Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

The fascists of the far right right,

There are no fascists on the right, Shirley. The fascists are on the left - those like Obama who merge corporate and government power by making the IRS the collection arm of Kaiser and Blue Cross - cross pollinating Anthem and the Executive branch in an unholy union.

You democrats are fascists, the real deal - the actual meaning of the word.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - The EXACT definition of Obamacare
Quote: Originally Posted by hellofromwarsaw
The NYT and Washington Post are the newspapers of record in the USA. The inmates are trying to take over the asylum. Murdoch is ruining journalism and politics in the US AND the UK...all for money and greed...
And I suppose the NYT and the Wash Post are in the news business because those companies are run by a bunch of nice guys with tons of money they don't mind pissing away.
Go piss up a tree you liberal hack. Papers of record.
You Lefties seeing your monopoly on the media eroded and challenged have always been incensed by sources that do not kowtow to your leftist agenda.
Too bad and tough fucking shit.
Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

The recession was caused by a housing bubble, Shirley. The housing bubble was fed to a significant extent by CRA/LMI laws put in place by Carter and Clinton. The "Liars Loan" formula of selling a $750,000 house to a person on minimum wage...

You're too stupid to grasp simple economics, Shirley - which is much of the reason that you're a fascist.
Obama has already offered more than a trillion in spending cuts, and now supposedly up to over 2 billion, doofus....If the pubs say no to that, stopping corp. loopholes, and ANY taxes hikes on the bloated rich, they may be done for GOOD- LOL!!
Obama is trying to get what he wants. Tax increases to bring home to his liberal voting base.
He is willing to sell highly insignificant spending cuts, avoid touching sacred cow social programs and slam people with high taxes so he can campaign for the 2012 election.
That's all.
The GOP is not going to let him get away with his "corporate jet" speech.
Just as we are not going to let him get away with " Well if you don't like high gas prices, you'll just have to trade in your SUV that gets 8 miles per gallon and buy a new car" speech either. Who the fuck does this guy think he is telling the American people what HE thinks they should buy.
I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.
Party? No. We see the country being commandeered by socialist/Marxist/progressives who see the United States as a multi-cultural stir fry rudderless ship with no moral compass. You people are not interested in equality. You want equality of outcome. That's impossible.
You people think you are owed something and will use the threat of government sanctions to get it.
You people use labels, name calling and baseless accusations to place your opposition on
the defensive. We're not playing your game anymore.
It looks like the responsible right has come to its senses, shaking of the Extremist Right fascist corporatists.
I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.
and yet you're the total fucking dumbass that said you saw a lot of "republicans" waving flags in the picture as if you can somehow psychically identify them in a photograph.:cuckoo:
I saw lots of republicans waving Duke flags on that site.

lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.

Yes, because letting uneducated illegals into the country, creating an entitlement generation and diluting the educational system has nothing to do with our "downhill slide".
lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.
Liberals view political power as a birthright. Libs will do just about anything to retain it.
Most of the Obama agenda is built on creating more dependency on government.
The Obama admin is busily scuttling the economy with multi-trillion dollar deficits, a health care socialized medicine program nobody wants, risk of Moodys lowering our federal credit rating, threats from creditors wanting to sell US debt they own, the federal reserve printing fake money which has sent the US Dollar to 30 year lows vs major currencies, and energy policy which has cut off much of US oil production resulting in sky high gas prices.
And don't give me any shit about Bush. That's in the past. It's Obama's watch. HE and the democrats and their failed policies are responsible.

Liberals do not view politcal power a birthright. Liberals believe in people before profits... and FIRMLY believe that the two are not exclusive.

Hey buckwheat... who the fuck walked away from negotiations? Which party has stonewalled and fillibustered this whole time into making this congressional class into the most "do nothing" congress in American History. You are deluded... just like the rest of your goosestepping brethren.
You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.

Yes... the proof will be in the voting pudding. But... what if your side loses again? Will you shut the fuck up and realize that your Shiite Ideals aren't what the country wants? No.. you won't. You'll go on another propaganda campaign, funded by Billionaires everywhere to continue this stupid mantra of propping up the rich and fucking the rest of us. Because that's all your agenda really is. Oh... you wrap it in a flag and put a bible on top of it, but that's all it is.
Liberals view political power as a birthright. Libs will do just about anything to retain it.
Most of the Obama agenda is built on creating more dependency on government.
The Obama admin is busily scuttling the economy with multi-trillion dollar deficits, a health care socialized medicine program nobody wants, risk of Moodys lowering our federal credit rating, threats from creditors wanting to sell US debt they own, the federal reserve printing fake money which has sent the US Dollar to 30 year lows vs major currencies, and energy policy which has cut off much of US oil production resulting in sky high gas prices.
And don't give me any shit about Bush. That's in the past. It's Obama's watch. HE and the democrats and their failed policies are responsible.

