“Alejandro Mayorkas”….born in Cuba…is it in the name? Should we believe ‘these types’ with these names will look out for America’s best interests?

You did when you called them a "few examples".

So, tell us again why you never saw fit to serve your country like those you dismiss for having brown skin and unAmerican names?
Anyone who works in potentially dangerous jobs knows who to depend on no matter their ethnic or cultural background.
This business about names and races is silly. Except for the Chinese. Can't trust any of em.
Being American has nothing to do with what your name is. Just how fucking stupid can some people be?
Thinking like an American and behaving like an American sure does.
(remember bleeding heart globalist, to save time we’re generalizing here)
Can the intentional failure for American’s be found in the name of the official or politician? Can it be that easy to spot?
Do these people love and respect our founding documents, our institutions, principles, values and culture?
Look at nearly all of southern Mexifornia’s politicians with unAmerican names…Are they motivated to provide opportunity to Mexico’s people or are they genuinely looking out for the well being of Americans?
What about these people….are/were they working to keep America great for Americans?
Barack Obama
Ilhan Omar
Rashida Talib
Xavier Becerra
George Gascon

Didn’t our founders kind of warn us about electing and hiring barely Americans to key positions?

Mayorkas is a disgrace to the Cuban people. They suffer terribly under communism, and this commie piece of shit loves it.
Sure seems like this thread is just about peoples names and where they were born.
You’re confused and self manipulated again globalist.
This thread is about politicians with unAmerican names that push unAmerican policies and principles.
You ought to address the real premise of the thread instead of trying to get all emotional.

Are these people working to keep America great for Americans? Are they looking out for Americas best interests?
Barack Obama
Ilhan Omar
Rashida Talib
Xavier Becerra
George Gascon
There is no such thing. Real core Americans know that.
“There is no such thing. Real core Americans emotional globalists know think that.”
I’m pretty sure that’s what you meant to say…right?
Yeah, according to that racist data an all white America would totally suck…who in their right mind would want to live in a safer, cleaner more productive America?

Odd isn’t it. So many Whites are on welfare. So many are in prison. So many are part of criminal organizations and conspiracy.

The Mafia was white. The Irish mafias were also rather pale.

The world would not be a paradise despite your propaganda. People are shit no matter what color they are.
Odd isn’t it. So many Whites are on welfare. So many are in prison. So many are part of criminal organizations and conspiracy.

The Mafia was white. The Irish mafias were also rather pale.

The world would not be a paradise despite your propaganda. People are shit no matter what color they are.
But what about about those racist pesky facts that get in the way of your self manipulated bullshit?

• If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
• In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
But what about about those racist pesky facts that get in the way of your self manipulated bullshit?

• If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
• In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

Oh FFS. You pick a predominantly black area and say see! Look at all the black crime!


If you got rid of all the Blacks in Chicago it would be Detroit. Abandoned and failing with ten abandoned buildings for every occupied one.

We had a gun store robbery in Georgia. It made the news. A husband and wife were murdered along with their grandson. The bad guy? A white fellow.

This nation would not be a paradise if we only had Whites. And since everyone argues that Norwegian rehabilitation just won’t work in the US. I can but assume that it is because of something int the water.

But keep on blaming Blacks. It makes you feel better. And let’s the rest of us know that your posts are bereft of any point.
Oh FFS. You pick a predominantly black area and say see! Look at all the black crime!

Haha…more foolish self manipulation. You bleeding heart Tards hate that racist truth so much that you’re willing to dumb down, mislead and lie to yourselves. Weird ass shit


But keep on blaming Blacks. It makes you feel better. And let’s the rest of us know that your posts are bereft of any point.
Should I ‘blame’ the racist data or the perps creating the data?

Dear House Oversight Committee,
Please run that filthy piece of unAmerican dogshit Mayorkas out as one of the very first orders of business.

Thanks in advance!
Real, Core Americans

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