Alex Jones Made $165 Million Over the Past Three Years

Jones is a buffoon
Only in America can he be worth that
That’s why all these people are wallowing in conspiracy theories - Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powell, the Lying My Pillow Guy, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, the entire Republican Party, etc. - it’s highly profitable.

Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, BLM founders.......need I go on?
Not do

obama and biden were more pro russia than trump
You're delusional.

June 8 2018
President Donald Trump said Friday he thinks Russia should be reinstated into the Group of Seven, the industrialized countries whose leaders are meeting in Canada this weekend.

Trump, acknowledging his view “may not be politically correct,” told reporters before leaving for the summit: “We have a world to run and the G-7, which used to be the G-8 ― they threw Russia out. Russia should be in this meeting. They should let Russia come back in, because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.”

June 3 2020
President Donald Trump on Wednesday said it is "common sense" to bring Russia back into the G7, despite Moscow's expulsion from the club after invading part of Ukraine.

Speaking to Fox News radio, Trump said that the G7 countries -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- need Russian President Vladimir Putin back in a G8 format, regardless of his behavior.

"It's not a question of what's he done, it's a question of common sense. So we have a G7: he's not there, half of the meeting's devoted to Russia.
"I say, have him in the room. It used to be the G8. I don't say deserving or not deserving, I say common sense."

libs bastardized the federal government and used its legal powers to harass a duly elected president with the hope of driving him from office
That happens when the president is a treasonous, criminal.
Trump's cult covered for the retard, all the time.

Republitards love criminals.
thats not just a crime against trump but against the American people that elected him
Sure it is.

July 23 2019
President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday that Article 2 in the Constitution gives him carte blanche to do anything he wants.
“I have an Article 2 where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,” Trump said.
You're delusional.

June 8 2018
President Donald Trump said Friday he thinks Russia should be reinstated into the Group of Seven, the industrialized countries whose leaders are meeting in Canada this weekend.

Trump, acknowledging his view “may not be politically correct,” told reporters before leaving for the summit: “We have a world to run and the G-7, which used to be the G-8 ― they threw Russia out. Russia should be in this meeting. They should let Russia come back in, because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.”

June 3 2020
President Donald Trump on Wednesday said it is "common sense" to bring Russia back into the G7, despite Moscow's expulsion from the club after invading part of Ukraine.

Speaking to Fox News radio, Trump said that the G7 countries -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- need Russian President Vladimir Putin back in a G8 format, regardless of his behavior.

"It's not a question of what's he done, it's a question of common sense. So we have a G7: he's not there, half of the meeting's devoted to Russia.
"I say, have him in the room. It used to be the G8. I don't say deserving or not deserving, I say common sense."

That happens when the president is a treasonous, criminal.
Trump's cult covered for the retard, all the time.

Republitards love criminals.

Sure it is.

July 23 2019
President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday that Article 2 in the Constitution gives him carte blanche to do anything he wants.
“I have an Article 2 where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,” Trump said.
Why not?
Half the nations in the UN shouldn’t be there.
You're delusional.

June 8 2018
President Donald Trump said Friday he thinks Russia should be reinstated into the Group of Seven, the industrialized countries whose leaders are meeting in Canada this weekend.

Trump, acknowledging his view “may not be politically correct,” told reporters before leaving for the summit: “We have a world to run and the G-7, which used to be the G-8 ― they threw Russia out. Russia should be in this meeting. They should let Russia come back in, because we should have Russia at the negotiating table.”

June 3 2020
President Donald Trump on Wednesday said it is "common sense" to bring Russia back into the G7, despite Moscow's expulsion from the club after invading part of Ukraine.

Speaking to Fox News radio, Trump said that the G7 countries -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- need Russian President Vladimir Putin back in a G8 format, regardless of his behavior.

"It's not a question of what's he done, it's a question of common sense. So we have a G7: he's not there, half of the meeting's devoted to Russia.
"I say, have him in the room. It used to be the G8. I don't say deserving or not deserving, I say common sense."

That happens when the president is a treasonous, criminal.
Trump's cult covered for the retard, all the time.

Republitards love criminals.

Sure it is.

July 23 2019
President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday that Article 2 in the Constitution gives him carte blanche to do anything he wants.
“I have an Article 2 where I have the right to do whatever I want as president,” Trump said.
Pussies like biden and obama (or john mccain) talk tough but thats all

Trump seemed to realize that war with russia was not in our best interests
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Trump’s entire career was based on getting people to believe in an alternate reality.
Some perhaps

but far less than the phony swamp rats in washington who pose as fake Indians, vietnam vets and coal miners son’s
I’ve never heard trump say that

he claims to be successful but has never denied that his father left the children a lot of money
Of course you have. But you just put it out of your mind.

Now, have you ever heard Warren talk about any native Americans heritage before someone else dug it up from decades ago?

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