Alexander says No! to new Witnesses


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So this is over folks. Best the Dems can do in a new witness vote is a 50-50 tie and ties go to the defense team by Senate rules.

Swing-vote GOP Sen. Alexander comes out against witnesses, paving way for imminent Trump acquittal

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., announced late Thursday night that he would not support additional witnesses in President Trump's "shallow, hurried and wholly partisan" Senate impeachment trial, seemingly ending Democrats' hopes of hearing testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton and paving the way for the president's imminent acquittal as soon as Friday night.

"If this shallow, hurried and wholly partisan impeachment were to succeed, it would rip the country apart, pouring gasoline on the fire of cultural divisions that already exist," Alexander said. "It would create the weapon of perpetual impeachment to be used against future presidents whenever the House of Representatives is of a different political party."

He added: “The framers believed that there should never, ever be a partisan impeachment. That is why the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate for conviction. Yet not one House Republican voted for these articles."​

Trump is likely going to be acquitted by a 54-46 vote with at least one Dem flipping to acquit.

The Senate should pass a new rule; Any impeachment that comes to them that is not bi-partisan gets an immdiate vote to dismiss as soon as it arrives or if it is held up for more than 30 days.
It's not Rump that's been found guilty. It's the Senate Republicans that have been found guilty. It's not going to be a good time on Nov 2nd for the swing states that currently have Republicans in name only who are actually The Party of the Rump.
Soros is now free to go from country to country paying foreign leaders to sabotage candidates that he doesn`t like. Who is going to stop him? Certainly not the party of treason that just opened the door for him. Good job traitors.
Soros is now free to go from country to country paying foreign leaders to sabotage candidates that he doesn`t like. Who is going to stop him? Certainly not the party of treason that just opened the door for him. Good job traitors.
Yeah, because Soro$$ has Presidential Executive Privilege?

Soros is now free to go from country to country paying foreign leaders to sabotage candidates that he doesn`t like. Who is going to stop him? Certainly not the party of treason that just opened the door for him. Good job traitors.

Soros was working with Groups that were working with Hillary -
Trump and Soros are literally diametrically opposed to each other.
How does this help Soros?
It's not Rump that's been found guilty. It's the Senate Republicans that have been found guilty. It's not going to be a good time on Nov 2nd for the swing states that currently have Republicans in name only who are actually The Party of the Rump.

I understand that you can't comprehend this -
President Trump is the Republican Party
He stands for everything that the party has said that they have stood for but when the time came to stand up, remained seated.
He will be on the ballot this year - his coattails where huge in 2016 helping hold the Senate when they could have easily lost it.
He is by far more popular now.
It's not Rump that's been found guilty. It's the Senate Republicans that have been found guilty. It's not going to be a good time on Nov 2nd for the swing states that currently have Republicans in name only who are actually The Party of the Rump.

I understand that you can't comprehend this -
President Trump is the Republican Party
He stands for everything that the party has said that they have stood for but when the time came to stand up, remained seated.
He will be on the ballot this year - his coattails where huge in 2016 helping hold the Senate when they could have easily lost it.
He is by far more popular now.

If that is true where is the Tea Party, where are the fiscal Republicans who whined and cried about the federal deficit. Since Trump has been running it through the roof not a peep out of these cowards.
It's not Rump that's been found guilty. It's the Senate Republicans that have been found guilty. It's not going to be a good time on Nov 2nd for the swing states that currently have Republicans in name only who are actually The Party of the Rump.

They will increase their margin. The whole nation sees through this thing. Also what the hell are you talking about Rinos for??.... The swing States love their RINOS....

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So this is over folks. Best the Dems can do in a new witness vote is a 50-50 tie and ties go to the defense team by Senate rules.

