Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Conservatives don't want government to have that much power, liberals do.

Conservatives want smaller government, liberals want larger.

Mao, Stalin and Hitler, the ultimate big government progressives.

They were not progressives any more than you are a conservative. They were extremists, just like you, interested only in power of your fellow man.

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison (in 1787) would have tarred you as a Loyalist. Rightly so.

Addendum: by your definitions, you link many of the Founders with communists. That is not only very ignorant on your part but also very anti-American. Yes, you would have been a Loyalist.


We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.
They were not progressives any more than you are a conservative. They were extremists, just like you, interested only in power of your fellow man.

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison (in 1787) would have tarred you as a Loyalist. Rightly so.

Addendum: by your definitions, you link many of the Founders with communists. That is not only very ignorant on your part but also very anti-American. Yes, you would have been a Loyalist.


We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.

Fascist - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Sounds like left-wing progressives to me.

Which of the Founders do you imagine was in favor of big government?
Please post your list.
They were not progressives any more than you are a conservative. They were extremists, just like you, interested only in power of your fellow man.

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison (in 1787) would have tarred you as a Loyalist. Rightly so.

Addendum: by your definitions, you link many of the Founders with communists. That is not only very ignorant on your part but also very anti-American. Yes, you would have been a Loyalist.


We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.

Hitler was a Socialist, Dear. Do try to keep up with the rest of the class

We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.

Hitler was a Socialist, Dear. Do try to keep up with the rest of the class

According to these dingbats, "National Socialism" is German for small government conservativism.
Another failure of our public school system.
We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.

Hitler was a Socialist, Dear. Do try to keep up with the rest of the class

According to these dingbats, "National Socialism" is German for small government conservativism.
Another failure of our public school system.

It's the sabotage of our educational system by Progressives. Our students don't know American history, think FDR's New Deal ended the Great Depression, think Hitlers National Socialism was Right wing and think McCarthy's HUAC Committee blacklisted Zero Mostel and other Hollywood Leftists.
You're obviously too stupid to waste time arguing with.

Many Righty Extremist Fascists worship $$$ exactly that way. The fact you don't like being told the truth is immaterial.

You wouldn't know the truth if someone beat you to death with it. You're obviously a liar. Not a single person in this forum believes you are a Republican.

You're a sleazy, unscrupulous poltroon - a liberal, in other words.
You're obviously too stupid to waste time arguing with.

Many Righty Extremist Fascists worship $$$ exactly that way. The fact you don't like being told the truth is immaterial.

You wouldn't know the truth if someone beat you to death with it. You're obviously a liar. Not a single person in this forum believes you are a Republican.

You're a sleazy, unscrupulous poltroon - a liberal, in other words.

I think Jakey has multiple personality disorder. kinda scary to watch and funny all rolled into one.
Many Righty Extremist Fascists worship $$$ exactly that way. The fact you both don't like being told the truth is immaterial.
Many Righty Extremist Fascists worship $$$ exactly that way. The fact you don't like being told the truth is immaterial.

You wouldn't know the truth if someone beat you to death with it. You're obviously a liar. Not a single person in this forum believes you are a Republican.

You're a sleazy, unscrupulous poltroon - a liberal, in other words.

I think Jakey has multiple personality disorder. kinda scary to watch and funny all rolled into one.

That's why I can never put him or TruthMatters or Deany or any of the other Progressives and Liberal Intellectual Elites on ignore...think of the comedic gold you miss!
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.

Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.

You will continue to fail.
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.

Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.

You will continue to fail.

See what I mean about comedy?

You mean the Founders supported Federal public education, Jake?
You wouldn't know the truth if someone beat you to death with it. You're obviously a liar. Not a single person in this forum believes you are a Republican.

You're a sleazy, unscrupulous poltroon - a liberal, in other words.

I think Jakey has multiple personality disorder. kinda scary to watch and funny all rolled into one.

That's why I can never put him or TruthMatters or Deany or any of the other Progressives and Liberal Intellectual Elites on ignore...think of the comedic gold you miss!

I found a picture of their heads.:wink_2:
You have no credible facts, save, and that is what is amusing here.

Well then, you should have no problem showing me how the public education system of this nation is improving . The New Deal failed just like our recent stimulus plan. This is all pretty basic stuff you got all screwed up.
I just showed you above how the public ed system is doing.

The New Deal had three parts: did poorly with industrial recovery, fairly well with relief for the needy, and exceptionally well with reform of banking and stock market regulations.

You simply don't know American history.
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.
Yeah, one group of socialists killing another group of socialists. Big shock.
Conservative goals? What were Hitler's conservative goals? Small government? Reduced government control of the economy? More personal freedom?

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.
Except the ones he killed for not supporting him.
Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.
Nationalize, is that when you tell a company what to do and they do it? Or else?

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.
And Big Business did what Hitler wanted them to do.
Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.
Washington, Adams, Hamilton and Jay wanted Federal control of education? Federal spending of 25% of GDP? Mandatory health insurance?
You will continue to fail.
You will continue to project.
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.

Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.

You will continue to fail.

See what I mean about comedy?

You mean the Founders supported Federal public education, Jake?

Jefferson's tombstone is graced with this inscription: "Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and father of the University of Virginia." For these accomplishments, Jefferson will continue to be celebrated down through the ages. Beneath these milestones rest an omnibus of lesser achievements, a host of failings, and an inscrutable store of secrets. And beneath these rests the soul of Thomas Jefferson.
Notice, it doesn't mention that he was President of the United States.
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