Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Twists Christmas Story to Make Jesus an Immigration Talking Point

Ocasio-Cortez tries to politicize Christmas and faces a furious social media backlash

She tries to say Jesus was an Immigrant but obviously has no clue that they were not. Then again, for a Leftists to actually pick up a Bible it might burn their fingers off. No, Joseph and Mary had to report to their native land for tax purposes where Herod later tried to murder them all, much like Planned Parenthood does every day.

Then she tries to say that we should all love each other and are "one"?

Really? Including "the Donald"? I thought we were all a mixture of races, including racist white men, who differed in economic class and sex, religions, etc?

How are we all one or should polygamists and single folk have the same rights as married folk?

Jesus’ earliest years were then, according to the Gospel of Matthew, spent as a refugee in a foreign land, and then as a displaced person in a village a long way from his family’s original home.

Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society

So ummm yeah. He was a refugee.

Be nice if you bible thumpers actually read one for a change.
Joseph and Mary walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem- less than an hours drive - across no borders. They did it because of an oppressive government edict. The kind of government AOC wants.
Hey retard. They also went to Africa to hide. Have you ever read a bible?

who went to Africa to hide from what?

Didnt you claim you had read the bible?

Matthew 2:13-15 - NIV Bible - When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared...

The Escape to Egypt
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,
15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”
Jesus’s parents were refugees seeking a handout

They came to a different country expecting a handout, free lodging, free food

There should have been a wall
Joseph and Mary were the 1% after the gifts from the Maggies.

Love it when the Left play theology trivia.

I love it when the party of baby killers starts to use religion. It's like the NAACP quoting the KKK.

What's hilarious is they don't have the first clue about it but babble away
Cortez lives rent free in the vacant heads of Trumpians.

The fear she generates could power trailer parks from coast to coast!

You might want to check yourself sport. This dumb broad is a newly elected congressperson and she is a democrat. What you wish was fear is delight. I’m not a huge Trump supporter, but I am a conservative and I am thrilled she is a democrat in the House. You know who wishes she wasn’t there. Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat leadership.

LMAO I agree. She's going to be filling faces with egg. Woman ain't to swift and she hasn't noticed yet.

I'm sure Pelosi will after she wipes enough egg off enough faces.
Ocasio-Cortez tries to politicize Christmas and faces a furious social media backlash

She tries to say Jesus was an Immigrant but obviously has no clue that they were not. Then again, for a Leftists to actually pick up a Bible it might burn their fingers off. No, Joseph and Mary had to report to their native land for tax purposes where Herod later tried to murder them all, much like Planned Parenthood does every day.

Then she tries to say that we should all love each other and are "one"?

Really? Including "the Donald"? I thought we were all a mixture of races, including racist white men, who differed in economic class and sex, religions, etc?

How are we all one or should polygamists and single folk have the same rights as married folk?

Jesus’ earliest years were then, according to the Gospel of Matthew, spent as a refugee in a foreign land, and then as a displaced person in a village a long way from his family’s original home.

Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society

So ummm yeah. He was a refugee.

Be nice if you bible thumpers actually read one for a change.

His family was traveling from one part of their country to another part due to tax policy. They were not immigrating from one country to another.
Interesting. People have told me I am famous but youre the first guy to admit you joined because I mad you upset. I really caught your eye huh. :laugh:

You're famous and I joined because you made me mad? :lol: You got quite and imagination there, Bugsy....especially the stories about you "play-raping white girls"'d be a gold mine for a shrink.
This young lady went from being a waitress to sitting in Congress. That’s an incredible achievement.

Obama made it through Harvard first. And then ended up as a senator and then president. He never used affirmative-action the way Clarence Thomas did. And neither did she.

Barry Soetoro applied for and got a foreign-exchange student (from Kenya) loan at Oxnard. He then got affirmative-actioned into Harvard, where there are no records he ever graduated and he's spent a lot of money keeping his grade transcripts a secret. Much like the rapist Willy who didn't return to Oxford for the second year and is therefore no Oxford Scholar, Obama probably never graduated from any college. He never practiced law even if he did pass the boards, which I'd have to see to believe. The Bronx jumping bean used her districts blossoming racism against an old white pol by wiggling her T&A (which I admit are nice) and getting noticed by the local media short, she's famous for being famous.

Oxnard? Keeping his transcripts a secret? Come on man, I didn't like Obama, but get your facts straight.

Obama went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard.

Education records are always private do to federal law. It's called "FERPA".. He never had to spend a dime. That's all conspiracy nut bullshit!
Ocasio-Cortez tries to politicize Christmas and faces a furious social media backlash

She tries to say Jesus was an Immigrant but obviously has no clue that they were not. Then again, for a Leftists to actually pick up a Bible it might burn their fingers off. No, Joseph and Mary had to report to their native land for tax purposes where Herod later tried to murder them all, much like Planned Parenthood does every day.

Then she tries to say that we should all love each other and are "one"?

