Alaska just had its hottest December ever recorded

Is there life beyond the US Northeast?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No. Hot places don't count

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
Great news. Cold kills more people than any other weather related event, millions of lives will be saved.
The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540.[1] France was hit especially hard. The heat wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peer-reviewed analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.[2] The predominant heat was recorded in July and August, partly a result of the western European seasonal lag from the maritime influence of the Atlantic warm waters in combination with hot continental air and strong southerly winds.
2003 European heat wave - Wikipedia

OK, link us to the last time a winter cold spell killed 70,000 people in Europe.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
So in the 150 years it's been recorded, it has never been this warm. Got it. What about the 4 billion years before that?

Read the OP they start record keeping till 1936
So in the roughly 85 years then. Still, what do the libbos say about the other 4 billion years? ;)
Look, you damned ignorant fool, it is not liberals that are pointing out the changes in GHGs in the atmosphere, and measuring the affects of those GHGs, it is scientists from every nation in the world. Assholes like you love to prove the abysmal education level and lack of logic every day on this board.

it is scientists from every nation in the world

Lol, sure it is .....

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But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.

um hmmm
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
Hansen is a fucking fraud.

It’s been extraordinarily warm with very little snow here in Colorado too. I know you AGW chicken Little’s take a lot of shit when we get abnormally cold weather. But the problem is nobody has produced a working model for the climate with respect to AGW. I have made this point before- climate is an immensely complicated system. There are numerous factors, many are still not even known. Any person who claims to understand exactly what causes the continuous changes in climate is simply wrong.
This warming was predicted in a paper in 1981 by Dr. Hansen.

Pubs.GISS: Hansen et al. 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

The problem with what you have said is that the climate scientists have been consistently wrong, they have been far too conservative. The Northwest Passage opened up for the first time in 2007, and in 2016, a 1000 passenger luxury cruise liner transited the Passage. Even Dr. Hansen did not expect it that soon.

But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
Great news. Cold kills more people than any other weather related event, millions of lives will be saved.
The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540.[1] France was hit especially hard. The heat wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peer-reviewed analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.[2] The predominant heat was recorded in July and August, partly a result of the western European seasonal lag from the maritime influence of the Atlantic warm waters in combination with hot continental air and strong southerly winds.
2003 European heat wave - Wikipedia

OK, link us to the last time a winter cold spell killed 70,000 people in Europe.

Translation~ Europeans can not afford to turn on their air-conditioning because of the ridiculous electric rated due to green energy
No they went from warming to climate change when they realized it wasn't warming. Apparently you didn't get the memo and are still clinging to old fake news. How embarrassing

We also went from flat earth to round as the science got better.
Taking a boat across the ocean = science?

If I drive to Canada is that science?
There was no scientific consensus on global cooling in the 70s. You can't say that today about climate change consensus.
Weather is cyclical. That is YOUR science.
From the tilted axis to sun storms....
Weather is not climate.

But climate is weather!
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December

Great! I've always wanted to move there and build condos! Southern California is having a heatwave too but no one wants to move there.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December

just had it's hottest December ever.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.

What a tool less then a 100 years of data grow up will you old rocks.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December

just had it's hottest December ever.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I just wonder if anyone has ever used the word "hottest" to describe the weather in December in Alaska at any point in recorded history!

They may have some of the "hottest" women, but that is about the extent I can see used for that word up that far north.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.

What a tool less then a 100 years of data grow up will you old rocks.
Just because you choose to wallow in ignorance does not mean the rest of us do. You continually post your willful ignorance for all the see. Why? Are you not the least embarrassed to demonstrate how ignorant you are?

Paleoclimatology |
We cannot determine with any degree of certainty, the future climate via computer models. Period. A sorta important point that all of the climate crusaders conveniently ignore.:bye1:
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December

just had it's hottest December ever.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I just wonder if anyone has ever used the word "hottest" to describe the weather in December in Alaska at any point in recorded history!

They may have some of the "hottest" women, but that is about the extent I can see used for that word up that far north.
LOL Well, a 20 C jump in temperatures is not exactly hot when you start at -30 C. However, the effects are profound when there are increases of 2 C to 20 C year after year.
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.

What a tool less then a 100 years of data grow up will you old rocks.
Just because you choose to wallow in ignorance does not mean the rest of us do. You continually post your willful ignorance for all the see. Why? Are you not the least embarrassed to demonstrate how ignorant you are?

Paleoclimatology |

So you went from temperature readings that you found out that you couldn't bullshit anyone to the old realible ...

Guesmestites proxy's ... GTFO
We cannot determine with any degree of certainty, the future climate via computer models. Period. A sorta important point that all of the climate crusaders conveniently ignore.:bye1:
Don't need the fucking computer model to say that the global temperature will increase in the coming decades. And that it will have some very negative effects. How much the increase will be, how bad the effects will be, and whether anything will be done to mitigate them, are the questions. And will those adversely affected get adequate help? From the abandonment of three and one half million Americans by this admin, not if the GOP has it's way.
But wait. I thought the Northeast portion of the United States wa's the world!
Today I found out that Alaska (the largest US state) exists, and it just had it's hottest December ever.
You may make your global warming-denying self feel better by rating the news "funny" though. Haha
Alaska sees record-high temperatures in December
Alaska is just one of our 57 states, not including Alaska and Hawaii
We cannot determine with any degree of certainty, the future climate via computer models. Period. A sorta important point that all of the climate crusaders conveniently ignore.:bye1:
Don't need to fucking computer model to say that the global temperature will increase in the coming decades. And that it will have some very negative effects. How much the increase will be, how bad the effects will be, and whether anything will be done to mitigate them, are the questions. And will those adversely affected get adequate help? From the abandonment of three and one half million Americans by this admin, not if the GOP has it's way.
And by "global" you mean the ocean right?
is that climate change, or weather?
Considering the warming in Alaska has been going on for a couple of decades now, it is climate.
umm hmmm
As in you cannot deny it, so you post stupidity.

What a tool less then a 100 years of data grow up will you old rocks.
Just because you choose to wallow in ignorance does not mean the rest of us do. You continually post your willful ignorance for all the see. Why? Are you not the least embarrassed to demonstrate how ignorant you are?

Paleoclimatology |


Alaska’s Glaciers Are Retreating
Although the mechanisms vary, together the glaciers are losing 75 billion tons of ice annually

Alaska's Glaciers Are Retreating


A pair of northeast looking photographs, both taken from the same location on the west shoreline of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska showing the changes that have occurred to Muir Glacier during the 113 years between September 2, 1892 and August 11, 2005. The 1892 photograph shows the more than 100-meter (328-feet) high, more than 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) wide tidewater terminus of the glacier with a face capped by angular séracs. Some icebergs, evidence of recent calving, can be seen floating in Muir Inlet. The mountain located right-of-center is Mount Wright. Mount Case is in the background. Note the absence of vegetation. (H. F. Reid photograph, muir1892_417, courtesy of National Snow and Ice Data Center). In the 2005 photograph, Muir Glacier is no longer visible, as it has retreated more than 50 kilometers (31 miles). During the interval between photographs, Muir Glacier ceased to have a tidewater terminus. Note the lack of floating ice and the abundant vegetation on many slopes throughout the photograph. (USGS Photograph by Bruce F. Molnia).

Glacier and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate

If the temperature is maintaining over all of Alaska, why are the glaciers going away?

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