Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

People person huh? How that working for ya?

I'll let you know in the afterlife. If I'm in hell.. I guess you were right. If you are.... I'll still give you a glass of Ice water... that's how I roll.

Liberals believe in redistributing profits for power. It is an enslavement process.

Conservatives believe in fucking the poor to worship the rich.... Money is their God and power is their Messiah. They feel if they throw poor people into the volcano, that the Gods will be pleased and bestow them with wealth beyond their dreams... then they too can become Gods.

BTW.... it's a false religion... that's the part that the current Gods don't tell you.
bigreb is mumbling. Riddle me this, bigreb: did Hitler nationalize industry? Hmmm.

I don't mubble Listen to me loud and clear turd. You're a piece of lying shit no better than the piece of shit in the white house. Hitler didn't have to nationalize anything stupid p[eople like you freely gave what they had to him. Hitler himself said he didn't have to natioalize anything.
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Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

The recession was caused by a housing bubble, Shirley. The housing bubble was fed to a significant extent by CRA/LMI laws put in place by Carter and Clinton. The "Liars Loan" formula of selling a $750,000 house to a person on minimum wage...

You're too stupid to grasp simple economics, Shirley - which is much of the reason that you're a fascist.

The same housing bubble that was the direct result of Corporate Greed run amok? Pure, unadulterated, greed....that's what led DIRECTLY to the housing bubble.
I don't mubble Listen to me loud and clear turd. You're a piece of lying shit no better than the piece of shit in the white house.

Wow... what an intelligent retort. touche.:eusa_clap:

Why do I even reply to you? You'll just runaway.[/QUOTE

Run away? when... When I have shit to do? like go to work? be part of a productive society? Earn my keep? Pay my taxes? Spend time with my family?

Don't EVER stroke yourself to the idea that I'm running away from you.
He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”

Pretty much what it is, yup.

What gets me is that if limited government is really what Republicans are after, they'd be raising taxes to make sure that we're actually paying for all the government we're getting. Nothing would illicit excitement for cutting unnecessary government like a balanced budget amendment or paygo. Or even just Congress having the fiscal discipline to insist that we're paying our way. When taxes are eating up more than half of the average wageearner's paycheck, you can bet voter's will be raising hell up about cutting back on government bloat.

As it is, they're just giving the statists a free pass - all the government they want, and none of the cost. Screw that. Make 'em pay.
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Uncensored wants to keep accepting the economic boom of the twelve years but not accept responsibility for the recession caused by the excesses of the governing majority.

The recession was caused by a housing bubble, Shirley. The housing bubble was fed to a significant extent by CRA/LMI laws put in place by Carter and Clinton. The "Liars Loan" formula of selling a $750,000 house to a person on minimum wage...

You're too stupid to grasp simple economics, Shirley - which is much of the reason that you're a fascist.

The same housing bubble that was the direct result of Corporate Greed run amok? Pure, unadulterated, greed....that's what led DIRECTLY to the housing bubble.
That corporate greed was terrible, but enough about Fannie and Freddie.....
Wow... what an intelligent retort. touche.:eusa_clap:

Why do I even reply to you? You'll just runaway.

Run away? when... When I have shit to do? like go to work? be part of a productive society? Earn my keep? Pay my taxes? Spend time with my family?

Don't EVER stroke yourself to the idea that I'm running away from you.

Here are two replies from another thread that YOU ran away from.

Run Forrest Run

It seems like you had time to mak 10 replies after you made this one.
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bigreb is mumbling. Riddle me this, bigreb: did Hitler nationalize industry? Hmmm.

Hitler was a Socialist. You know, a left winger.

Hitler destroyed the socialist wing of the party in the purge of the SA. Hitler never nationalized industry, but the corporatist capitalist barons supported him.

You are a victim of Righty Extremist history revisionism. Better study up on other truly well informed folks in the field than Professor Beck or BigReb.
Why do I even reply to you? You'll just runaway.

Run away? when... When I have shit to do? like go to work? be part of a productive society? Earn my keep? Pay my taxes? Spend time with my family?

Don't EVER stroke yourself to the idea that I'm running away from you.

Here are two replies from another thread that YOU ran away from.

Run Forrest Run

It seems like you had time to mak 10 replies after you made this one.

Why should I argue with an Idiot with a Colt Arms sigpic and demand that he should have access to military weapons... Guess you'll be buying a Patriot Missile battery soon? Cause god forbid... We might need 'em if the Commies take over.

In other words... arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall.... you ain't changing... I ain't changing. So why bother? Go hug your gun and clutch you pearls in unreasonable fear... that's your forte.
The Extremist Righty Fascists like bigreb and crusaderfrank are a hoot to watch stumble, mumble, bumble, then crumble when confronted with reality.
bigreb is mumbling. Riddle me this, bigreb: did Hitler nationalize industry? Hmmm.

Hitler was a Socialist. You know, a left winger.

Hitler destroyed the socialist wing of the party in the purge of the SA. Hitler never nationalized industry, but the corporatist capitalist barons supported him.

You are a victim of Righty Extremist history revisionism. Better study up on other truly well informed folks in the field than Professor Beck or BigReb.

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Who wants bigger government, conservatives or communists?

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