Alan Simpson Calls GOP Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’

Hitler destroyed the socialist wing of the party in the purge of the SA. Hitler never nationalized industry,

Yeah - Volkswagen never existed - still doesn't...

You're a fucking genius, Shirley.

Educate yourself, dumbass.

[ame=] The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (9780671728687): William L. Shirer: Books[/ame]
True, but if the Republicans would agree to raising taxes, we could avoid raising the debt ceiling.

What would you think fair? 98% on everyone but you, Michael Moore, Algore and George Soros? (Plus all party members in office are exempt, naturally!)
Who wants to watch old people starve... Conservatives or Progressives?

No one.

Who wants to Privatize EVERYTHING for profit... Conservatives or Progressives?

Anyone with an IQ above 40.

Who wants to force the Middle Class out of existence.... Conservatives or Progressives?

Fascist democrats like Obama, and you.

Who worships Corporatism, wealth and hates poor people... Conservatives or Progressives?

Fascist democrats like Obama, and you.

That's why you put together a fascist medical system that merges government and corporations.

See... I can speak extremist retard too!

You can speak nothing but "retard."
The same housing bubble that was the direct result of Corporate Greed run amok?

Marc, you are an uneducated moron. Debating economics with you is no different than discussing quantum physics with a baboon. (No offense to baboons intended!)

Bundled MBS based on projected future value of cash flows based on the appreciation of capital equity was absolutely a Ponzi scheme. An assumption that property values will appreciate at a rate that mitigates the risk of non-payment is an absurdity, in reality it is fraud.

Were the securities traders involved in fraud? No question. Does that alter the fact that the insolvable debt was created by mandates from the federal government to offer loans to unqualified applicants who had no means of repayment? Nope.

Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

You're lying, stupid fuck. Hitler attacked the Bolsheviks - just as Stalin attacked Mensheviks. You leftists are factional in nature - since POWER is what you lust for, the murder of one leftist group by another is common.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Many more aligned with Stalin. The corrupt seek to use power to enrich themselves. Note how Goldman Sachs invests in and promotes Obama.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

You are a stupid fuck - Hitler nationalized about half of Germany's industry. Ignorant fool.
The same housing bubble that was the direct result of Corporate Greed run amok?

Marc, you are an uneducated moron. Debating economics with you is no different than discussing quantum physics with a baboon. (No offense to baboons intended!)

Bundled MBS based on projected future value of cash flows based on the appreciation of capital equity was absolutely a Ponzi scheme. An assumption that property values will appreciate at a rate that mitigates the risk of non-payment is an absurdity, in reality it is fraud.

Were the securities traders involved in fraud? No question. Does that alter the fact that the insolvable debt was created by mandates from the federal government to offer loans to unqualified applicants who had no means of repayment? Nope.

Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?
Why would greedy bankers make loans to people with poor credit scores and insufficient income?
"often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing)

"race above the individual" = American nativists and KKK (right wing)

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Bush Administration (right wing)

severe economic and social regimentation = done by right wing, centrists, and left wing governments

forcible suppression of opposition = done by all governments, particularly during wartime, Patriot Act

Thus, based on the above, Hitler was a a Righty Extremist Fascist whose philosophies seem much in line with yours.
"Down grades the nation" = Obama
Robert Byrd, famous long time KKK right-wing Republican Senator.
Wait, what?
Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Obama Administration (buy health insurance or else, left wing)

Sorry honey, Fascists are just another flavor of left-wing socialist big government types.
Conservatives don't want big government, remember, we wanna push Gramma off a cliff.

You simply can't respond to the truth. Byrd, a conservative democrat, just like Thurmond, who jumped parties. Your merely use Righty Extremist Fascist code talk. The great majority of the nation is not fooled.
Our public school system correctly teachers the facts and not Righty Extremist Fascist lies.

One, Hitler destroyed the socialist wing on the party in 1934, killing almost 200 German socialists trying to ovethrow the party's conservative goals under Hitler.

You're lying, stupid fuck. Hitler attacked the Bolsheviks - just as Stalin attacked Mensheviks. You leftists are factional in nature - since POWER is what you lust for, the murder of one leftist group by another is common.

Two, the Big Business corporatists allied themselves with Hitler and supported him.

Many more aligned with Stalin. The corrupt seek to use power to enrich themselves. Note how Goldman Sachs invests in and promotes Obama.

Three, Hitler never even attempted nationalizing industry as a socialist would do.

You are a stupid fuck - Hitler nationalized about half of Germany's industry. Ignorant fool.

Righty Extremest Fascist big lie tactics by you do not fool the overwhelming number of teachers, instructors, and professors who correctly teach American history, politics, culture, and government. They teach the truth and demonstrate why you RFEs are marginalized losers.

No, Hitler did not nationalize industry. No, Hitler was more aligned with Franco, Salazar, Henry Ford, and Charles Lindbergh.

See, I don't expect to change a RFE like you, because you know you are lying because the truth would sink you.
Marc, you are an uneducated moron. Debating economics with you is no different than discussing quantum physics with a baboon. (No offense to baboons intended!)

Bundled MBS based on projected future value of cash flows based on the appreciation of capital equity was absolutely a Ponzi scheme. An assumption that property values will appreciate at a rate that mitigates the risk of non-payment is an absurdity, in reality it is fraud.

Were the securities traders involved in fraud? No question. Does that alter the fact that the insolvable debt was created by mandates from the federal government to offer loans to unqualified applicants who had no means of repayment? Nope.

Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?
Why would greedy bankers make loans to people with poor credit scores and insufficient income?
I tell me!

However, I think you know the answer already.

They. Were. Making. Money. Hand. Over. Fist.
Fascism is when corporations and government are basically the same people.

Such as Blue Cross, Kaiser and the Obama administration?

