ALEX JONES, "Claiming he coordinated with the Trump White House on the events of January 6." "Put up $500k of his own money to make it happen."

Before Donald Trump's presidency, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars was considered a fringe outlet in right-wing media circles; even former Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly dismissed Jones as a buffoon. But the Trump White House treated Infowars like a serious news organization, and according to Free Speech TV.

Jones "is now claiming that he coordinated with the Trump White House on the events of January 6."

Free Speech TV, in a page for David Pakman's show, explains, "The Infowars host made the claim last week that he even put up $500,000 of his own money to make it happen. Jones said, 'The White House told me three days before: We're going to have you lead the march.' He went on to say that 30 minutes before the end of Trump's speech at the Rotunda, the Secret Service planned to take Jones out of the crowd to the spot where the march was supposed to begin. He went on to say, 'Trump will tell people: Go, and I'm going to meet you at the Capitol.' Jones' statements are basically a full-on admission about his involvement in the riots, although he can always hide behind saying he did not intend for the rally to get violent."

Pakman, however, stressed that Jones has a long history of lying.

This week on his show, Pakman explained, "Bear in mind: Alex Jones lies all the time. He may be lying here, but he may not be. And even if a fraction of this is true, it's a whole new level of insanity related to those riots…. If Alex Jones is to be believed, he got his marching orders from the Trump White House about the January 6 riots. But understand that if one iota of this is true, the White House helped coordinate the January 6 insurrection with extremist conspiracy theorists."
“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020
Raw Story ....

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit you Leftist are so Gullible to believe.

How many sources do you need?
Ed Markey is the biggest hack in the Senate. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Blumenthal a close second, Kamala used to be number one but she stole a new job. And this time with her clothes on.

Don't blame Markey for Alex Jones. Time to be an adult.

Before Donald Trump's presidency, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars was considered a fringe outlet in right-wing media circles; even former Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly dismissed Jones as a buffoon. But the Trump White House treated Infowars like a serious news organization, and according to Free Speech TV.

Jones "is now claiming that he coordinated with the Trump White House on the events of January 6."

Free Speech TV, in a page for David Pakman's show, explains, "The Infowars host made the claim last week that he even put up $500,000 of his own money to make it happen. Jones said, 'The White House told me three days before: We're going to have you lead the march.' He went on to say that 30 minutes before the end of Trump's speech at the Rotunda, the Secret Service planned to take Jones out of the crowd to the spot where the march was supposed to begin. He went on to say, 'Trump will tell people: Go, and I'm going to meet you at the Capitol.' Jones' statements are basically a full-on admission about his involvement in the riots, although he can always hide behind saying he did not intend for the rally to get violent."

Pakman, however, stressed that Jones has a long history of lying.

This week on his show, Pakman explained, "Bear in mind: Alex Jones lies all the time. He may be lying here, but he may not be. And even if a fraction of this is true, it's a whole new level of insanity related to those riots…. If Alex Jones is to be believed, he got his marching orders from the Trump White House about the January 6 riots. But understand that if one iota of this is true, the White House helped coordinate the January 6 insurrection with extremist conspiracy theorists."
“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020
Article does not say that
And, you are smarter than the average bear.
It's the millions of paranoid trump Nazis that do listen to these right-wing conspiracy nuts that are dangerous.

Unfortunately, it's both the diehard trump Nazis and the simpleminded centrists that stumble through life completely baffled by politics that take these conspiracy nuts' claims seriously.

This clueless portion of U.S. population is much too large to wield so much political power, and, for decades, the corrupt individuals our society have used this mass of human stupidity and ignorance as a tool to rob the federal and state treasuries, subvert our political system, and chip away at our constitutional processes.


It's the millions of paranoid trump Nazis that do listen to these right-wing conspiracy nuts that are dangerous.

Unfortunately, it's both the diehard trump Nazis and the simpleminded centrists that stumble through life completely baffled by politics that take these conspiracy nuts' claims seriously.

This clueless portion of U.S. population is much too large to wield so much political power, and, for decades, the corrupt individuals our society have used this mass of human stupidity and ignorance as a tool to rob the federal and state treasuries, subvert our political system, and chip away at our constitutional processes.


Progs legalized rioting in Blue areas. Insurrections on themselves. For all of us to see. In another universe this would be a conspiracy. But this is real. As real as it gets.
The bi-polar left is operating on two different theories regarding Jan 6. First of all the planning was legal and appropriate and all the permits were in place for a Constitutionally protected 1st Amendment right to assemble. What happened later had nothing to do with the planning and he jury is still out on the ringleaders who might have been black bag democrat plants. After the Smollett incident it's easy to see how far the left will go to blame republicans.
It's the millions of paranoid trump Nazis

Trump democrat? WTF are you babbling about?

that do listen to these right-wing conspiracy nuts that are dangerous.

