Alarm: Suicide Rate Among Americans Soars

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The suicide rate among middle-aged individuals in the United States has taken a major leap forward in the past decade, new research shows.

A report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the suicide rate among men and women aged 35 to 64 years increased by 28% — 32% for women and 27% for men — between 1999 and 2010.

Increases in suicide rates were also especially high among non-Hispanic whites and American Indians and Alaska Natives.

The increases were geographically widespread and occurred in states with high, as well as average and low, suicide rates, the authors report.

Increases in suicide rates among males and females were also observed from suicides involving hanging/suffocation, poisoning, and firearms. Suicide rates for individuals aged 10 to 34 years and for those aged 65 years and older did not change significantly during this period.

"Suicide is a tragedy that is far too common. The stories we hear of those who are impacted by suicide are very difficult. This report highlights the need to expand our knowledge of risk factors so we can build on prevention programs that prevent suicide," CDC director Thomas Friedan, MD, said in a release.

"These results highlight the need for suicide prevention strategies that address mental health issues and the stresses and challenges that middle-aged adults are likely to face. Such stresses include economic challenges, dual caregiver responsibilities, and potential health problems," the authors write.
Joblessness, depression contributing to increased suicides...
Why more Americans are dying of suicide
Thu May 9, 2013 - A new report shows a 30% increase in the suicide rate among middle-aged Americans; Robert Gebbia: There is no simple answer, but factors include joblessness, depression; He says many people who die by suicide often have undiagnosed mental illness; Gebbia: We must continue to pay for scientific research exploring the causes of suicide
When the public thinks about suicide, they tend to see it as something that typically affects adolescents and people in later life. But alarmingly, more middle-aged Americans are dying by suicide. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a nearly 30% increase in the suicide rate among adults 35 to 64, with the most significant increase in those 50 and older. Why the suicide rate is climbing in this age group is a question without a simple answer.

There are many risk factors, including high unemployment rates and a weak economy that has been pervasive at all levels of our society; the widespread abuse of prescription pain medication; the problems experienced by aging veterans of the Vietnam War or the Gulf War; the difficulty in convincing men, in particular, to seek help for physical and mental illnesses; and the realities of the baby boomer generation, a group that has experienced unusually high levels of addiction, suicide attempts and mental illness as young adults.


The CDC report makes it clear that we must continue to fund scientific research exploring the causes of suicide. It confirms the need to use evidence-based knowledge to expand our research and prevention efforts, in particular, to underserved populations. Suicide prevention programs have typically focused on youth, young adults and the elderly. Now we know we need to do more for those in middle age. Fortunately, there are measures we can take to prevent suicide.

We know that the majority of people who die by suicide have an underlying and often undiagnosed mental illness such as depression or bipolar disorder. Are we doing enough to reduce the stigma associated with talking about, and seeking treatment for, mental health conditions? President Barack Obama has recently called on the nation to expand efforts to address mental health problems and to eliminate the stigma associated with seeking treatment. He is right. We know, too, that there can be warning signs before a suicide attempt.

More Opinion: Why more Americans are dying of suicide -
It costs 90 to 120 for a visit to a Therapist in my part of NC. Who is going to pay for all these supposed in danger people to see a therapist? Who is going to decide who needs to be seen and who pays?

Where is truthmatters, the only time she cares about comprehensive mental health coverage is when she can rant about gun deaths?

There are people on this board that believe one should be able to commit suicide any time you want for any reason.

I can tell you right now Health Insurance does not like to pay for Mental health. If you are suicidal you need intensive care possibly a hospital stay. The longest I ever got was 6 days and they HOWLED about that. I get seen every week by a therapist and every 3 months by a Shrink. And it requires tons of paper work to do so. The standard is 8 visits a year for ALL mental health and each visit must be justified.

I have Medicare and Tricare.
How many of these people use drugs of some kind? Particularly marijuana.

Marijuana Dependency Linked to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts | Elements

A new study found that people who smoke marijuana before age 17 are 3.5 times more likely to attempt suicide as those who started smoking marijuana later in life. In addition, people who are dependent on marijuana have a higher risk of experiencing major depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The large-scale epidemiological study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

“Overall, the associations between marijuana abuse and depressive disorders suggest a relationship that is contributory but not necessarily causal. Depressive disorders in and of themselves do not cause people to abuse marijuana, and marijuana abuse and dependence do not of themselves cause depression or suicidal behavior,” Dr. Lynskey said.

“Nevertheless, clinicians treating patients for one disorder should take the other into account at initial assessment and throughout treatment. In the context of treatment, both need to be addressed, because it is not necessarily the case that eliminating one disorder will get rid of the other.”

