Alas The End Of Winter


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Well at least here where I am. My front door has been open daily now for three days. It may hit 80f before the month is out. And both my A/Cs have been serviced and are standing ready.

One thing I have never understood about people in general is why is it after you retire you keep living in the very area that is hard on your health both mental and physical. A lot of you folks are looking at shoveling snow this week, me, I,m hitting the sand dunes in my 4x4.

Anyway winter is over here and those bone chilling 50f nights are nothing but a distant memory. It's garden time here and shortly my Orange trees will be in bloom. {I have three} You know I might set my ass in a lounge chair outside while dinner turns on the Bar-b-que spit.
I have had 4 different occasions of snow/ice this winter. Which is more than usual.
IDK about you, but so far I aint digging this global warmin..
I have had 4 different occasions of snow/ice this winter. Which is more than usual.
IDK about you, but so far I aint digging this global warmin..
First garden season starts now and runs until July when its to hot. Second season starts first week of September. Only real bad thing here is ANY exposed riding motorcycle/sand rail etc. causes severe wind burns in August. So for two to four weeks out of the year its to hot to ride.
This is the first winter in 16 years that I have not shoveled snow or had to contend with the ever lovable vortex thang. I am not retired and I most certainly have spring fever.
Spring has sprung here as well. 85 right now. I have all the doors and windows open and thankfully there is a nice ocean breeze to keep it from getting to the high 90's. But, the day is still young here, so no telling what the temp will be in about 2 hours.
This is the first winter in 16 years that I have not shoveled snow or had to contend with the ever lovable vortex thang. I am not retired and I most certainly have spring fever.
Gold Rush is done here that is when all the "panners" gather to see who pulled out the most gold. Now its bleach blonde and fake titty season. We have almost three dozen female body shops in 30 miles.

And when those ladies heal? Its show time! Cut offs and the smallest bikini tops you have ever seen.
This is the first winter in 16 years that I have not shoveled snow or had to contend with the ever lovable vortex thang. I am not retired and I most certainly have spring fever.
Gold Rush is done here that is when all the "panners" gather to see who pulled out the most gold. Now its bleach blonde and fake titty season. We have almost three dozen female body shops in 30 miles.

And when those ladies heal? Its show time! Cut offs and the smallest bikini tops you have ever seen.

Well, ok, then.

I have no fucking clue what to say.
This is the first winter in 16 years that I have not shoveled snow or had to contend with the ever lovable vortex thang. I am not retired and I most certainly have spring fever.
Pay more money. That will fix it.

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