Really? Including "the Donald"? I thought we were all a mixture of races, including racist white men, who differed in economic class and sex, religions, etc?

How are we all one or should polygamists and single folk have the same rights as married folk?
So they weren’t living in their homeland? They had a business and lived in a place that wasn’t their homeland? Don’t you realize that’s the very definition of Immigrant?

Define "Homeland". If you are forced to move from one part of Pennsylvania to another part because of a tax policy, are you a refugee?
Interesting. People have told me I am famous but youre the first guy to admit you joined because I mad you upset. I really caught your eye huh. :laugh:

You're famous and I joined because you made me mad? :lol: You got quite and imagination there, Bugsy....especially the stories about you "play-raping white girls"'d be a gold mine for a shrink.
Wasnt my imagination that you admitted you had read my posts before joining. I guess you must be embarrassed now which is why you edited that admission out. :laugh:
Ocasio-Cortez tries to politicize Christmas and faces a furious social media backlash

She tries to say Jesus was an Immigrant but obviously has no clue that they were not. Then again, for a Leftists to actually pick up a Bible it might burn their fingers off. No, Joseph and Mary had to report to their native land for tax purposes where Herod later tried to murder them all, much like Planned Parenthood does every day.

Then she tries to say that we should all love each other and are "one"?

Really? Including "the Donald"? I thought we were all a mixture of races, including racist white men, who differed in economic class and sex, religions, etc?

How are we all one or should polygamists and single folk have the same rights as married folk?

Jesus’ earliest years were then, according to the Gospel of Matthew, spent as a refugee in a foreign land, and then as a displaced person in a village a long way from his family’s original home.

Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society

So ummm yeah. He was a refugee.

Be nice if you bible thumpers actually read one for a change.
Joseph and Mary walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem- less than an hours drive - across no borders. They did it because of an oppressive government edict. The kind of government AOC wants.
Hey retard. They also went to Africa to hide. Have you ever read a bible?

who went to Africa to hide from what?

Didnt you claim you had read the bible?

Matthew 2:13-15 - NIV Bible - When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared...

The Escape to Egypt
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,
15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

of course I read it-------which is why I do not credit the musings of
Matthew as HISTORY. Matthew was a writer of revisionist history.
"joseph had a dream"----<<<< very poetic
Ocasio-Cortez tries to politicize Christmas and faces a furious social media backlash

She tries to say Jesus was an Immigrant but obviously has no clue that they were not. Then again, for a Leftists to actually pick up a Bible it might burn their fingers off. No, Joseph and Mary had to report to their native land for tax purposes where Herod later tried to murder them all, much like Planned Parenthood does every day.

Then she tries to say that we should all love each other and are "one"?

Really? Including "the Donald"? I thought we were all a mixture of races, including racist white men, who differed in economic class and sex, religions, etc?

How are we all one or should polygamists and single folk have the same rights as married folk?

Jesus’ earliest years were then, according to the Gospel of Matthew, spent as a refugee in a foreign land, and then as a displaced person in a village a long way from his family’s original home.

Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society

So ummm yeah. He was a refugee.

Be nice if you bible thumpers actually read one for a change.
Joseph and Mary walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem- less than an hours drive - across no borders. They did it because of an oppressive government edict. The kind of government AOC wants.

They then had to flee to Egypt where they were a refugee, otherwise they would have been murdered.

However, they did not travel through several countries past Egypt because Egypt did not have enough entitlements.
They legally immigrated to Egypt.


I never understood that story about the "migration to Egypt"-----
why did they do it? There were lots of jews in Egypt at that time---
especially in Alexandria------maybe they were just visiting relative----
on the unlikely possibility that the story is true

Herod slaughtered all of the boys two years of age and younger in Bethlehem, trying to kill Jesus.
Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society

So ummm yeah. He was a refugee.

Be nice if you bible thumpers actually read one for a change.
Joseph and Mary walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem- less than an hours drive - across no borders. They did it because of an oppressive government edict. The kind of government AOC wants.
Hey retard. They also went to Africa to hide. Have you ever read a bible?

who went to Africa to hide from what?

Didnt you claim you had read the bible?

Matthew 2:13-15 - NIV Bible - When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared...

The Escape to Egypt
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,
15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

of course I read it-------which is why I do not credit the musings of
Matthew as HISTORY. Matthew was a writer of revisionist history.
"joseph had a dream"----<<<< very poetic
Oh so now Matthew is a revisionist? You go ahead and roll with that one. :rolleyes:
Oxnard? Keeping his transcripts a secret? Come on man, I didn't like Obama, but get your facts straight.

Obama went to Occidental, Columbia and Harvard.

Education records are always private do to federal law. It's called "FERPA".. He never had to spend a dime. That's all conspiracy nut bullshit!

