Alaskan local library in hot water for LGBT sex-ed book in 'juvenille' book section


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
At first I figured this was another example of homophobia and parents in denial their kids may be interested in sex, or their questioning of their sexual orientation. But reading the article, I gotta admit it's inappropriate.

Parents Outraged LGBT Sex Ed Book For Teens In Local Library

"This Book is Gay, YA author James Dawson’s acclaimed guide to growing up LGBT, has outraged parents in Wasilla, Alaska, where the book is shelved on the juvenile nonfiction section in the local public library.

Vanessa Campbell, whose 10-year-old picked the book off the shelf, said she was “shocked to find it contained frank drawings and descriptions of gay sex acts,” according to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman.

Her criticism wasn’t that the library carried the book, Campbell insists, but that “it shouldn’t be in the mix with children’s books.”

After Campbell’s complaint, librarian K.J. Martin-Albright read This Book is Gay, as well as relevant reviews, and determined the library wouldn’t remove or relocate the book.

After children were removed from the room, he read a passage from the book that explained anal sex and declared that, “as with hand jobs and breakfast eggs, all men like their blowjobs differently.”

The American Library Association labels “Young Adult” books as those appropriate to ages 12 to 18, and “Juvenile” books as those appropriate for readers age 8 to 12.

While fiction books in each category are in separate sections of the lower level of the Wasilla library, nonfiction gets lumped together, Martin-Albright said."

Not material suitable for ages 8-12 imo.
“it shouldn’t be in the mix with children’s books.”

Not material suitable for ages 8-12 imo.

I agree.

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