Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Do you agree with her policies?


Not even with your tongue.
I gotta draw the line somewhere,and having a fellow conservative eating out of what equates to a dumpster behind a chinese restaurant is that line.

How drunk would you have to be?

Passed out and she sat on my face without my knowledge drunk.

She is hawt though:

I might be able to get erect if she whispered sweet Trumpisms in my ear though.
The left claim Trump is an evil murderous mob boss, then they claim he's afraid of bimbo Dem women. So which is it libs hmmm? You idiots can't keep all your lies straight. :eusa_hand:

No one has ever claimed that Trump is an evil, murderous, mob boss. We said he talks like one. Trump is a weak and spineless bully. Bullies go crazy when people stand up to them. Trump is terrified when a woman stands up him - like Nancy Pelosi. He just can't deal with her, and every time he tries, he makes a fool of himself - like the picture of her in the meeting he posted, or walking out on the budget negotiations when she said "No" to border wall money.

Bullies are cowards. It took three years for Trump to get up the courage to visit the troops in war zones. He was afraid someone would shoot at him. Commander Bone Spur ducked his legal duty to his country, and was too cowardly to visit the troops.

The Military Has Become Trump’s Favorite Prop
I'm honestly not bored enough to compare Trump on that one to other presidential candidates, or Pelosi to any of her contemporaries. I just tend to negate sensationalist theories, gossip, and ideas such as this one.
And there it is... bimbo says: "Hispanic Latina"


it’s most of what you guys hate the most...females who you can’t control or intimidate, clear immigrant descendencies, and someone who tells the truth

LOL! Control a woman? Seriously? I have been married for 39 years and I don't have any desire to control anyone, wife of kids or anyone else.

I'm going to assume you meant Wife OR kids.
Ya gotta show some control over your kids or they may be swayed by the leftist agenda taught in schools these days.

Mine are in their 30’s and doing well and I didn’t control them, I taught them to control themselves.

So ya swayed teaching them right from wrong.
Turning a kid loose in todays education system without parental guidance is a recipe for disaster.

Much easier than fighting with them. They may not have agreed with us however they learned to look ahead to the consequences.
Every time I hear "strong woman" I ask what is a norm for it?

Is it determined bu number of pushups or number of stupid things you can do or say without any accountability?

It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.
Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation's "World War II."

"Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we're like, 'The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?' " she said.

Ocasio-Cortez on climate: Millennials fear world will end in 12 years

Her ilk could never have won WWII. That took American and British fighting men. And not one of them fighting for homosexuals or worrying about a green war.
The American Navy discharged the homos in San Francisco bay.

Called the blue discharge.

Then again, Winston Churchill once reportedly said, "Don't talk to me about naval tradition, it's all rum, sodomy and the lash!"

Not sure he actually said it.
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Hardly any of us on the right hate AOC. What amuses us is how much importance and publicity you lefties giving to this socialist bimbo. Of course, you don't expect from us to support anything she says, but it's mindblowing how you lefties can think that anything she said is based on rationality and common sense. Maybe because you're the same as her?

It isn’t the leftists on this board who start a new thread spewing hate at AOC every single day. We don’t even talk about her, or breathlessly post about every utterance, or tweet she issues.

The right is OBSESSED with the Squad. The left is at best amused at your obsession. But obsessives are dangerous and unpredictable, and could endanger these women.
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Hardly any of us on the right hate AOC. What amuses us is how much importance and publicity you lefties giving to this socialist bimbo. Of course, you don't expect from us to support anything she says, but it's mindblowing how you lefties can think that anything she said is based on rationality and common sense. Maybe because you're the same as her?

It isn’t the leftists on this board who start a new thread spewing hate at AOC every single day. We don’t even talk about her, or breathlessly post about every utterance, or tweet she issues.

The right is OBSESSED with the Squad. The left is at best amused at your obsession. But obsessives are dangerous and unpredictable, and could endanger these women.

I'm not surprised you dont talk about her. I mean who would talk about typhoid Mary in a positive light?
You know as well as I do she has zero traction with the American people.
The new green deal? Really?
It’s determined by your ability to separate bullshit from fact and not be fooled by the former. Trump hates that.

It’s having the strength to stand up for what’s right, and not to back down when threatened. Something else Trump hates.

It's predictable that bimbos will stand for each other and I don't blame yo for that. You're just too stupid to know what facts are. To give you example, no, world is NOT going to end in 12 years.

Anyone who believes in Donald Trump and anything he says, is in no position to call others "too supid to know that the facts are". And who said that the world was going to end in 12 years? No one.
Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation's "World War II."

"Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we're like, 'The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?' " she said.

Ocasio-Cortez on climate: Millennials fear world will end in 12 years

Her ilk could never have won WWII. That took American and British fighting men. And not one of them fighting for homosexuals or worrying about a green war.
The American Navy discharged the homos in San Francisco bay.

Called the blue discharge.

Then again, Winston Churchill once reportedly said, "Don't talk to me about naval tradition, it's all rum, sodomy and the lash!"

Not sure he actually said it.

And these waitresses in Congress are what we have to rely on in a dangerous world today. In the event of WwIII though I am sure we would revert back to normalcy. These things are, in a way, the product of a society made safe by hardnosed white men. Safe enough for these deviations to temporarily reign in the prosperity and security they bought.
The left claim Trump is an evil murderous mob boss, then they claim he's afraid of bimbo Dem women. So which is it libs hmmm? You idiots can't keep all your lies straight. :eusa_hand:

Kinda like how Bush went from a dunce to a political mastermind depending on which way the wind was blowing.