You can become fascist through socialism (like Russia did) or you can become fascist though capitalism (like we're doing right now).

I wouldn't call what Obama is doing "capitalism," but it certainly is fascist.

Good post.
Fascism Corporatism is a merger of government and Big Business, of the right.

Oh, I see.

So since Dear Leader is of the left, his merger of corporate and federal power is, um - PERFECTION, not fascism..


Yer a stupid one Shirley - astoundingly stupid...

The Democratic Party is a coalition of differing interests.

Under Barack Obama, the democratic party is a fascist party - under a fascist ruler.

My Republican Party

You don't have a Republican party - you are a fascist democrat. One stupid enough to think that others will believe your lies.

No one does.

Uncensored is only a wannabee pretend Republican, when in fact he is a far right reactionary extremist, out of the American mainstream.

I'm not a Republican at all, Shirley. I am a Rothbardian Capitalist and have been a registered Libertarian since 1988.

I'm no more Republican than you are.
Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?
Why would greedy bankers make loans to people with poor credit scores and insufficient income?
I tell me!

However, I think you know the answer already.

They. Were. Making. Money. Hand. Over. Fist.

No. Sir. You. dont. know. what. you. are. talking. about.
Learn something here....

Every loan is reviewed by an underwriter....every one of them. The underwriter has the responsibility to take the information presented to them by the bank regarding the borrower and makje an educated decision taking into consideration:

1) Appraised value of the property
2) existing debt on the property
3) Income of the borrower
4) Employment status of the borrower
5) Stability of the borrower (such as how long they have lived where they live)

Now, due to what congress saw as "discrimination" in the lending industry, the lending institutions were told to do what ever they had to do to be more "fair" as it pertained to who they lend to or risk losing certain government accrediations and other government perks.

So they decided to leave it up to the borrower...they decided to let the borrower say whatever they wanted to on the application (affidavit once signed)....and if they lied, so be it....but then, when it goes into foreclosure, the bank can say "hey, we lent them the money. Not our fault they lied."

The banks were making nothing with those loans. Sure, the sold many of them off but it was very much like a barter system...they would sell ABC off and buy one but the mortgage brokers made money on them.

Why do you think the government was so ready to bnail the banks out? They KNEW they set them up to fail.

SO enough with the "business is evil and goivernment is going to save us" crap.

It is nothing but crap.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?
Why would greedy bankers make loans to people with poor credit scores and insufficient income?
I tell me!

However, I think you know the answer already.

They. Were. Making. Money. Hand. Over. Fist.
Look up the CRA, you might learn something.
"often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

"exalts the nation" = American exceptionalism (right wing)

"race above the individual" = American nativists and KKK (right wing)

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Bush Administration (right wing)

severe economic and social regimentation = done by right wing, centrists, and left wing governments

forcible suppression of opposition = done by all governments, particularly during wartime, Patriot Act

Thus, based on the above, Hitler was a a Righty Extremist Fascist whose philosophies seem much in line with yours.
"Down grades the nation" = Obama
Robert Byrd, famous long time KKK right-wing Republican Senator.
Wait, what?
Centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader = the Obama Administration (buy health insurance or else, left wing)

Sorry honey, Fascists are just another flavor of left-wing socialist big government types.
Conservatives don't want big government, remember, we wanna push Gramma off a cliff.

You simply can't respond to the truth. Byrd, a conservative democrat, just like Thurmond, who jumped parties. Your merely use Righty Extremist Fascist code talk. The great majority of the nation is not fooled.

The Federal government currently spends something close to 25% of GDP.
Liberals, progressives, socialists, communists, whatever you call yourselves now, to try to fool the public, wants to spend much, much more.
You want much much more control of the economy. It's a liberal thing, I know.
Conservatives want government to spend less. Much much less.
Conservatives want less government control of the economy. Less government control over companies.
How you can call such a desire for less government in anyway fascist is just proof that the government school you attended was a failure.
He most certainly did not.

You know, stupid shit - the nationalized healthcare system in place during the Third Reich was remarkably similar to the one Obama put in place. Funny that Hitler didn't alter the formula Bismark put in place - but then, why would he? Hitler was a socialist, after all.

What's funny stupidfuck, is that your more educated fellow fascists don't attempt to alter history, they argue that Hitler nationalized Oil and electricity due to the war effort, that he assumed control of munitions manufacturing to ensure the war effort, he nationalized Messerschmitt and BMW to ensure war production.

NO ONE is so stupid as to claim he didn't nationalize these with embedded party management under the Reichsluftfahrtministerium.

Does it hurt to be so stupid?
Uncensored continues his hitlerian Righty Extremist Fascist code talk.

Hitler did not nationalize any industries. REF Uncensored cannot refute it. Oh, and REFU does not even know about when and under what conditions health care was implemented in Germany. Simply another mark of his deliberate ignorance.

REFU fails at trying to revise history. He makes assertions but can't support them.

Thank heavens that a righty extremist like Uncensored posts here.
Did the banksters and Wall Street barons have ANY responsibility in this?

Bummer about your reading comprehension problems.

Was it not their pure, unbridled, unadulterated raw GREED that lead to the near total collapse?

That was one of many factors. CRA/LMI led to the opportunity to create a Ponzi scheme.

Are these people free of blame in your eyes?

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Anthony Mozillo? No, they are fucking crooks, they belong in prison.
Righty Extremest Fascist big lie tactics by you do not fool the overwhelming number of teachers, instructors, and professors who correctly teach American history, politics, culture, and government.

You just make it up as you go.

You could not pass a 4th grade history class.
Righty Extremist Fascist Uncensored, who simply does not know history, continues to make an ass of a canine.

Until you get it correct, I am and will have loads of fun outing your agenda-driven Far Righty Extremist Fascist code talk.

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