Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

doubt it. we don't take to grand wizards of the KKK like the Democrat voters did with Robert Byrd.
I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.
A growing economy means bringing the troops home from the ME shit hole, and lowering taxes to $200. a person.

Actually unemployment will go up when the troops come home in number. Further strain on the system.
I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.

LOL, you need a chill pill?
So, what if the Democrats LOSE COME 2012. will you and your leftie buddies SHUT THE HELL UP? and your all's CLASS WARFARE IS ALL you have. your Socialist policies being shoved down the peoples throats is going to be your downfall. HOPEFULLY
I suppose you lefties haven't stopped to consider that shrinking government will help the economy and as a result increase tax revenues. Raising government revenues will not increase jobs or help the economy.
We've tried the Democrat's way of new taxes now and cuts later (that never happen).
Let's try to cut now for 5 or 6 years and then we'll think about tax hikes.

What planet are you from? What the fuck do you call Reagan's "Trickle Down Economics" program that we have been on that has largely put us in this mess?


oh for god sakes...maybe we should blame carter too...:rolleyes:
When did you guys ever stop blaming Carter for everything?
A growing economy means bringing the troops home from the ME shit hole, and lowering taxes to $200. a person.

Actually unemployment will go up when the troops come home in number. Further strain on the system.


Happily post this war not so many guys would be cashiered.

And many of those who were, would find their jobs waiting for them, too.


Because in many cases that's the law for members of the reserves and national guard.

Another perversion of capitalism, that, but I seldom hear the so called supporters of capitalism complaining about that nanny-state law.

Wonder why?
I wondered how long you two would take to catch on.

No, neither of you are classical and traditional Republicans. You are cranks far, far to the right of responsible Republicans. We finally expelled your influence in our towns and counties of the Congressional district, and the individual holding that seat knows that we have a very reasonable and likeable choice for the primary voters next time around.

Of course you did Shirley - that's why you fascists have all branches of government under your control.....
Do you work for FOX news. "Medicare" will become a thing of the past if the GOP captured the WH and Congress in 2012.

Yep, they'll starve children, throw old people out in the streets and torture kittens...


You fascists demagogues always spew the same lies..
Do you work for FOX news. "Medicare" will become a thing of the past if the GOP captured the WH and Congress in 2012. The WH says they have the votes in the House and Senate to get tax loopholes removed in the debt ceiling negotiations. If they don't Obama should hold his ground and let the GOP run us into default. Let's see who the public blames. The Dems that have given up over a Trillion in cuts or the GOP who walked away from the table.

Voters don't like to see congressman who won't sit down and negotiate.

You caught me...

Alan Simpson is old and addled. Raising taxes lowers tax revenue because people stop doing activities that generate tax revenue. (Except gambling,alcohol, and cigarettes)

Where in history is the proof for this completely made up mythh?
The NYT and Washington Post are the newspapers of record in the USA. The inmates are trying to take over the asylum. Murdoch is ruining journalism and politics in the US AND the UK...all for money and greed...

Why don't you have Dear Leader just outlaw all press except the NY Times, then?

You can't rule the people if you can't rule what information they have access to.
The fascists of the far right right, like uncensored, simply do not comprehend the serious of our economic situation. This is why they will not be allowed to govern. The centrist Democrats and moderate Republicans have the votes, and they realize just how dangerous are the uncensoreds and his ilk.
The fascists of the far right right, like uncensored, simply do not comprehend the serious of our economic situation. This is why they will not be allowed to govern. The centrist Democrats and moderate Republicans have the votes, and they realize just how dangerous are the uncensoreds and his ilk.

good grief, your "so called", I am a Republican mask if falling off Jakey ole boy.
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BHO: "The fact that we are here today is an admission of the failed Republican policies from 1994 to 2006. President Clinton and Democratic minorities in the House and the Senate as well as the American voters mistakenly placed their trust in these policies of failure."


1994 through 2006 saw the greatest economic growth in American history...

So is this Dear Leader and you fascists admitting that your goal is the destruction of the American economy, poverty and misery for the American people?
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I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.
Liberals view political power as a birthright. Libs will do just about anything to retain it.
Most of the Obama agenda is built on creating more dependency on government.
The Obama admin is busily scuttling the economy with multi-trillion dollar deficits, a health care socialized medicine program nobody wants, risk of Moodys lowering our federal credit rating, threats from creditors wanting to sell US debt they own, the federal reserve printing fake money which has sent the US Dollar to 30 year lows vs major currencies, and energy policy which has cut off much of US oil production resulting in sky high gas prices.
And don't give me any shit about Bush. That's in the past. It's Obama's watch. HE and the democrats and their failed policies are responsible.
I will include Stephanie with the fascists, I don't want her having little kitty fits.

Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

You can't get away, RightyExtremistFacists, for the responsibility of wrecking the economy.

It's all yours.
Alan Simpson is old and addled. Raising taxes lowers tax revenue because people stop doing activities that generate tax revenue. (Except gambling,alcohol, and cigarettes)

Where in history is the proof for this completely made up mythh?
You're done baking cookies? Just wondering.
Look cupcake, go find another hobby. You don't belong here. Anyone as uninformed as yourself leaves all doubt as to that fact with every one of your insipid posts. This place is not for you.

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