Alexandria will seek to move Confederate statue and rename Jefferson Davis Highway

And we will still keep the Confederacy. God bless Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee.

YEs, because God was totally into slavery and rape. It says so in the Bible.

(And, no, sadly, I'm not making that up.)
Why would an atheist take the Bible literally? Yes, slavery has been around for as long as mankind had tribes and, yes, it's in the Bible, but there is no reason to think an all powerful, all merciful God would condone slavery.
No, you never asked which university I went to, and i've stated it on many other thread..
Another of your long list of lies. LOL

University of Northern Colorado. You?

Mine's in history... but never mind that...

You really need to stop practicing psychology without a license.
You need to get your money back on that history degree. What school cheated you so badly? University of Phoenix?
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The Republican Party has been doing a very effective job of destroying themselves for 16 years now. They don't need any help.
Why would an atheist take the Bible literally? Yes, slavery has been around for as long as mankind had tribes and, yes, it's in the Bible, but there is no reason to think an all powerful, all merciful God would condone slavery.

The thing is, you guys on the right treat the bible like it is the inspired word of God. Therefore, if God said slavery was okay, called on slaves to obey their masters, how can you not call that an endorsement??

Another of your long list of lies. LOL

"You?" with a question mark is not "What university did you attend?:

Sorry, dude, you lose again.

"But we done learned that at talking snake U!"
Jefferson Davis is no hero of mine but Robert E Lee is required reading to anyone interested in military history.

Why? Because he led thousands of men to their deaths in battles that were ultimately pointless for a cause that even he knew was morally wrong?

That makes him kind of evil, actually
The thing is, you guys on the right treat the bible like it is the inspired word of God. Therefore, if God said slavery was okay, called on slaves to obey their masters, how can you not call that an endorsement??
While there are certainly a few who believe exactly as you say, that is not the common consensus.

Your prejudices and hatred often lead you down a false path. You, like other racists, haters, etc, are free to believe as you do, but people like me are free to disagree and voice that disagreement.

Lie all you like, but like the boy who cried "wolf!", even if you do tell the truth, I doubt many will believe you.
Jefferson Davis is no hero of mine but Robert E Lee is required reading to anyone interested in military history.
Agreed. Lee was a terrific general and a good leader. He was an exceptional officer for 32 years prior to the Civil War and his actions after the war continued to show how much he was revered as a leader.

There is a barracks named after him at West Point. If the LW radical PCers and historical revisionists had their way, I'm sure they'd try to erase that history too.

While there are certainly a few who believe exactly as you say, that is not the common consensus.

Your prejudices and hatred often lead you down a false path. You, like other racists, haters, etc, are free to believe as you do, but people like me are free to disagree and voice that disagreement.

Lie all you like, but like the boy who cried "wolf!", even if you do tell the truth, I doubt many will believe you.

Yawn, guy. Let's get back on track here, okay. The question here is, should traitors who started a bloody war in order to perpetuate a racist attrocity be afforded places of honor and reverence...

and the answer is... no.

Glad we sorted that out for you.

Agreed. Lee was a terrific general and a good leader. He was an exceptional officer for 32 years prior to the Civil War and his actions after the war continued to show how much he was revered as a leader.

Actually, the best thing we did was appropriate his property to make a cemetary for America's REAL heroes, which didn't include him.

There is a barracks named after him at West Point. If the LW radical PCers and historical revisionists had their way, I'm sure they'd try to erase that history too.

Tell me something, how do you think an African American cadet would feel walking past that building every day?
While there are certainly a few who believe exactly as you say, that is not the common consensus.

Your prejudices and hatred often lead you down a false path. You, like other racists, haters, etc, are free to believe as you do, but people like me are free to disagree and voice that disagreement.

Lie all you like, but like the boy who cried "wolf!", even if you do tell the truth, I doubt many will believe you.

Yawn, guy. Let's get back on track here, okay. The question here is, should traitors who started a bloody war in order to perpetuate a racist attrocity be afforded places of honor and reverence...

and the answer is... no.

Glad we sorted that out for you.

Agreed. Lee was a terrific general and a good leader. He was an exceptional officer for 32 years prior to the Civil War and his actions after the war continued to show how much he was revered as a leader.

Actually, the best thing we did was appropriate his property to make a cemetary for America's REAL heroes, which didn't include him.

There is a barracks named after him at West Point. If the LW radical PCers and historical revisionists had their way, I'm sure they'd try to erase that history too.