Liberals do not view politcal power a birthright. Liberals believe in people before profits... and FIRMLY believe that the two are not exclusive.

Hey buckwheat... who the fuck walked away from negotiations? Which party has stonewalled and fillibustered this whole time into making this congressional class into the most "do nothing" congress in American History. You are deluded... just like the rest of your goosestepping brethren.

People person huh? How that working for ya?
lol, I guess they were wearing their party affiliation on their foreheads, eh?
The PROOF will be in the VOTING pudding dear, and we all know the DEMOCRAT voters HAVE NO QUALMS voting for a ACTIVE MEMBER of the KKK in the name of ROBERT BYRD. so your alls feigned shock is just a JOKE. but you all are anyway.

You fuckers are so dishonest. This quoted post is why I can't stand you people. It's all about Party bullshit with you guys. You don't care about the PEOPLE of this country... you care about politics. YOU are the reason this country keeps sliding downhill.
and yet you're the total fucking dumbass that said you saw a lot of "republicans" waving flags in the picture as if you can somehow psychically identify them in a photograph.:cuckoo:

I think you better recheck whatever thread you are talking about.
Liberals view political power as a birthright. Libs will do just about anything to retain it.
Most of the Obama agenda is built on creating more dependency on government.
The Obama admin is busily scuttling the economy with multi-trillion dollar deficits, a health care socialized medicine program nobody wants, risk of Moodys lowering our federal credit rating, threats from creditors wanting to sell US debt they own, the federal reserve printing fake money which has sent the US Dollar to 30 year lows vs major currencies, and energy policy which has cut off much of US oil production resulting in sky high gas prices.
And don't give me any shit about Bush. That's in the past. It's Obama's watch. HE and the democrats and their failed policies are responsible.

Liberals do not view politcal power a birthright. Liberals believe in people before profits... and FIRMLY believe that the two are not exclusive.

Hey buckwheat... who the fuck walked away from negotiations? Which party has stonewalled and fillibustered this whole time into making this congressional class into the most "do nothing" congress in American History. You are deluded... just like the rest of your goosestepping brethren.

People person huh? How that working for ya?

I'll let you know in the afterlife. If I'm in hell.. I guess you were right. If you are.... I'll still give you a glass of Ice water... that's how I roll.
Liberals do not view politcal power a birthright. Liberals believe in people before profits... and FIRMLY believe that the two are not exclusive.

Hey buckwheat... who the fuck walked away from negotiations? Which party has stonewalled and fillibustered this whole time into making this congressional class into the most "do nothing" congress in American History. You are deluded... just like the rest of your goosestepping brethren.

People person huh? How that working for ya?

I'll let you know in the afterlife. If I'm in hell.. I guess you were right. If you are.... I'll still give you a glass of Ice water... that's how I roll.

Liberals believe in redistributing profits for power. It is an enslavement process.
Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

The recession was caused by a housing bubble, Shirley. The housing bubble was fed to a significant extent by CRA/LMI laws put in place by Carter and Clinton. The "Liars Loan" formula of selling a $750,000 house to a person on minimum wage...

You're too stupid to grasp simple economics, Shirley - which is much of the reason that you're a fascist.

The extremist-fascist-corporatist right keeps failing in this lie. You are responsible, the people still hold you responsible for creating the recession, and all you want to do is protect the rich. That is called class warfare, and that is a war you will lose.
Fascism is an unholy political theory of the right that marries government with corporatist intersts to pervert the rights and benefits of the citizens. Extremist Righty Fascism protects the rich at the expense of everyone else.
Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

The recession was caused by a housing bubble, Shirley. The housing bubble was fed to a significant extent by CRA/LMI laws put in place by Carter and Clinton. The "Liars Loan" formula of selling a $750,000 house to a person on minimum wage...

You're too stupid to grasp simple economics, Shirley - which is much of the reason that you're a fascist.

The extremist-fascist-corporatist right keeps failing in this lie. You are responsible, the people still hold you responsible for creating the recession, and all you want to do is protect the rich. That is called class warfare, and that is a war you will lose.

You need to tell the doctor on your Pysch Ward that the first lobotomy was only a partial success; they need to do a second
The fascists of the far right right, like uncensored, simply do not comprehend the serious of our economic situation. This is why they will not be allowed to govern. The centrist Democrats and moderate Republicans have the votes, and they realize just how dangerous are the uncensoreds and his ilk.

good grief, your "so called", I am a Republican mask if falling off Jakey ole boy.

He's just to stupid to realize we see through his bullshit.

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