the asylum. Murdoch is ruining journalism and politics in the US AND the UK...all for money and greed...
The NYT and Washington Post are the newspapers of record in the USA. The inmates are trying to take over the asylum. Murdoch is ruining journalism and politics in the US AND the UK...all for money and greed...

You know they have this thing called the internet now...

Paper of record? :lol:

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