Okay dipshit, it was Occidental...I was multi-tasking when I wrote that...otherwise everything I wrote can be found by anybody but a lazy clown like you pretending you're an "admiral". He was asked to open up his transcripts and he refused a FOIA request and fought off their legal challenge with his own's obvious butt out.
Joseph and Mary walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem- less than an hours drive - across no borders. They did it because of an oppressive government edict. The kind of government AOC wants.
Hey retard. They also went to Africa to hide. Have you ever read a bible?

who went to Africa to hide from what?

Didnt you claim you had read the bible?

Matthew 2:13-15 - NIV Bible - When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared...

The Escape to Egypt
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,
15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

of course I read it-------which is why I do not credit the musings of
Matthew as HISTORY. Matthew was a writer of revisionist history.
"joseph had a dream"----<<<< very poetic
Oh so now Matthew is a revisionist? You go ahead and roll with that one. :rolleyes:

ok----more like a creative writer-------kinda like "JOHN" He created a
a story full of symbolism to describe the birth and childhood of Jesus-----
to wit----born in a manger coincidentally in the same village in which David
was born------then---like david he had to FLEE a jealous king (remember
You don’t get to be the the editor of the Harvard law review by being a cheat. But you can be an idiot calling a hard-working person a cheat.

Republicans assume that because Obama is black he couldn’t be smart.

He may have been named "editor" but nobody can find any editing he did or anything he wrote for that matter....again, your boy has been a fraud from the beginning. I will admit the okey-doke he pulled on you rubes by becoming president is one for the books and when it's finally unraveled down the road, hopefully he and Mike will still be alive and kicking and they can both finish their lives in Leavenworth.
That’s not true. You forget there’s an actual record. I don’t know how many times I posted a link to what he actually did there.

Republicans went after Obama for eight years. And they went after Hillary for 30.

No matter what is posted, You fukers won’t read it anyway because you don’t wanna know. You just spew and repeat the same idiotic nonsense again and again.

Well starting January 3 there’s a new sheriff in town. Do you think Trump is whining now? See what happens after January 3.
Hey retard. They also went to Africa to hide. Have you ever read a bible?

who went to Africa to hide from what?

Didnt you claim you had read the bible?

Matthew 2:13-15 - NIV Bible - When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared...

The Escape to Egypt
13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,
15where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

of course I read it-------which is why I do not credit the musings of
Matthew as HISTORY. Matthew was a writer of revisionist history.
"joseph had a dream"----<<<< very poetic
Oh so now Matthew is a revisionist? You go ahead and roll with that one. :rolleyes:

ok----more like a creative writer-------kinda like "JOHN" He created a
a story full of symbolism to describe the birth and childhood of Jesus-----
to wit----born in a manger coincidentally in the same village in which David
was born------then---like david he had to FLEE a jealous king (remember
I would have more respect if you just said you didnt know Jesus fled to Africa to get away from Herod. You should stop. Youre just embarrassing yourself. :rolleyes:
You don’t get to be the the editor of the Harvard law review by being a cheat. But you can be an idiot calling a hard-working person a cheat.

Republicans assume that because Obama is black he couldn’t be smart.

He may have been named "editor" but nobody can find any editing he did or anything he wrote for that matter....again, your boy has been a fraud from the beginning. I will admit the okey-doke he pulled on you rubes by becoming president is one for the books and when it's finally unraveled down the road, hopefully he and Mike will still be alive and kicking and they can both finish their lives in Leavenworth.
That’s not true. You forget there’s an actual record. I don’t know how many times I posted a link to what he actually did there.

Republicans went after Obama for eight years. And they went after Hillary for 30.

No matter what is posted, You fukers won’t read it anyway because you don’t wanna know. You just spew and repeat the same idiotic nonsense again and again.

Well starting January 3 there’s a new sheriff in town. Do you think Trump is whining now? See what happens after January 3.

So what's going to happen? They are powerless with a Republican led Senate and White House.
She got the $3T a year figure for single-payer because that's what the US spends a year on healthcare...shifting every taxpayer into a healthcare provider. What she doesn't say is who administers the death-panels and what a citizen must do to conform to the regulations. The first one is obviously you can't have a "dangerous" firearm in your home. Then they'll tell you what you can eat, what kind of recreation you can have, no alcohol, no smoking, and you'll be judged for medical procedures by your usefulness to their brave new if you're over 50, you're doomed. Marx once said something to the effect that if you control the people's healthcare, you control the people.
I saw John McCain’s daughter on the view say that her father being sick made her understand how desperate people are when they don’t have health care. How worried they are for family members.

And I thought oh, that’s sweet.

Then she said, coming from the daughter of the richest woman in Arizona, we don’t have the money to afford healthcare for everyone. That’s just the reality.

So then, that means there’s definitely a death panel. But it’s not coming from Democrats. The death panel is coming from Republicans.

Democrats say everyone must be protected and helped. Republicans say no, only the rich.

And that is the reality.
Since she’s so wealthy why isn’t she helping needy people?
Because she’s a fuking Republican. Duh!
During the election when McCain was asked how many homes does your family own his answer was a glib you’ll have to ask my accountant.

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