Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Run away? when... When I have shit to do? like go to work? be part of a productive society? Earn my keep? Pay my taxes? Spend time with my family?

Don't EVER stroke yourself to the idea that I'm running away from you.

Here are two replies from another thread that YOU ran away from.

Run Forrest Run

It seems like you had time to mak 10 replies after you made this one.

Why should I argue with an Idiot with a Colt Arms sigpic and demand that he should have access to military weapons... Guess you'll be buying a Patriot Missile battery soon? Cause god forbid... We might need 'em if the Commies take over.

In other words... arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall.... you ain't changing... I ain't changing. So why bother? Go hug your gun and clutch you pearls in unreasonable fear... that's your forte.

run forrest run.:clap2:
They were not progressives any more than you are a conservative. They were extremists, just like you, interested only in power of your fellow man.

Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, Madison (in 1787) would have tarred you as a Loyalist. Rightly so.

Addendum: by your definitions, you link many of the Founders with communists. That is not only very ignorant on your part but also very anti-American. Yes, you would have been a Loyalist.


We are going to stop your crap right now. Your nonsense does not float in the toilet bowl.

Hitler was not left-wing, he was an Righty Extremist Fascist, like many on this board.

You are an anti-American extremist who lumps big government nationalist Founders with the likes of Mao and Stalin.

You won't be allowed to lie with impunity.

No you're going to stop. You're full of shit and lies.
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.

Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.

You will continue to fail.

Hitler didn't have to nationalize anything the people were so in love with him they free submitted all they had in the name of the motherland. Kind of reminds me of people like you in love wiuth der leader Obamush.

Do you have a picture Obamush on the ceiling above your bed?
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

Four, Hitler made sure that the workers did want Big Business wanted.

Five, that the Righty Extremist Fascists in America, such as you and Frank, try to rewrite American history and demean Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jay, and others in the process of trying to destroy public education.

You will continue to fail.

Hitler didn't have to nationalize anything the people were so in love with him they free submitted all they had in the name of the motherland. Kind of reminds me of people like you in love wiuth der leader Obamush.

Do you have a picture Obamush on the ceiling above your bed?

That in itself is a lie. The "people" were not all that much in love with Hitler. They feared him and respected that he brought needed jobs to Germany. But Starkey is right. He never "Nationalized" anything. The people of industry were behind him and he had a significant sized base of loyalists. The power brokers and his loyalists forced their will on the rest of a desperate population.

You guys really don't read, do you?
Whether they are doing so behind the guise of being conservative or liberal, left or right, authoritarian governments tend to have the same propensity to repress human rights, and to aggregate power and wealth to an elite class.

Thinking that a rigid adherence either to the pricniples of capitalism or the pricnicples of socialism is going to prevent governments from becoming oppresssive is wishful thinking.

ALL ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, tend to aggregate wealth (hence power) to an elite.

THAT is the problem, folks.

The very nature of complex societies tends to put power into the hands of an elite, and once that elite has that advantage, they press that advantage over and over and over again.

In fact they tend to press their advantage so well that eventually they screw up the society to the point where it ceases to function efficienctly enough to suvive.

We just say the Soviet Union collapse under the weight of its own ineffienciencies, and now we're witnessing the USA do the same damned thing under its perverted capitalism system.

Ultimely the problem is human nature not economic systems.


Because nothing succeeds like success, that's why.

And that is true under every economic system.
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I just showed you above how the public ed system is doing.

The New Deal had three parts: did poorly with industrial recovery, fairly well with relief for the needy, and exceptionally well with reform of banking and stock market regulations.

You simply don't know American history.

How does averaging 15% unemployment from FDR's first inauguration until Hitler's invasion of France in 1940 provide "relief for the needy"?

Can you explain it to me, that is after you explain the Founders position on public education?
Also, not surprisingly, Jake's "Hitler killed all the Socialists in 1933" is a work of fiction. Hitler's Socialism, like modern Progressivism, had the Volks subservient to the Reich.
Fascism is when corporations and government are basically the same people.

You can become fascist through socialism (like Russia did) or you can become fascist though capitalism (like we're doing right now).

But either way, represntationalism dies off and oligarchical systems take over.

Either the government takes over the means of production (socialism) = fascism


The means of production (big capital) takes over government (unbridled capitalism) = fascism.

Get it?
"often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing)

"race above the individual" = American nativists and KKK (right wing)

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Bush Administration (right wing)

severe economic and social regimentation = done by right wing, centrists, and left wing governments

forcible suppression of opposition = done by all governments, particularly during wartime, Patriot Act

Thus, based on the above, Hitler was a a Righty Extremist Fascist whose philosophies seem much in line with yours.
"often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing)

"race above the individual" = American nativists and KKK (right wing)

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Bush Administration (right wing)

severe economic and social regimentation = done by right wing, centrists, and left wing governments

forcible suppression of opposition = done by all governments, particularly during wartime, Patriot Act

Thus, based on the above, Hitler was a a Righty Extremist Fascist whose philosophies seem much in line with yours.

