Alex Jones Made $165 Million Over the Past Three Years

How many people walking around out there take him seriously?

I wonder how many here do.
That’s why all these people are wallowing in conspiracy theories - Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powell, the Lying My Pillow Guy, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, the entire Republican Party, etc. - it’s highly profitable.

good for him! Rachael Maddow shouldn’t be the only one getting rich off this stuff
That’s why all these people are wallowing in conspiracy theories - Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powell, the Lying My Pillow Guy, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, the entire Republican Party, etc. - it’s highly profitable.

It took me an hour to figure out that AJ hates and loves everyone.
Of course you wonder about these things.

Your mind has been turned into mush by your lying grifting media.
No.....I think you lack of will to hold these criminals accountable is a prime example of why they even have a job in the first place. Winning is more important to some than knowing the difference between right and wrong.
You see......all the media has to do is demonize anyone who runs against the Democrats and you'll accept any crapola they try to pull on us.
How many people walking around out there take him seriously?

I wonder how many here do.
How many people do you think take you seriously?

do you still believe trump conspired with the russians to steal the 2016 election?
How many people do you think take you seriously?

do you still believe trump conspired with the russians to steal the 2016 election?

Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2018

The tweet was a significant departure from a statement dictated by the president and issued by Trump Jr. last July regarding the purpose of the Trump Tower meeting between Trump Jr., campaign officials and a Kremlin-linked lawyer.

“We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up,” that statement said, adding that it was "a short introductory meeting."

September 29 2020
“Do you remember when I said, ‘Russia, if you’re listening, find her emails,’ or whatever the hell I said? ‘Find her emails,’ and then we all laughed together, 25,000 people in a stadium,” Trump said at a rally in Middletown, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.
“They cut it off exactly before we all started to laugh together, right? And for two years they’ve been saying, ‘He dealt with Russia. He asked Russia to please get her emails,’ or whatever the hell we were asking ... the whole place cracks up with me ... this is how dishonest these people are.”

But Trump did not say this to a cheering and laughing crowd at one of his rallies. He actually said it in front of a handful of reporters during a news conference at his Doral property in Florida.

Why all the lying?
Trump helped and defended Putin and Russia throughout his term.
That’s why all these people are wallowing in conspiracy theories - Rudi Giuliani, Sydney Powell, the Lying My Pillow Guy, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, the entire Republican Party, etc. - it’s highly profitable.

Kinda like Al Gore hawking climate change he's up around 150 million in the last couple years. If the loons get their way he will be the first climate change Billionaire. The left will love it when he's flying around on his private jets while us lowly peasants do without.









Based on your previous post you take other peoples opinions very seriously

you just dont like to think what those opinions are about you
Trump helped and defended Putin and Russia throughout his term.
Not do

obama and biden were more pro russia than trump

libs bastardized the federal government and used its legal powers to harass a duly elected president with the hope of driving him from office

thats not just a crime against trump but against the American people that elected him

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