Rather than deal with suicidal tendencies, they just smoke pot hoping life will go away and leave them alone. When it doesn't they have to help it along.

It's not a bad thing if you think about it.
Joblessness. We know who to thank for that one.
Which makes Him culpable in these deaths.

Economic issues (especially those caused by long term joblessness) are definitely contributing to the suicide rate. The cost in human lives and wasted potential of this Faux Recovery is enormous.
The suicide rate among middle-aged individuals in the United States has taken a major leap forward in the past decade, new research shows.

A report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the suicide rate among men and women aged 35 to 64 years increased by 28% — 32% for women and 27% for men — between 1999 and 2010.

Increases in suicide rates were also especially high among non-Hispanic whites and American Indians and Alaska Natives.

The increases were geographically widespread and occurred in states with high, as well as average and low, suicide rates, the authors report.

Increases in suicide rates among males and females were also observed from suicides involving hanging/suffocation, poisoning, and firearms. Suicide rates for individuals aged 10 to 34 years and for those aged 65 years and older did not change significantly during this period.

"Suicide is a tragedy that is far too common. The stories we hear of those who are impacted by suicide are very difficult. This report highlights the need to expand our knowledge of risk factors so we can build on prevention programs that prevent suicide," CDC director Thomas Friedan, MD, said in a release.

"These results highlight the need for suicide prevention strategies that address mental health issues and the stresses and challenges that middle-aged adults are likely to face. Such stresses include economic challenges, dual caregiver responsibilities, and potential health problems," the authors write.

Well duh....! That's what left-wing policy does. Do you know how high the suicide rate is in communist China? How about during the communist U.S.S.R.?

Left-wing policy creates failure and misery, while taking away hope. It's the perfect recipe for human despair and suicide.
Now Obama is responsible for the suicide rate? You guys are something else....

You're the first one to mention his name.

You know who Mr. H meant. Unless you are being willfully ignorant. I'm surprised he hasn't been blamed for earthquakes yet.

You mean like Bush was blamed for creating Katrina and sending it to New Orleans? Like that? Or how about the repeated lies about more Hurricanes more powerful Hurricanes and doom and gloom if we don't pass cap and trade? Like that?

Perhaps you meant something else?
You're the first one to mention his name.

You know who Mr. H meant. Unless you are being willfully ignorant. I'm surprised he hasn't been blamed for earthquakes yet.

You mean like Bush was blamed for creating Katrina and sending it to New Orleans? Like that? Or how about the repeated lies about more Hurricanes more powerful Hurricanes and doom and gloom if we don't pass cap and trade? Like that?

Perhaps you meant something else?

When did anybody say Bush created Hurricane Katrina? And talking about more powerful hurricanes is NOTHING like holding Obama directly responsible for people commiting suicide. :cuckoo:
It's a lie. The suicide rate from 1990 to 2010 has remained pretty much constant rising by a few percentage points and then dropping and rising again but there has been no dramatic rise either by race or gender.
Joblessness. We know who to thank for that one.
Which makes Him culpable in these deaths.

Economic issues (especially those caused by long term joblessness) are definitely contributing to the suicide rate. The cost in human lives and wasted potential of this Faux Recovery is enormous.

And the faux trickle down theory of economics started it all in 1980, not 2009 as some on this board seem to think.

Nothing trickled down, it all went sideways and out.
Joblessness. We know who to thank for that one.
Which makes Him culpable in these deaths.

Now Obama is responsible for the suicide rate? You guys are something else....

You're the first one to mention his name.

He can read between the lines and so can I.

Too bad some of you can't fucking remember Ronald Reagan turning over the economy to Merrill Lynch or Hank Paulson giving the big banks $750,000,000 without taxpayer permission. All you dufuses can do is chant Obama and think the economy started to crumble in 2009.
I don't know why this is news worthy.

During the Depression, my Dad knew men whose job it was to go through every park and pull down the people that hung themselves.

Most important part; be done before dawn, so no one would see.
Joblessness. We know who to thank for that one.
Which makes Him culpable in these deaths.

Economic issues (especially those caused by long term joblessness) are definitely contributing to the suicide rate. The cost in human lives and wasted potential of this Faux Recovery is enormous.

And the faux trickle down theory of economics started it all in 1980, not 2009 as some on this board seem to think.

Nothing trickled down, it all went sideways and out.


It lead to the longest stretch of economic growth the world has seen in recorded history.

considering what the liberals gave RR to work with, it's even more stunning what he pulled off.
It's a lie. The suicide rate from 1990 to 2010 has remained pretty much constant rising by a few percentage points and then dropping and rising again but there has been no dramatic rise either by race or gender.

You mean the medical community would lie to us about something other then gun deaths? I am shocked, shocked i say.

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