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing).

First true thing you've said in all the time I've know you. Conservatives value American Exceptionalism, Progressives coil at the idea like Dracula meeting the rising sun in a garlic field.
Fascism is an unholy political theory of the right

The right has nothing to do with Fascism, Shirley. Fascism is the merger of corporate and state power.

An classical example of fascism is Obamacare - the merger of state and corporate structures, where the IRS enforces mandates to purchase from favored corporations such as Blue Cross and Kaiser.

The American democrats ARE as a matter of absolute fact, a fascist party. The economic policies of Barack Obama come straight from Mussolini.
Fascism Corporatism is a merger of government and Big Business, of the right.

You mistake fascism with American progressivism, which is a difference of type not scale.

The Democratic Party is a coalition of differing interests.

My Republican Party is an almost monolithic fusion of interest, culture, and mandate. My Republican Party has become a fascist party. Both Mussolini and Hitler would try to take over the GOP today.

Uncensored is only a wannabee pretend Republican, when in fact he is a far right reactionary extremist, out of the American mainstream.
bigreb is mumbling. Riddle me this, bigreb: did Hitler nationalize industry? Hmmm.

Did you make it though 4th grade, or only TO 4th grade?

He most certainly did not. You are a prime example of why your type of out of mainstream Republicans are generally kicked off school boards when your lies become evident.

Now you are lying, for Hitler did not nationalize industry. You made the assertion, prove it. Show us where the German government nationalized industry.
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Fascism Corporatism is a merger of government and Big Business, of the right.

You mistake fascism with American progressivism, which is a difference of type not scale.

The Democratic Party is a coalition of differing interests.

My Republican Party is an almost monolithic fusion of interest, culture, and mandate. My Republican Party has become a fascist party. Both Mussolini and Hitler would try to take over the GOP today.

Uncensored is only a wannabee pretend Republican, when in fact he is a far right reactionary extremist, out of the American mainstream.

Jake, can you name one item where you disagree with Obama?
I don't mubble Listen to me loud and clear turd. You're a piece of lying shit no better than the piece of shit in the white house. Hitler didn't have to nationalize anything stupid p[eople like you freely gave what they had to him. Hitler himself said he didn't have to natioalize anything.

Hitler nationalized Auto, Oil and Power, Aircraft and munitions. Hitler was a Socialist - just like he said.

The concept of fascism, the merging of state and corporate power structures as "right wing" is the big lie technique in action. Fascism is a form of socialism - a form of state control of the means of production.

Fascism is the economic policy of Barack Obama and the democratic party.
BigReb is mentally damaged goods, and you are his buddy.

No, you will find nothing that proves that the German government nationalized industries.

The concept that fascism is not right wing is the big lie of the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as you, out of the mainstream of American cultural and political history.
The same housing bubble that was the direct result of Corporate Greed run amok?

Marc, you are an uneducated moron. Debating economics with you is no different than discussing quantum physics with a baboon. (No offense to baboons intended!)

Bundled MBS based on projected future value of cash flows based on the appreciation of capital equity was absolutely a Ponzi scheme. An assumption that property values will appreciate at a rate that mitigates the risk of non-payment is an absurdity, in reality it is fraud.

Were the securities traders involved in fraud? No question. Does that alter the fact that the insolvable debt was created by mandates from the federal government to offer loans to unqualified applicants who had no means of repayment? Nope.
"often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing)

"race above the individual" = American nativists and KKK (right wing)

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Bush Administration (right wing)

severe economic and social regimentation = done by right wing, centrists, and left wing governments

forcible suppression of opposition = done by all governments, particularly during wartime, Patriot Act

Thus, based on the above, Hitler was a a Righty Extremist Fascist whose philosophies seem much in line with yours.
"Down grades the nation" = Obama
Robert Byrd, famous long time KKK right-wing Republican Senator.
Wait, what?
Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Obama Administration (buy health insurance or else, left wing)

Sorry honey, Fascists are just another flavor of left-wing socialist big government types.
Conservatives don't want big government, remember, we wanna push Gramma off a cliff.
What gets me is that if limited government is really what Republicans are after, they'd be raising taxes to make sure that we're actually paying for all the government we're getting.

Yeah, and if they REALLY want a free market, they would nationalize all major industry.

Your logic is flawless - no wonder you're a leftist....

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