Dem's are such LIARS they are dishonest to their core. Unable to win an election on the issues they LIE.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.
Everyone should fear dumb women with the power to influence their lives.

Dumb men with the power to influence their lives are fine though.
^^^^retard doesn't realize this thread is about AOC and she SPECIFICALLY pointed to WOMEN.

But I digress, you too are an idiot so yes, dumb men are just as bad.

What we all note here is the fragility of white american males on display.
Personally, I see there is no color barrier to the fragility. You do make my case, Bo.
Of course I do, being white and all. But hey, who is AOC triggering again?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'
December 24, 2019, 9:47 AM EST

WASHINGTON – Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said President Donald Trump is afraid of "strong" and "Latino women."

Speaking to Spanish-language television news “Noticias Telemundo,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that aired Sunday that Trump "has a lot of problems: he is a racist, he is anti-immigrant and more than that… his administration is corrupt."

"He has a track record: he is afraid of strong women, of Latino women, he is unethical,” she continued.

Ocasio-Cortez stated during the interview that "If the President thinks I am crazy…It would actually be a problem if he would agree with my ideas."

She continued that “This president was elected for a reason with which I disagree.”

There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Donald Trump is afraid of 'strong women, of Latino women'

Can anyone translate what she said into English? "“There were many economic problems, opportunities ... and those were the reasons to choose it. He hasn't fixed them, but I think the themes of this Bernie campaign are positive, not negative,” she stated."

In the communist article praising the summa cum laude they also stated

"Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the most-known first-term congressional members after defeating a well-known and powerful Republican incumbent in New York's 14th congressional district in 2018"

This is incorrect! She defeated a ten-year Democrat.

"Strong women of Latino women", ha ha ha..

Who support OAC?
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Come on candycorn, they only haters are TDSers like you and dumbfuck AOC.
The left claim Trump is an evil murderous mob boss, then they claim he's afraid of bimbo Dem women. So which is it libs hmmm? You idiots can't keep all your lies straight. :eusa_hand:

Kinda like how Bush went from a dunce to a political mastermind depending on which way the wind was blowing.

Dem's are such LIARS they are dishonest to their core. Unable to win an election on the issues they LIE.
America itself is a lie and the donor class always has it covered "either" way.

"You don’t have to be a leftist or a liberal to worry that the demented fascist oligarch Donald Trump might try to negate the United States republic’s electoral process and term limits. Consider the following statement from the distinguished conservative scholar and American Enterprise Institute fellow Norm Ornstein last week:

It seems clear that [Attorney General William Barr] will do or enable anything to keep Trump in office. And Trump will do anything to stay there. Suspension of the election, negation of the results, declaration of martial law are not simply fanciful, alarmist or crazy things to throw out there or to contemplate. Members of Congress, governors and state legislators, leaders in civil society, lawyers, law enforcement figures and the military need to be thinking now about how they might respond” (emphasis added).

Ornstein wrote this on the same day that Trump told another of his many permanent neofascistic campaign rallies that he might remain in office for as long as another 29 years. The previous Sunday, Trump had jested about staying in the White House beyond the end of his term, calling it “not a bad idea.” It’s been a recurrent Trump “joke” across his presidency, with many previous iterations."

As that "other" party resists and opposes? Nope.

"Any doubts as to the cringingly compliant nature of most Congressional Democrats’ opposition to such a neofascistic White House should have ended on Dec. 17, two days before the impeachment vote. That’s when the majority of House Democrats voted for a “national security” measure, thus granting Trump $1.4 billion to build his nativist southern border wall and setting no limits on his ability to transfer money from the military budget to construct his vicious barrier.

Democrats also dropped a bill that would have outlawed “surprise” medical bills (the often exorbitant charges patients face when they go to hospitals that accept their insurance but are treated by doctors who do not) and signed off on a $738 billion Pentagon funding bill. “One of the most expensive military measures in the nation’s history,” as The New York Times put it, this “defense” (empire) funding bill granted Trump his dream of a Space Force as a new, sixth branch of the U.S. military."

Is This Goodbye to the American Republic?
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Hardly any of us on the right hate AOC. What amuses us is how much importance and publicity you lefties giving to this socialist bimbo. Of course, you don't expect from us to support anything she says, but it's mindblowing how you lefties can think that anything she said is based on rationality and common sense. Maybe because you're the same as her?

It isn’t the leftists on this board who start a new thread spewing hate at AOC every single day. We don’t even talk about her, or breathlessly post about every utterance, or tweet she issues.

The right is OBSESSED with the Squad. The left is at best amused at your obsession. But obsessives are dangerous and unpredictable, and could endanger these women.

Do you spew the drama. It seems we have a Canadian with frostbite on the brain.
Trump validates his supporter’s hate; and also their shortcomings. What is this...the 500th hate thread about AOC you losers have posted?

Hardly any of us on the right hate AOC. What amuses us is how much importance and publicity you lefties giving to this socialist bimbo. Of course, you don't expect from us to support anything she says, but it's mindblowing how you lefties can think that anything she said is based on rationality and common sense. Maybe because you're the same as her?

It isn’t the leftists on this board who start a new thread spewing hate at AOC every single day. We don’t even talk about her, or breathlessly post about every utterance, or tweet she issues.

The right is OBSESSED with the Squad. The left is at best amused at your obsession. But obsessives are dangerous and unpredictable, and could endanger these women.

Do you spew the drama. It seems we have a Canadian with frostbite on the brain.

Obsessive fundamentalists are even worse.

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