Tell me something, how do you think an African American cadet would feel walking past that building every day?
Just fine. After all we are talking about a cadet who will be an officer one day.
Yawn, guy. Let's get back on track here, okay. ...
The yawn is a coward who started a fight by derailing the thread and now wusses out whining about "let's get back on track" after he got his ass repeatedly kicked for lying.

Your views of the Civil War are so distorted as to be far from the truth. If you really do have a history degree, and it's clear you should get a refund, then you need to review the history.
Just fine. After all we are talking about a cadet who will be an officer one day.

Well, frankly, we need to close West Point and Annapolis or privatize them. $400,000 to produce a single O-1 is ridiculous.

But to the point, living in a building named after a racist who wanted to keep your ancestors as slaves would be pretty offensive.
The yawn is a coward who started a fight by derailing the thread and now wusses out whining about "let's get back on track" after he got his ass repeatedly kicked for lying.

Your views of the Civil War are so distorted as to be far from the truth. If you really do have a history degree, and it's clear you should get a refund, then you need to review the history.

Guy, up here in the North, where we don't teach about Talking Snakes in College-

The Civil War was about Slavery. Sorry, it just was. And the scumbag racists and war criminals who fought it will get their just deserts, even if took a century too long.
And we will still keep the Confederacy. God bless Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee.

YEs, because God was totally into slavery and rape. It says so in the Bible.

(And, no, sadly, I'm not making that up.)
Why would an atheist take the Bible literally? Yes, slavery has been around for as long as mankind had tribes and, yes, it's in the Bible, but there is no reason to think an all powerful, all merciful God would condone slavery.
. If a person of today commits a crime, and that person is put in jail, then that person has been placed into bondage until their sentence is served ( they belong to the state or the federal government until released ).

Not sure why certain blacks were sold into slavery by the Africans , and I don't think it was because they were criminals , but rather that the Africans who sold them were the criminals.

Us thinking that we had to treat them in the ways that we did in order to get them to work in the way that they did was wrong.. It took us a while, along with our Christian beliefs to realize that slavery was wrong even though we needed a tremendous job done in those fields, but just as the excuse is made for the illegals today (who will do this work right ? ), It was probably the same excuse that was made back then in order to keep slavery going or justified.....

Corporations or some rich business owners of today want to justify the illegals so they can have cheap physical labor today in abundance, and get the taxpayers to foot the bill for them.

Now is there always going to be this excuse by corporations (whether modern day or old as in plantations), to suggest that we can't get anything done without having an uneducated, strong willed, strong physically abled large group of humans to do it with, and for whom are very low maintenance and very low cost in order to get a job done ????

What ever happened to Americans making their kids proud to work, get educated, be decent human beings, moral fibered, good, and loyal patriots in this country be it black or white etc.???? We were close to this in the seventies and early eighties, but then we went global, and it all went to hell.
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While there are certainly a few who believe exactly as you say, that is not the common consensus.

Your prejudices and hatred often lead you down a false path. You, like other racists, haters, etc, are free to believe as you do, but people like me are free to disagree and voice that disagreement.

Lie all you like, but like the boy who cried "wolf!", even if you do tell the truth, I doubt many will believe you.

Yawn, guy. Let's get back on track here, okay. The question here is, should traitors who started a bloody war in order to perpetuate a racist attrocity be afforded places of honor and reverence...

and the answer is... no.

Glad we sorted that out for you.

Agreed. Lee was a terrific general and a good leader. He was an exceptional officer for 32 years prior to the Civil War and his actions after the war continued to show how much he was revered as a leader.

Actually, the best thing we did was appropriate his property to make a cemetary for America's REAL heroes, which didn't include him.

There is a barracks named after him at West Point. If the LW radical PCers and historical revisionists had their way, I'm sure they'd try to erase that history too.

Tell me something, how do you think an African American cadet would feel walking past that building every day?
Just fine. After all we are talking about a cadet who will be an officer one day.
. Yep that cadet should be proud about everything that has led him to where he is today, and to respect the nations history as such.
The yawn is a coward who started a fight by derailing the thread and now wusses out whining about "let's get back on track" after he got his ass repeatedly kicked for lying.

Your views of the Civil War are so distorted as to be far from the truth. If you really do have a history degree, and it's clear you should get a refund, then you need to review the history.

Guy, up here in the North, where we don't teach about Talking Snakes in College-

The Civil War was about Slavery. Sorry, it just was. And the scumbag racists and war criminals who fought it will get their just deserts, even if took a century too long.
. I saw an elderly black lady speaking to her son when she said no one today owes you anything son, but the doors are open for you, and it is up to you to do right by it... Now if an African American chooses a path in life that is bad, should we think that it is because of us (the white man of today) that he did this ??? NOPE.

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