Swing-vote GOP Sen. Alexander comes out against witnesses, paving way for imminent Trump acquittal

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., announced late Thursday night that he would not support additional witnesses in President Trump's "shallow, hurried and wholly partisan" Senate impeachment trial, seemingly ending Democrats' hopes of hearing testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton and paving the way for the president's imminent acquittal as soon as Friday night.

"If this shallow, hurried and wholly partisan impeachment were to succeed, it would rip the country apart, pouring gasoline on the fire of cultural divisions that already exist," Alexander said. "It would create the weapon of perpetual impeachment to be used against future presidents whenever the House of Representatives is of a different political party."

He added: “The framers believed that there should never, ever be a partisan impeachment. That is why the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate for conviction. Yet not one House Republican voted for these articles."​

Trump is likely going to be acquitted by a 54-46 vote with at least one Dem flipping to acquit.

The Senate should pass a new rule; Any impeachment that comes to them that is not bi-partisan gets an immdiate vote to dismiss as soon as it arrives or if it is held up for more than 30 days.

I expect lock-butt voting from the (diverse.. :blahblah:) Democrat Senators and a lot of weasel whining from their fake news flunkies.

Ah... like Trump says "Winning, Winning, Winning .. for America"... :)
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So this is over folks. Best the Dems can do in a new witness vote is a 50-50 tie and ties go to the defense team by Senate rules.

Swing-vote GOP Sen. Alexander comes out against witnesses, paving way for imminent Trump acquittal

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., announced late Thursday night that he would not support additional witnesses in President Trump's "shallow, hurried and wholly partisan" Senate impeachment trial, seemingly ending Democrats' hopes of hearing testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton and paving the way for the president's imminent acquittal as soon as Friday night.

"If this shallow, hurried and wholly partisan impeachment were to succeed, it would rip the country apart, pouring gasoline on the fire of cultural divisions that already exist," Alexander said. "It would create the weapon of perpetual impeachment to be used against future presidents whenever the House of Representatives is of a different political party."

He added: “The framers believed that there should never, ever be a partisan impeachment. That is why the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate for conviction. Yet not one House Republican voted for these articles."​

Trump is likely going to be acquitted by a 54-46 vote with at least one Dem flipping to acquit.

The Senate should pass a new rule; Any impeachment that comes to them that is not bi-partisan gets an immdiate vote to dismiss as soon as it arrives or if it is held up for more than 30 days.

It will be restarted almost immediately...though I suspect McConnell will table this next effort.
It's not Rump that's been found guilty. It's the Senate Republicans that have been found guilty. It's not going to be a good time on Nov 2nd for the swing states that currently have Republicans in name only who are actually The Party of the Rump.
Soros is now free to go from country to country paying foreign leaders to sabotage candidates that he doesn`t like. Who is going to stop him? Certainly not the party of treason that just opened the door for him. Good job traitors.
Let the whining commence! Let the butt sore losers start up their excuse machine!
Bringing in Soros is a nice touch. Especially when conservatives are always accused of bringing Soros' name into everything.

Is there anyone on the world scene who is an avowed anti globalist like Trump and who rallies other nations to break away from the grip of globalists like Trump (ala Brexit, for instance)?

Not even close. No one is more anti Soros than Trump.

You have everything absolutely backwards which is what happens when one goes through life with his head up his ass.
You a-holes are the seditious traitors.
Wrap up Schiff's clown show and then begin a thorough and comprehensive Senate investigation of the Deep State actors
behind the Russian collusion hoax and this Ukraine cluster fuck!

Tip over all the rocks and watch the rats scramble for cover.
"The Senate should pass a new rule; Any impeachment that comes to them that is not bi-partisan gets an immediate vote to dismiss as soon as it arrives...."

“Any conclusion that doesn’t allow witnesses and documents is going to make the president’s acquittal — if it should happen — worth very, very little. Zero,” Schumer told a swarm of reporters on Wednesday after the Senate’s first day of its question-and-answer session.

What a delusional moron, of course it means something you blithering idiot, it means Trump remains in office for another five years.

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