Alexander Hamilton Slams Obama!

"....the United States and other powers announced a tentative deal they claimed would block Iran from getting nukes. Although Iran declared victory and accused America of spinning the terms, President Obama hailed the unsigned outline as a “good deal” that would “make the world safer.”

This is actually a concise argument. Wow. I'm impressed. Okay. So let's play. Every side walks away from a negotiation and then goes home trying to spin it like they got the better deal. Is this a good deal for Iran? Yes. THey'll get sanctions lifted. Is this a good deal for the US? Yes, it gets Iran under an inspection regime that the other powers will continue to support.

Obama’s goal of bringing Iran in from the cold is, like much of his presidency, a vision divorced from reality. His hollow rhetoric echoes the appeasers who sought to stop Hitler in 1939 by giving him what he wanted.

Except not really. If you want to keep invoking Munich, what you forget is that the UK really had no ability to save Czechoslovakia even if it wanted to. The Germans had the country surrounded on three sides and most of the population (Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians) really didn't have any loyalty to Prague. Not to mention they had no method of really attacking Germany in 1938, as the French had put all their resourced into fixed fortifications rather than mobile forces that could have launched an attack into Germany.

Now, on the current deal. What do we have to threaten Iran with? Military Action? Most estimates say that wouldn't be effective. The facilities are spread out, well defended and fortified. This is why the Zionists haven't taken them out yet. Not because they don't want to, but because they know they can't. Sanctions- we've been using those for 30 years. Sanctions don't work.

....Obama wants peace at any price. His refusal even to call the enemy by its name reflects a willful blindness to an ideology that has declared war on us. A survey of the global battlefield says we are in retreat.

I'm still trying to see what that battlefield has to do with most of us... Not the Zionists, not the Oil companies, but us. Most of us don't have a beef with Iran and really don't care who wins Syria or Yemen's civil wars. Frankly, given the Iranians are fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda, it's almost a case of the enemy of our enemy being our friend.

Against all evidence, Obama has provided his own answer, imagining Iran as a “nation” that wants peace and can be managed, even with a nuclear bomb. His willful misreading is astounding, given Iran’s continued support for terrorism everywhere. That defines it as a “cause,” which is why it must be confronted."

Okay, big problem with this contention. What terrorism is Iran supporting, specifically. Not Al Qaeda, because they are mortal enemies.

And again, I have to ask, what does the fighting in the middle east, which has been going on as long as I've been alive, have to do with us, anyway?

We've buried far too many fine young men and women trying to influence a part of the world we have no real interest in.

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