Conspiracy theories like Russian Collusion?

Unfortunately, it's both the diehard trump Nazis and the simpleminded centrists that stumble through life completely baffled by politics that take these conspiracy nuts' claims seriously.

What are the "trump democrats" you keep vomiting about?

This clueless portion of U.S. population is much too large to wield so much political power, and, for decades, the corrupt individuals our society have used this mass of human stupidity and ignorance as a tool to rob the federal and state treasuries, subvert our political system, and chip away at our constitutional processes.



Ah, so you Nazi fucks have no choice but to impose totalitarian dictatorship, the people simply are too stupid for self-government and need you fascist fucks to rule - for their own good....

Before Donald Trump's presidency, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars was considered a fringe outlet in right-wing media circles; even former Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly dismissed Jones as a buffoon. But the Trump White House treated Infowars like a serious news organization, and according to Free Speech TV.

Jones "is now claiming that he coordinated with the Trump White House on the events of January 6."

Free Speech TV, in a page for David Pakman's show, explains, "The Infowars host made the claim last week that he even put up $500,000 of his own money to make it happen. Jones said, 'The White House told me three days before: We're going to have you lead the march.' He went on to say that 30 minutes before the end of Trump's speech at the Rotunda, the Secret Service planned to take Jones out of the crowd to the spot where the march was supposed to begin. He went on to say, 'Trump will tell people: Go, and I'm going to meet you at the Capitol.' Jones' statements are basically a full-on admission about his involvement in the riots, although he can always hide behind saying he did not intend for the rally to get violent."

Pakman, however, stressed that Jones has a long history of lying.

This week on his show, Pakman explained, "Bear in mind: Alex Jones lies all the time. He may be lying here, but he may not be. And even if a fraction of this is true, it's a whole new level of insanity related to those riots…. If Alex Jones is to be believed, he got his marching orders from the Trump White House about the January 6 riots. But understand that if one iota of this is true, the White House helped coordinate the January 6 insurrection with extremist conspiracy theorists."
“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020
UMMM last time I checked, peaceful protests were legal.
Nobody from the former admin put up money for it to get out of hand, but Pelosi did.-oops!
The OP is stating financing peaceful protests are wrong, which means all those leftist marches and protests were insurections and Jan 6 was protesting illegitimate and treasonous gov't forming that supported those wrongful protests across the country.
That's called a double negative and in trying to accuse your opponent, you accused yourselves instead.-double oops.
UMMM last time I checked, peaceful protests were legal.
Nobody from the former admin put up money for it to get out of hand, but Pelosi did.-oops!
The OP is stating financing peaceful protests are wrong, which means all those leftist marches and protests were insurections and Jan 6 was protesting illegitimate and treasonous gov't forming that supported those wrongful protests across the country.
That's called a double negative and in trying to accuse your opponent, you accused yourselves instead.-double oops.
View attachment 579962

It wasn't a peaceful protest. They stormed the Capitol with a variety of weapons and injured 140 police officers.
It wasn't a peaceful protest. They stormed the Capitol with a variety of weapons and injured 140 police officers.
They never planed it to be out of hand was clear the first time I typed it. If I pay somone to produce a movie and he accidentally shoots a person on the set then did I arrange the movie and pay to kill somone or was the shooter the culprit? Because I never heard one liberal accuse or blame the financers of that Alec Baldwin movie.
The OP's premise is that the left financed and supported illegal activities looting and riots and attacks on Police and business owners. We will not allow intellectual dishonesty dictate "rules for thee but not for me"
In other words no double standards and no double talk.
You are insulting your voter base by assuming they are dumb enough not to notice they are being played.
They never planed it to be out of hand was clear the first time I typed it. If I pay somone to produce a movie and he accidentally shoots a person on the set then did I arrange the movie and pay to kill somone or was the shooter the culprit? Because I never heard one liberal accuse or blame the financers of that Alec Baldwin movie.
The OP's premise is that the left financed and supported illegal activities looting and riots and attacks on Police and business owners. We will not allow intellectual dishonesty dictate "rules for thee but not for me"
In other words no double standards and no double talk.
You are insulting your voter base by assuming they are dumb enough not to notice they are being played.

Trump called the Willard Hotel several times before the attack to speak to Bannon and others telling them that Pense was uncooperative in defying the Electoral College certification and that it had to be stopped.

There is no question Trump was all in for whatever it took.
Trump called the Willard Hotel several times before the attack to speak to Bannon and others telling them that Pense was uncooperative in defying the Electoral College certification and that it had to be stopped.

There is no question Trump was all in for whatever it took.


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