Alcohol is not acceptable in the US

Make cigarettes illegal but legalize marijuana. Make alcohol illegal but legalize heroin and meth. The world is upside down.

I don't see anything wrong with cigarettes and heroin, the slaves didn't use them. Marijuana is like alcohol, it makes people look like idiots. Methamphetamine can be used when strength is needed, when there are difficult tasks.
The dog is the most noble animal there is. It puts men to shame with the love, loyalty and the courage we sadly lack.
Dogs have patterns in the behavior of slaves and servants. All the vile things in ideomatics are connected with smelly dogs, the aristocratic peoples despised them, and despised everyone who looked like them.
Dogs have patterns in the behavior of slaves and servants. All the vile things in ideomatics are connected with smelly dogs, the aristocratic peoples despised them, and despised everyone who looked like them.

There are many, many aristocrats who loved dogs. Many even bred them for their specific preferences.
Dogs have patterns in the behavior of slaves and servants. All the vile things in ideomatics are connected with smelly dogs, the aristocratic peoples despised them, and despised everyone who looked like them.
I prefer dogs to you. I bet I am not the only one either.
Slaves love their own kind, this is nothing new

I have never been a slave. Even when I worked for one of the biggest utility construction corporations in the world. I have always kept an eye our for new opportunities. And I have always left of my own accord.

And my dogs are the highlight of my life.
You know what IS acceptable in the US? The freedom to choose for yourself. We do not take away freedom because you think we should.

The people of the USA decided to allow the sales and consumption of alcohol. Nothing you can do about it.

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