Alex Jones faking it, says his attorney...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
It Turns Out Alex Jones Is Just Pretending

Thought this story was pretty funny. What do infowars fan say to this?

Sidebar, why am I seeing the same topic over and over again, "where's trumps tax returns on tax day!!!" Y'all are starting to sound like trump and the rest of the birthers demanding Obamas birth certificate.
It Turns Out Alex Jones Is Just Pretending

Thought this story was pretty funny. What do infowars fan say to this?

Sidebar, why am I seeing the same topic over and over again, "where's trumps tax returns on tax day!!!" Y'all are starting to sound like trump and the rest of the birthers demanding Obamas birth certificate.
I don't follow infowars nor Jones who disgusts me because he refuses to just come out and say who is behind all these things he brings up but I also don't care if he is playing a character or not....he gets the information out sometimes LONG before the mainstream media will admit he is right so he serves a purpose.
Alex Jones has been full of shit for a very long time.

He used to go after local corruption but decided to go fringe nationwide.

He's a bullshit artist.

You know, VICE News did a segment on him a few weeks back, and Jones even said that what he's doing isn't hard journalism, because he's a showman. that same interview, he said the two Russian papers were more "free" in their ability to report news than what VICE News was allowed.

Alex Jones is a bloviating gasbag. I hope his career tanks soon, because his B.S. is getting a bit tiresome.

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